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From the cover of the Kindle edition of C. Peter Wagner's book.

It’s Not the Name It’s the Theocratic Vision — THE NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION’S PR PROBLEM

…ng several writing at RD. We needn’t rehash all that except to note that a number of the Summit’s participants suggested that the name of their movement poses a public relations problem. While the term New Apostolic Reformation* has stood the test of time for more than a quarter of a century, some don’t like it, mostly because others in the movement have been harshly criticized. Several speakers argued that NAR should not be used because, even amo…

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Why Real Political Power Will Not Come From a Revived Religious Left

…n, labeled as belonging to poor folks of many races — poor whites, blacks, Puerto Ricans, American Indians — and a pair of worried politicians speaking together in the background, with a caption that reads, “What worries me, senator, is that they’re getting into step.” Building the unity of the poor and dispossessed is itself an act of building political power. Yet talking about centering the ethical framework of the poor isn’t the same as romanti…

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Gimme Shelter: Queer Space Is Sanctuary

…can violence in the ’80s: Fernandez, Menendez, Flores, Velasquez, Perez. A Puerto Rican drag queen had performed that night. In the photographs taken in daylight, the living clutching one another are mostly young and brown. Are they refugees, the children of refugees, undocumented? Irrelevant. They are the living. Among the dead, a young man texting his mother: “Mommy I love you. He’s coming. I’m going to die.” In the 1980s queers in San Francisco…

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Will the Religious Side with Workers?

…e contemporary Jewish community who “live like Episcopalians and vote like Puerto Ricans” (in Milton Himmelfarb’s still-apt phrase) abandon American Jews’ traditional allegiance to trade unionism? Will increasingly affluent Roman Catholics likewise begin to ditch the solidaristic ethic that has meant so much to earlier generations of US Catholics? There is some evidence that growing numbers of white Catholics share at least some of the negative vi…

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Meet the New LDS Face of Immigration Politics

…be unveiled Tuesday. In an editorial last week in the Idaho Statesman, the Puerto Rican-born Labrador, who is LDS, cited his experience practicing immigration law for fifteen years as a key factor in support for sensible, comprehensive reform that focuses on border security, creates guest worker programs, and “normalizes” the status of the undocumented. But Labrador has almost certainly been the beneficiary as well of political cover provided by t…

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How the Religious (and ‘Nones’) Vote May Tip 6 Swing States

…s yes, he’s got a pretty good shot of it. According to PRRI, he has decent numbers among the white suburbanites who will make up the swing vote of the election (to the extent that the “swing vote” is a meaningful category). That’s far from a guarantee, however, especially with a candidate this volatile. Democrats also have a realistic opening to deny Trump re-election. Let’s play faith outreach director in the six states PRRI mentions as toss-ups,…

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Kagan, “Jewish Bolshevism,” and the Legacy of a Nomination

…JFK, LBJ, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama, one was black, Marshall; one was Puerto Rican, Sonia Sotomayor. The other five were Jews: Arthur Goldberg, Abe Fortas, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Stephen Breyer, and Elena Kagan. If Kagan is confirmed, Jews, who represent less than 2 percent of the US population, will have 33 percent of the Supreme Court seats. Is this the Democrats’ idea of diversity? If Kagan is confirmed, the Court will consist of three Jews…

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What’s Missing From Popular Discussions of Today’s Christian Nationalism?

…they aren’t racist after all. But the strategy works with a nonnegligible number of voters of color, too. Between 2016 and 2020, Trump made substantial gains among Latino voters in particular. In Kissimmee, the speakers, and especially the speakers of color, had a unified message about race, and it was one that Democratic strategists might wish to note as they craft their own messaging and outreach in the run-up to the 2022 midterm elections. Spe…

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What We Need to Understand is that Fascism is Intersectional and Erotic—’Thy Rod is Thy Gun,’ With a Hip-Thrust

…preacher had started but the press was sitting back there looking at their phones not paying attention. This the most right-wing preacher I’ve ever heard—he’s screaming [for] Holy war—and they didn’t cover it! And then they ask, where did the evangelical support come from? So I go to the bar to get drunk. There’s some other people with the same mission. Amongst them, some former steelworkers. They hate Trump and they know Trump’s a racist, but the…

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The End of Roe and the Assault on Trans People — Fail to See the Bigger Picture and We’ll Never Be Free

…against their will during the slavery era, to the hundreds of thousands of Puerto Rican women who were forcibly sterilized, America has repeatedly demonstrated the savage violence of which it is capable. But this moment’s wide-ranging threat also points to our deepest promise: We’re all in the same fight together. Jewish people whose religious traditions enshrine abortion rights in thousands of years of halachic tradition; trans siblings and all t…

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