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Give Me That Old-Time Ex-Gay Snake Oil

…view LGBT people—as purely sexual beings. Foster’s screed is simply a long promo for a new ex-gay movie coming out, and the trailer, three-minutes of nauseating footage, centers around how each of these former homosexuals lived their lives in clubs, engaging in cheap, easy, and often public sex, or were sexually abused. For all the claptrap the religious right yells about how they don’t want to think of us “that way,” the trailer for the film is p…

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Trickle-Down Metaphysics and the Dawn of a Trumpian New Age

…inciple that imagining creates reality has captivated modern readers,” the promo copy explains. The publisher probably didn’t expect the book to resonate quite so uncomfortably with the political moment when they chose November 8th—Election Day—as its publication date. But indeed, Donald Trump’s distinctive style has roots in the spiritual tradition of which At Your Command and The Secret are both a part. Neville was just ahead of his time. Born i…

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The Jihadi Revolution is Dead (But Bin Laden’s Death Didn’t Kill It)

…ability of the jihadi image of violent social change. On the other hand, a significant number of failures of nonviolent resistence may lead to a violent backlash once again. Not all protests will end like Tunisia and Egypt. Others will be ruthlessly crushed, as was the Green Revolution in Iran in 2009. The current protests in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Libya face an uncertain end. Failure of nonviolent revolution has, in the past, been the occasio…

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Nonviolence, Muslim Style: From Ghaffar Khan to Tahrir Square

…Historically, Tunisia has been one of the most progressive in the Arab world in terms of women’s rights, and I think women there are determined to keep it that way.   Front-page image: An Egyptian anti-government activist kisses a riot police officer following clashes in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Jan. 28, 2011. Photo by Lefteris Pitarakis….

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Is Liberalism Islamic?: An Interview with Mustafa Akyol

…uture. But other Islamist parties such as the Freedom and Justice Party of Egypt, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, still seem to believe in an “Islamic state” that will impose an “Islamic way of life” on society. The problem with that is not just authoritarianism. It is also that whomever imposes Islam via the state will be imposing the “Islam” that he or she understands. But since no Muslim school of thought can claim an ultimate access to…

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Where In The World Is Barack Hussein Obama?

…ut off economic aid. Not military aid. What? How? On what logic? It is the Egyptian military that has struck back, in a kind of Star Wars: Episode V, except this is an incompetent deep state lashing out. (What future awaits Egypt is clear enough—a bombing of its consulate in Libya, and some 24 police officers attacked and killed in the Sinai, near the border with Gaza.) Why have we become so incapable of taking a stand? When all you have left is a…

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But Are They “The Good Muslims”?

…afis can we live with, and who would we prefer to live without? Salafis in Egypt are hard to pin down, too. Does their conservative theology make them politically dangerous, or politically irrelevant? Today, we’d guess the former. But prior to January 25, 2011, leading Egyptian Salafis were against political participation.  None of this is to say we shouldn’t have real concerns. But we shouldn’t let our concerns push us into falsely reassuring cat…

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LGBTs in Philippines Reflect on Papal Visit; Francis Meets Trans Man Shunned by Parish; French Group Turns ‘Bar of Sodom’ into ‘Pub of Mercy’; Global LGBT Recap

…er, Azza Sultan, and Amar Yehia have published “Homosexuality in Sudan and Egypt: Stories of the Struggle for Survival” in the Harvard Kennedy School’s LGBTQ Policy Journal. Gay and lesbian Sudanese and Egyptians struggle daily to cope with the constant fear, discrimination, and physical abuse that they and their peers face, harboring a relentless feeling of hopelessness in the face of a relatively conservative society, with a majority Muslim popu…

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Muslim Mickey Mouse Tweet as Egyptian Wedge Issue

…accusing its rival of “political fraud.” On Friday, fresh protests across Egypt showed that many Egyptians continue to seek expedited prosecutions of former members of the Mubarak regime. In Alexandria, the FEP took a visible role in providing tents wired with internet access to media covering the protests. In popular Egyptian political imaginations, Egypt’s second city is traditionally considered a Muslim Brotherhood stronghold. After initial re…

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Pope Decries ‘Ideological Colonization’ of Family; Islamic State Executes Gays and Others; Gay Couple Gets Long-Delayed Wedding in Mexico; Global LGBT Recap

…guably serves el-Sisi’s need for a scapegoat community upon which to blame Egypt’s woes under his rule. To be sure, there was never equality or real acceptance of LGBT people in Egypt, or any other staunchly Muslim country in the region, for that matter. But according to sources inside the country and expatriates interviewed for this article, there was a time not so long ago when to be gay or trans wasn’t as terrifying as it is today. That was bef…

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