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Angry Voters, Right-Wing Populism, & Racial Violence: People of Faith Can Help Break the Linkages

…ory. The Tea Parties and Town Hall protests along with the “9/12” rally in Washington DC last Fall were visible proof; as are the ongoing and anti-tax “Liberty” protests. In mid-January, the overwhelmingly Democratic Commonwealth of Massachusetts elected a conservative Republican, Scott Brown, to fill the Senate seat of the late Ted Kennedy. Brown was backed by some of the Tea Party groups and built his campaign using right-wing populist rhetoric….

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Our Lady of Good Hope and Excellent Behavior: Why this Apparition and Why Now?

…ion by joining other denominations or leaving Christianity altogether. The number of priests and nuns was at an all-time low even before the recent sexual scandals, and the number of self-identified Catholics world-wide keeps declining. Many of those who remain in the Church ignore standard doctrines and believe what they want. How many Catholics disobey Church rules? About as many as the angels dancing on a pinhead. Believers know that Jesus prom…

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Virginians may Vote in Elections, But in Counties with Militias Democracy Hangs in the Balance

…during Capitol Siege,” NPR, July 22, 2022. [15] “Varieties of Democracy,” International Democracy Community. The International Democracy Community describes electoral democracy as a baseline for other, more expansive types of democracy. A country can be defined as an electoral democracy if it has competitive elections. A liberal democracy, by contrast, holds competitive elections and protects individual rights to both prevent the “tyranny of the…

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Puerto Rico Prays for Truth: Reporter David Begnaud’s Sacred Mission

…he cries of thirst, praising those delivering aid and, at times (as at the airport), seemingly singlehandedly prompting the delivery of such aid, through his broadcasts. Since the storm hit, he has been both relentless and reliable, a paragon of old-fashioned, shoe-leather reporting, investigating and clarifying, handing his microphone to the people on the flooded streets. As one Twitter user, among the first to have photoshopped Begnaud’s counten…

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Return of Uganda Anti-Gay Bill?

…Canada. She is calling criticism leveled against anti-gay persecution in Uganda by the Canadian foreign minister an attack on Uganda’s sovereignty and culture. She reportedly received a hero’s welcome at the airport. “The rally at Entebbe’s airport was organized by religious leaders, former Ethics and Integrity Minister James Nsaba Buturo, and Anti-Homosexuality Bill sponsor M.P. David Bahati.”…

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Delillo and Doctor Strange: Orientalist Fantasy is Alive and Well

…sm by turning the idea of pilgrimage to the East into satire. Kyrgyzstan’s airport is as boring as everyone else’s airport; the East is as bland as the West. In Raiders of the Lost Ark, the East exists to make Indiana Jones more exciting and virile; in Zero K, the East exists to make Jeffrey even duller. But DeLillo doesn’t present the Orient as all dull pilgrimages and airports. In a gratuitous scene he sends to Jeffrey’s room at the Convergence…

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Hajj Journal:
This Cultural Hajj

…nds. The road signs had a little airplane logo to designate the way to the airport. I never got lost going, but always got lost trying to get back home. I used to say, there needs to be a sign with a little picture of my house to direct me. I knew how to get to the mountain but I forgot to make markers for getting back! Anyway, while wandering around until I found the road with that gate that led to our tent, I did get to observe the breadth of di…

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Hajj Journal: Part of the Process

…ings time put the regular fajr prayer within reach before departure to the airport—I had already been up for two hours by then. I prayed the recommended two rakat followed by the niyyah du’a first, that is to recite my intention to make hajj tamattu. From that moment on, I recited the recommended supplications or du’a. My middle daughter came to drive me to the airport, and despite stripping down to a short white scarf at security I still got the…

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Jesus, Carpet Bomb My Heart: An Undercover Muslim in Detroit

…s probably thought Kamal Saleem represented Islam. But on the drive to the airport that disappointment lifted. America is in crisis, as Engle warned, but its solution can be intimated in the popular energy that has animated engagement from Wisconsin to Wall Street to Tahrir—on the way to the airport, I drove past Occupy Detroit. Our imaginations are once more open, as we consider the incompatibilities of unchecked capital and genuine democracy. In…

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Too Hot for Shul: Rabbis Seek Healthy Israel Dialogue After Gaza

…llennial congregation at the historic Sixth and I Synagogue in Washington, DC’s Chinatown. She said she urged her friend to meet again and again with her rabbi “until you can figure out how you can have a conversation.” “We need to have these conversations,” said Stutman, “and I still think synagogues are the best place for them.” Co-sponsored by J Street, the school’s J Street U chapter, and the New Israel Fund, the event was titled “Test of the…

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