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A Muslim Reflects on Christian Theologian (and UCLA Coach) John Wooden

…er of the amazing things about him. He was approachable, answering his own phone and mail, meeting with complete nobodies like me. I thanked him for the basketball lessons that I had learned from him, but more importantly for the life lessons. His beloved wife Nellie had passed away in 1985 after 53 years of marriage, and my wife had died suddenly in 1992. Coach gave me a powerful model for dealing with that loss, a reminder that those we loved we…

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Why I Wrote the Freedom Seder And Why It’s Still Necessary 50 Years After Dr. King’s Assassination

…tian radical A. J. Muste calling Moses the organizer of “Brickmakers Union Number 1” and a pacifist Russian rabbi named Tamaret—wove them all into a new Telling of the tale of freedom. In that Telling, the then ongoing, even now unfinished, struggle of Black America for freedom was interwoven with the ancient story of the Israelites’ struggle to end their slavery under Pharaoh. Where the old Haggadah had what seemed to me a silly argument about ho…

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Gay Black Church: An Interview with Bishop Yvette Flunder

…r, were taught Christianity primarily in the context of oppression, second-class Christianity. And we have a great propensity to need to have a second-class among us. When people are disempowered, they are often empowered at someone else’s expense. Whether it’s women or children or gay people. It’s always the same thing, the same thing played out with different people. And how do we break that? How do we get through that? What has to happen is tha…

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Thoreau’s Ferocious Critique of Philanthropy Does Not Make Him “Selfish”

…t is the pious slave-breeder devoting the proceeds of every tenth slave to buy a Sunday’s liberty for the rest.” Slave-breeder is, of course, a polite term for one who perpetrated sexual violence upon enslaved people and then sold their children. Readers who shared his abolitionist leanings would have recognized the hypocrisy of “the pious slave-breeder.” Thoreau’s point was that the capitalist’s philanthropy wasn’t much better. The hypocritical c…

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The Fire This Time

…olice will be even more fearful—and trigger happy. White suburbanites will buy more guns to make themselves feel safer, and Donald Trump will look like a savior. Meanwhile Black parents will talk to their children in hushed tones, Philando and Alton’s relatives will cry bitter tears (and be approached by predatory lawyers hoping to catch a civil case) and children will have nightmares and call out for their fathers. Preachers will ignore, or call…

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Trump is Helping the Economy… The Apocalypse Economy

…ker’s show is dedicated to making sure you have plenty of opportunities to buy these top-grade survival rations. The up-front costs are high. For example, the Time of Trouble Tasty Food Offer, which can apparently feed you for seven years, costs $2,800. Bakker also offers survival gear like a portable fuel-less generator and filter-equipped water bottles. The show offers plenty of reasons that would-be shoppers should stock up on all these surviva…

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Gambian Leaders Portray Anti-Gay Law as Defense of Islam, Ugandan Politicians as ‘Christmas Gift’; Global LGBT Recap

…t him. In what the Polish media are calling “the Biedron effect,” a record number of candidates also came out publicly before the local elections, which took place in two rounds over the last two weeks. None of the others won seats, but gay rights activists are still hugely encouraged by the change. Their poor showing can be attributed largely to the fact that they were mostly young first -time candidates with left wing parties, which saw little s…

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Hajj Journal: M & M

…though this, the men would hover around the tent entries, send notes, make phone calls, actually get their phone cords recharged, and send food and drink through every possible opening in the tent. As far as I could tell, it was always the men hanging around our tent and not the women hanging around the men’s tent. Pretty funny if you think about it. They were like lost puppies without their women. Yet patriarchy would have us think they are the m…

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How a Bill O’Reilly Bestseller Helps Explain the Anti-Semitism Behind the Poway Shooting

…ng primes readers to view Jesus and his followers as different in race and class from other Jews—to view them as white, working-class Europeans. On the very page of their book that features the painting, O’Reilly and Dugard impose their physiognomics of difference onto the account in Luke 2:41-52 of the young Jesus teaching in the temple: “If anyone thinks it odd that a smooth-cheeked, simply dressed child from rural Galilee should be sitting alon…

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UPDATED: The Coup That Never Ends: ‘Whitemanism’ and the Perils of a Flimsy Liberalism

…, and environmental regulation to a minimum? Ensuring white power ensures corporate power. There’s no mischaracterization. 6. Back to the path forward for progressives. Nobody I know who is serious about racial justice ignores for one minute the role of class. Sadly, the paladins of waging class struggle often won’t reciprocate and acknowledge the role of race. And until they do, the idea of a winning class struggle will remain what it’s always be…

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