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The “Spaghetti Dinner” Clause That Launched The Latest Religious Freedom Suit

Just days after a new Massachusetts law took effect this month ensuring trans people have equal access to spaces of public accommodation, right-wing legal powerhouse Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) filed a lawsuit challenging the law on “religious freedom” grounds. According to the suit, filed on behalf of “four diverse Massachusetts churches,” the new statewide law requiring all places of public accommodation to make facilities available to the…

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Meet the Christian Reconstructionists Behind the Latest Birther Theory

…08). Farah is the editor of WND, the website that has played a key role in promoting birtherism. Lofton said he expected Titus’ theory to figure in Corsi’s forthcoming book, which is already being promoted on WND. (Lofton was critical of WND for focusing too much on the birth certificate rather than on this, in his view, more critical question.) Both Lofton and Titus are admirers of R.J. Rushdoony, the intellectual godfather of Christian Reconstru…

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Latest Shroud of Turin Theory: Nuclear Emissions

Last week, Professor Alberto Carpinteri of Turin Polytechnic claimed that the image of a man’s face on the Shroud of Turin, that piece of cloth believed to be the burial shroud of Christ, was caused by nuclear emissions from an earthquake that hit Jerusalem in the year 33 AD. The story made worldwide headlines. Wait, I hear you asking, wasn’t that Shroud thing proved to be a fake long ago? Well, yes. Whatever else it is, the Shroud is one of the…

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It Depends What You Mean By “Religious”: Latest Poll Says More About Us Than Candidates

A new poll from the Pew Research Center tells us, predictably enough, that Americans generally like their presidents to be “religious,” and that about half (more Republicans than Democrats) want someone who shares their religious beliefs. Indeed, people who rated a candidate as “religious” were also likely to say that person would be a good president. Sounds clear enough—but is it? The poll also confirmed that not believing in God is the single b…

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Latest Supporters of Messianic Jews: Duck Dynasty

…announced the Duck Dynasty appearances in an email today, and its website promotes the evening, called “Inexpressible Joy,” as light-hearted entertainment: Spend a fun filled evening with the Duck Commander himself, Phil Robertson, and other stars from the mega hit show, A&E’s Duck Dynasty. They’ll share heartwarming and hysterical stories about filming the show, what goes on behind the scenes, their lives, their faith, their family, and ducks. T…

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Skewing Pew: The Latest American “Religion” Poll

A new poll by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life suggests that Americans continue to view the GOP as friendlier toward religion than the Democratic Party. Forty-eight percent of persons polled regard Republicans as friendly versus twenty-nine percent of those who regard the Democrats in such a way. But clearly President Obama’s outreach efforts to evangelical communities during the campaign and since his election have paid off. His administr…

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The Latest Suspicious Ex-Muslim

This summer I wrote about “the only good Christians are ex-Muslims” as an industry amongst evangelical communities. But that’s just one segment of the industry. It seems there is a new rising star amongst the ex-Muslims and, like his antecedents, his story is highly dubious. I.Q. Al-Rassooli is being touted as the newest ex-Muslim speaker. A short look at his brief bio reveals many of the same problems that earlier professional converts have had….

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Thank You, Ben Carson, For Your Latest Anti-Muslim Rant

In an interview yesterday with Breitbart “News” Daily, Dr. Ben Carson told host Stephen Bannon that American Muslims who tried to embrace an American value like democracy while practicing Islam would have to be “schizophrenic.” Because the two, as he Islamsplained, were in no way compatible. I know, I know. I had the same reaction: Ben Carson is still running for President?! I’m not sure if he’s knocking Muslims because it draws headlines and mig…

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QAnon Didn’t Just Spring Forth From the Void — It’s the Latest From a Familiar Movement

…tax-exempt status from any group “which has a substantial interest in the promotion of… power derived from evil spirits.” I want that in every US History textbook. This is your Congress! This is who we let make laws! In the year 1985, the entirety of the US Senate was like, “Oh sure, we’re not going to fund Satan.” The idea that tax brackets are going to eliminate witches— Yeah, that’s how you do it! You know, like garlic or daylight for vampires…

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