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Again, Vatican Punishes Gender Equality More Swiftly Than Sexual Abuse

…tal without informing the hospital of his history. Fugee continued to have contact with children, including traveling with them on retreats, until last year when a local newspaper brought his activities to light and a public outcry forced his ouster. The bishop who was supposed to supervise Fugee, John Myers, remains as head of the diocese of Newark despite calls for his removal. A group of Catholics in Kansas City, MO, is pressing the Vatican to…

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Are All Religious Experiences Reducible to 16 Desires?

…ce: the desire for beauty and sex – Saving: the desire to collect – Social Contact: the desire to have fun with peers – Status: the desire for respect based on social standing – Tranquility: the desire for safety – Vengeance: the desire to confront provocations Religion, he argues, is successful when it serves all of these needs. Naturally, I was skeptical. Do we really need another theory of religion based on universal human needs? And how, given…

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Ask the Dust: Tolerant Heathens

…ent person. This is her choice, and fortunately she has maintained regular contact with my family. They even live in the same town as my parents, who feel about the same way I do about her choice of religion. I think that her spiritual path is her choice, she is an adult woman, she can make her own decisions. My problem is now they have two young children, ages 4 and 3, who are being raised as Witnesses. My four-year-old niece has even started ask…

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Bulgaria and Orthodox Church Cancellation of Louvre Exhibit is Classic Authoritarian Move

…arly modern period. The exhibition was meant to highlight the influence of contact between Christianity and Islam on Christian art, the suggestion of which offended Bulgarian nationalists so deeply that it led to the Cultural Ministry’s refusal to loan the sixty previously promised items. Speaking to Bulgarian state television, Emmanuil Mutafov a historian and the director of the Institute for the Study of Arts at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences…

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As New Poll Finds “Increased Xenophobic Streak,” Republicans Heighten Anti-Muslim Rhetoric

…released today in a new report, “Anxiety, Nostalgia, and Mistrust,” finds “Americans’ perceptions of Islam have turned more negative over the past few years.” A majority of Americans—56 percent—in PRRI’s 2015 survey agreed with the statement that the values of Islam are “at odds with American values and way of life,” while 41 percent disagreed with that statement. That represents an increase over 2013, when 47 percent agreed with the statement and…

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Communicators for Christ: How Homeschool Debate Leagues Shaped the Rising Stars of the Christian Right

…oremost community: “Up until debate,” he explained, “the only people I had contact with were from my parents’ fundamentalist church and the homeschool groups.” While Yoza’s debate community was still conservative, it was less so than church and school, “which cracked the door open to less conservative ideas.” In fact, Yoza credits conversations with his conservative Christian debate community for the fact that he’s an atheist today. But like Stard…

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How Do Evangelical Missionaries in Brazil Justify Risking Indigenous Lives During a Pandemic?

…tate in late February” and acquired a helicopter for the purpose of making contact with uncontacted tribes, according to reporting by Sue Branford for Yes! Magazine. Headed by Larry M. Brown and a member of the Forum of Bible Agencies International (along with better known organizations like the Jesus Film Project and Wycliffe Global Alliance), Ethnos360 focuses on converting “unreached groups.” It also happens to be precisely the organization wit…

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In a Time of Chaos and Misrule, Mardi Gras’ Subversive Message is Virtually Meaningless

…i Gras’ relationship to Lent, but the more elemental, emotional, universal contact between the life of Fat Tuesday and the austerity of Ash Wednesday. Beyond the liturgical calendar there’s something intrinsic about those eternally nestled days, the ways in which we can measure the extremities of human experience between the lushness, the decadence, the celebration of Tuesday and the death of Wednesday. “Eat drink and be merry,” somebody once wrot…

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Transgender, Scientologist, “Cult Hero”

…they will someday read it. She knows, though, that for any of them to even contact her would brand them enemies of the Church. And yet, Bornstein says quite clearly that in the 1970s no one in Scientology thought of it as a religion at all. Hubbard’s teachings were regarded as infallible, but not for any specifically religious or dogmatic reason. His words were valued in the same way as, say, the New Age ‘Law of Attraction’ (formerly known as New…

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To Fight White Supremacy We Must Resist Essentialism: The Author Responds

…cated or controlled. It is worth asking how we might most effectivity make contact with the public while dodging the establishment media’s strategies for the containment of dissent. This is not about sanitization. It is about sacrificing authoritative claims to origins or authenticity on the altar of critical scholarship. If one is willing to risk losing one’s claims to yoga’s origins or authenticity, for example, one can make progress on the batt…

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