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A Lone Blogger vs. the McCain-Hagee Alliance

…ho’d asserted a divine mandate for the Holocaust and claimed that Jews themselves were responsible for the tragedy, cursed by God for the ancient Hebrew worship of idols. I hardly expected the product to go “viral”—and so to possibly alter the dynamics of an American presidential election. What I inadvertently touched on with my 4-minute, no-budget video was the growing divide in American culture, religion and politics that (according to some well…

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Making ‘The Link’: AIPAC’s New Crises

…ement, Biden condemned it. Over the course of the week, the disagreement escalated. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a 45-minute phone call to Netanyahu. Israeli ambassador Michael Oren, after being summoned to the State Department for a dressing down, reportedly called the dispute a 35-year nadir of the US-Israel relationship. Subsequently, in an attempt to tamp down concerns, Oren took to the op-ed pages of the New York Times to deny that…

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Religious Opposition To LGBT Equality Softening

…of same-sex relationships is highlighted by the image of liberal, evangelical, Catholic and other Christians marching together at Pride. In recent years, the small number of Christians who turn up to protest against Pride have been vastly outnumbered by the Christians participating in it. Hill also noted religious support in the UK last April for a new law “to allow religious elements in civil partnerships, while last year the Quakers became the…

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Kagan, “Jewish Bolshevism,” and the Legacy of a Nomination

…or the Supreme Court. Now that Kagan has been confirmed by the Senate, and California’s Proposition 8 banning gay marriage has been overturned, rightist activists have achieved one of their goals: discrediting the judicial system and Democratic support for justice issues in the eyes of their base. All this is just in time for the midterm elections. So how did all this happen? In May of this year, Manuel Miranda, a noted right-wing activist, sent o…

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Repurposing the Gospel Aura: Eminem’s Chrysler Ad Borrows Some Spirit

…er into the city, a hum that seems to emerge from the sounds of the city itself begins to cohere into a discernible soundtrack: first a pulsating rhythm, then a driving guitar riff, and ultimately a chorus of voices vocalizing around the instrumentation on a minor-ish theme (the music is from Eminem’s “Lose Yourself”). In the ad’s closing sequence, as the music swells and voices rise, Eminem enters Detroit’s historic Fox Theater and saunters with…

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New Film Chronicles Unlikely Friendship in Battle Over God and Guns

…lling commit to speaking out about it. Schenck, whose organization bills itself as “America’s only Christian outreach to top-level government officials in Washington, DC ,” is a white evangelical with close ties to conservative Republicans. In the film, he describes his “affinity” with Tea Party Republicans; McBath talks about her father, who for decades served as the president of the Illinois NAACP. Despite his dedication to both religious and po…

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Tainted Love: The Cost of Sojourners’ Refusal to Take Sides on LGBT Issues

…vember of 2010, Shane Claiborne, the charismatic figurehead of the evangelical “New Monastics” movement and a Wallis protégé, offered: We’re careful not to get hijacked by those [issues such as homosexuality] but to recognize that these are real issues… Personally, I would not be able to [marry a same-gendered couple] if I were a pastor, but I also don’t have any shame in saying, ‘I’ve got a pastor friend who would love to marry you.’  Not long af…

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Hobby Lobbying: How Corporations Got Consciences

The Green family who initiated the Hobby Lobby case may be evangelical Christians, but Hobby Lobby is very much a product of the Catholic Church’s long standing efforts to create conscience exemptions from the provision of reproductive health care. The road to Hobby Lobby began in 1972, when the ACLU filed suit against St. Vincent’s Hospital, a Catholic hospital in Billings, Montana, for refusing to allow a 32-year-old woman named Gloria Jean Tay…

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Melissa Harris-Perry: LGBT Advocates Need Public Progressive Faith

…and elsewhere. Less well known among progressive activists may be that the self-described social-scientific data geek also makes a compelling case for a more powerful progressive religious voice in the public arena.  On May 23 (in the midst of a very public debate with her former Princeton colleague Cornel West) Harris-Perry gave the keynote address at the Human Rights Campaign’s Clergy Call, which drew hundreds of LGBT-equality-supporting clergy…

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Innocent Until Proven Muslim — A Q&A with Dr. Maha Hilal

…d the Muslim Experience Since 9/11, Hilal analyzes the narrative and political mechanisms that enable the War on Terror; its institutionalized Islamophobia as entrenched in the state’s laws and policies; and how Muslims internalize, reproduce, challenge, and live with these injustices. Alongside its domestic impact, Hilal examines the global scope of the War on Terror’s systemic imperial violence and torture in state memos, reports, case studies,…

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