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Why Being “Faith Friendly” Isn’t Worth It For Democrats

…ns are more actually more likely to be active in politics. They hold voter registration drives and letter-writing campaigns. They also talk more about politics in the pulpit. (They don’t generally make partisan suggestions in worship, though.) What risk is there to the faith of Democratic voters by engaging religion in partisan battle? Is that risk worth it? Second: why, for the love of God or not, are we always talking about building a Religious…

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White Christian Complaints About Religious Persecution Are Especially Ugly on MLK Day

…cidentally a member of the same denomination whose persecution in early America prompted the creation of this nation’s first legislative defense of religious freedom. As Monday’s blog post by Americans United for Separation of Church and State explains, the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom paved the way for modern bills at the state and federal level intended to protect religious freedom, and even informed the crafting of the First Amendment…

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LifeSite Complains that Local Boy Scout Chapter is Not Homophobic Enough

…d back into the program by falsifying personal information or skirting the registration process. Others were able to jump from troop to troop around the country thanks to clerical errors, computer glitches or the Scouts’ failure to check the blacklist. The report reveals some serious issues around child safety, rape culture, and the dismissal of victim experiences. Perhaps this is more of a priority right now for BSA than pandering to homophobia….

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Mega-Church and State Separation? Not in an Election Year

…rograms and services to help resurrect the dying church, including a voter registration program with the goal of registering every eligible voter in his congregation. Atkins claims to even “lick the envelope and stick on the stamp for them.“ Before you get bent out of shape about blurring lines separating church and state and how churches don’t deserve their tax exemption and they’re all just in it to establish a theocracy, though, consider this:…

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The Kremlin and the Church: Russia’s Holy Alliance

…dopted the 1997 law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations.” Promoted by the Orthodox Church and directed specifically against new religious movements, the law distinguished between the four traditional faiths—Russian Orthodoxy, Islam, Buddhism, and Judaism—and non-traditional groups such as Pentecostals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Latter-Day Saints, and Hare Krishnas. In order to maintain legal status, churches had to prove that they had…

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Pamela Geller Bars Muslims from “Human Rights” Conference

…Geller’s staff engages in to avoid having actual Muslims attend her conference. And what kind of person does attend the conference? The AAI staffers interviewed one attendee who who declared that Muslims who want to put “America under the yoke of Islam” are “enemies of America.” (He guesses that this might be about 20 or 40 percent of American Muslims, and says he also considers President Obama to be one of these “enemies of America.”)  Watch:…

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Anti-Immigration Candidate’s Ties to Anti-Gay Church of Rwanda

…il fraud. As the activities of ACORN have demonstrated, organizations that promote voter fraud have burrowed into every corner of our country. In Kansas, the illegal registration of alien voters has become pervasive.” I love the phrase, “burrowed into every corner of our country”—like it’s an alien invasion of bedbugs. But rather than address a real problem, Kobach is just using the issue to continue banging away at the demonization of those who d…

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Calvary is Bleak, But Can it Kick?

…oss his face in moments of encounter with that ugliness. But it’s merely a registration of the fact that suffering is inescapable. Father James moves on, full speed ahead, to compassion. Nonetheless, the film depicts the kind of place where the town tart wears a leopard print coat and red lipstick; the town doctor is a cokehead whose paths drip oily facetiousness (and is played by Game of Thrones’ Aiden Gillen, aka Littlefinger, with his Littlefin…

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So Much for “Judeo-Christian” Values

…ng that Cantor “wants to herd even more gun owners into a federal database registration system.” Cantor, the ad went on, “doesn’t sound like a Virginian or a Republican anymore. Eric Cantor sounds like someone else”—another bogeyman, Barack Obama. That ad was pretty clear: he’s not one of us. But was that because he was Jewish, or because he briefly diverged from firearms orthodoxy? In any case, it can now be said that in terms of representation i…

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Anti-Gay Celebration in Uganda; Weddings in England; ‘Francis Effect’ at the Vatican

…international aid to NGOs providing social services. Scott Lively, the American pastor who has fomented anti-gay extremism is Africa, Russia, and Eastern Europe, was profiled last week by Inigo Gilmore at Britain’s Channel 4. In an interview, Lively repeated his earlier assertions that he has “mixed feelings” about Uganda’s law and angrily denounced as “propaganda” the suggestion that he had inflamed anti-gay hysteria in the country. President Ob…

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