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“I Had No Intention to Write Atheistically”: Darwin, God, and the 2500-Year History of the Debate

…ne. Humans should be mature enough to develop and maintain our own ethical code informed by scientific knowledge of its consequences, he argues, rather than rely on an ancient moral code inscribed in scriptural texts of human origin composed in a different era for reasons that no longer apply. Dawkins finally brings the story to where Rev. Adam Sedgwick feared that it would end 150 years ago when he read this pre-publication copy of Origin of Spec…

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Is LGBT-Muslim Clash Aiding Rise of Right in Europe?

…t ELCIN views marriage and will only allow a marriage between a man and a woman and not those between same-sex persons. “There is no procreation in same-sex marriage,” observed the bishop, saying marriage as established by God has the main purpose of ensuring continuation of the human race. Tanzania: Mass arrest follows spike in anti-gay rhetoric from government officials More on the mass arrest in Zanzibar, from DW: Police in Tanzania’s semi-auto…

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As Catholic Bishops Punish Dissent, Rosemary Radford Ruether’s Life and Legacy Show the Way Forward

…ports legal abortion, it gets personal. In 1984, Ferraro became the first woman and Italian American to appear on a presidential ticket. A Catholic, Ferraro had ruffled the cassocks of some members of the hierarchy—specifically, then-New York Archbishop John O’Connor. Earlier in her congressional career, Ferraro worked with Catholics for a Free Choice in fostering discussions among her fellow Catholic members of Congress. Ferraro herself supported…

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‘Atheizing’ the Dead, Religious Doughnuts, & Tax-Free Witching

…eir teachers boxes of doughnuts with religious messages attached to them. Romania has decided not to tax its witches and fortunetellers. One reason being that the witches and fortunetellers aren’t good at keeping receipts. Calvin College canceled a show by music group The New Pornographers because some people didn’t get the irony. The UK has banned an ice cream ad because some people might find its representation of a pregnant nun offensive. And a…

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New Mormon Anti-Gay Policy Sparks Mass Exodus From Church; Christian AID Workers in Africa Refuse to Help Gay Refugees; Ukraine Rejects, Then Accepts EU-Required Gay Rights Law; Global LGBT Recap

…ical Fellowship of Honduras asked the Congress to reject any initiative to promote marriage between same-sex couples… The Evangelical Fellowship rejects the proposal that emerges from the Lesbian and Gay Community… Pastors declared that they were not acting according to a whim or with fundamentalist mentality, but based on the Scriptures. The Bible lays down the principles of how to manage sexuality, which is a responsibility that human beings hav…

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“Freedom” vs. “Liberty”: Why Religious Conservatives Have Begun to Favor One Over the Other

…liberty suggests a “defensive response.” “I think you could say we are all free, but what does free mean? It’s such a general concept,” said Green, noting that liberty can have more immediate and personal connotations, when spoken to the right audience. “That word seems to resonate with a particular segment of society,” he said. It’s very clear which segment that is. Over the past ten years, lobby groups on the religious right have latched onto “r…

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Misusing Cesar Chavez in Immigration Debate

…magination. Still, Chavez suffered from insomnia and a largely benign megalomania. He is a tragic hero. In AZ, the state where the American alphabet begins and ends, there is battle for the hearts and minds of a flamboyantly religious population which continues to enact laws based on racial hatred. The humanist “Prayer of the Farm Workers” places the sentiments behind the Arizona law in sharp relief: Show me the suffering of the most miserable; So…

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‘People You May Know’ Reveals a War on Democracy Being Waged With Big Data

…pubs and restaurants have been selling this data to data brokers. But I’ll bet you it’s not the pubs and restaurants selling the data. What the pub and restaurant owners are doing is scrambling for a quick solution, thinking, we’re not coders. What the hell do we do? So they find an app, and they download the app, made by a company similar to Gloo, and they’re just harvesting data. KGV: And it’s easy, and also in terms of churches of course, socia…

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Rewriting the History of Catholic Schools in America

…religious identity. But even if Hughes was dedicated to American religious freedom, he certainly wasn’t dedicated to the freedom of Catholics within the church. Prior to his battle over the schools, Hughes spearheaded the destruction of the trustee system in Catholic parishes, a system that had since 1780 afforded the laity direct input into church governance. And as for Hughes’ dedication to poor Catholic children, it depends entirely on which on…

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Kanye West’s Critique of Prosperity Preaching

free in verse: “I’m not trying to profit off the prophet so this one’s for free.” He does this, ironically, even as his lyrics laud one of the most prominent black prosperity preachers, Creflo Dollar. Apparently, the two share a commitment to, as Lupe puts it, “no sex before you’re married,” if not a business ethic. And then there’s the fact that Kanye recorded three different videos for the song. Two of these got plenty of play on major cable net…

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