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Leadership Conference of Women Religious: No Retreat, No Surrender

…of support from lay Catholics, who stood with signs outside the meeting in St Louis showing their support. Franciscan Sr. Pat Farell instructed the sisters to be “fearless” in their response to the Vatican, and the end of her speech as she stepped down from her office was a phrase she learned in Chile during the Military dictatorship. “They can crush a few flowers, but they cannot hold back the springtime.” It is probably going to take a spring st

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Walt Whitman’s Sacred Democracy

…tomary route in speaking of inception, rise, and fall. For Whitman, the first stage of an emerging and distinctively American civilization was the establishment of a secure political foundation in a Constitution and a Bill of Rights. That was the great achievement in the late 1700s.   That foundation was sorely tested by the Civil War, true, but in Whitman’s eyes, the nation passed the test, and thereby unwittingly set the stage for it is own fair…

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Why We Need a Public Black Theology for the 21st Century

…u was already set, defined in white terms: conservative or liberal or leftist, postmodernist or pragmatist or humanist. And Christianity was not on the menu. Religion may not have been an intellectual or political option, but it was a option in terms of style. The performance of the black preacher was still much-admired by the white world, even as Christian ideas were met with ridicule. That style of performance allowed whites to nostalgically emb…

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Are the Girls Scouts Evil? And What About Thin Mints?

…o hasn’t gotten the memo from Pope Francis that the culture wars are over, St. Louis Archbishop Robert Carlson is urging parishes in his diocese to cut ties with the Girl Scouts because the organization is “increasingly incompatible with Catholic values.” And what could members of the 100-year-old girls service organization be doing that has so alarmed Carlson? Are Brownies dissing Jesus by making Christmas trees out of old Reader’s Digests? Is so…

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The High Church of Art

…ting consciousness turned “in part on a suggestive paradox: How can modernist aesthetics be reconnected with a complex mystical tradition from which it has never been separated?” (italics mine). In other words, how may the modern museum escape the fiction of its own secularity and thereby rediscover its spiritual roots, its spiritual task? It is telling that Sweeney’s bold vision was not entirely successful. He resigned from the Guggenheim when Ha…

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Arrest the Pope: New Atheist Effort to Seek Justice in Sexual Abuse Crisis Should Be Applauded

…twork of those Abused by Priests is pushing for action against four former St. Louis clerics, all accused of child sexual abuse, two of whom now still work for the Church overseas. Fr. William A. Christensen heads a nonprofit in Bangladesh and Fr. Charles H. Miller works in Rome. Two months ago, a Post Dispatch column about a Bangladesh service project (called the Institute for Integrated Rural Development) mentioned that Christensen is still work…

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Why David Brooks Doesn’t Get the Outrage Over AIG

…ies in the rich array of mathematical and psychological analysis that is most striking and most misleading about it. We don’t need a President or Treasury Secretary to hold our hand; we don’t need to be reassured, and we don’t need help getting in touch with our anger. Rather, what the seemingly endless rolling tide of concussive scandals—all the lies, the subterfuge, the duplicity, and the grabbing of one’s own undue share before the rest of popu…

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Argue-by-Number: A Suggestion for the Church

…er to do, and they share only that one joke-book. But what explains the constant number-calling around homosexuality in so many American churches? Why do we rehearse arguments most anyone active in church has already heard dozens of time? Why do we behave like prisoners? I don’t think that long-term veterans of church debates have much hope that undecided people will be persuaded by the repetition. Most of us know that persuasion happens in other,…

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The Sacred and the Dead: Operator, Can You Help Me?

…oung adulthood. Pigpen’s “rider” has departed for an unknown place. He’s lost her number and can’t find it. “Directory don’t have it, central done forgot it.” And he’s desperate to reach her, if for nothing more to make sure she’s “doing it right.” It’s clear in the song that Pigpen’s search for a viable number is, at best, a futile proposition. Still he dials the telephone operator to try find that lost landline. Problem is, he’s not even sure wh…

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In the Aftermath of the “Himalayan Tsunami”

…ms, and logging projects. Particularly since Uttarakhand became a separate state (first as Uttaranchal) in 2000, the region has seen a massive rise in the number of visitors to the region, especially by the growing Indian middle class. Roads widened and hotels and visitor services grew exponentially. Building a new hotel or a restaurant by the side of the road felt like a smart investment—even when the road was near a river. Kedarnath saw the buil…

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