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how to get cheap airline tickets for thanksgiving phone number 1-800-299-7264

Founding Father John Adams’ Advice to Rick Perry: Don’t Meddle in Religion

…This principle is at the bottom of the unpopularity of national Fasts and Thanksgiving. Nothing is more dreaded than the National Government meddling with Religion. This wild Letter, I very much fear, contains seeds of an Ecclesiastical History of the U.S. for a Century to come. Ever the prognosticator, Adams’ prediction that his letter contained “seeds of an Ecclesiastical History of the U.S.” seems modest, as his seeds are still vital some two…

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Betrayed at the Polls, Evangelicals of Color at a Crossroads

…black and white evangelical leaders tried working together. At the seminal Thanksgiving Workshops, annual meetings in which evangelical luminaries tried forging a progressive coalition, black leaders like John Perkins and William Pannell advanced conversations about combatting racism within white evangelical culture. Discussions flourished momentarily, but support from white evangelicals eventually waned. (The same pattern played out with women.)…

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For Some of Us, the Biggest Religious Event of 2016 Was the Gilmore Girls Revival

…. I enjoy books and shows and albums alone, behind closed doors and on headphones and small screens. Sharing my passions with others feels like a painful chipping away at that first magical moment of discovery. How could I possibly explain it without tampering with it? How could someone else possibly respond without misunderstanding or belittling my experience? If culture is my internal ritual, religion has always been my external one. It’s not th…

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WikiLacks: Did Clinton Campaign Mock Catholics? Not Really

…ch.” My family usually gets to this after about the third glass of wine on Thanksgiving. More telling than commonplace observations about the current state of the Catholic church and the highly selective conservative Catholicism of the Rupert Murdochs of the world is the slate of Catholics whom Trump picked for his so-called Council of Catholic Advisors. Among the Catholics on the panel are former Senator Rick “Man on Dog” Santorum; Marjorie Danne…

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Few Religion Questions at Debate

…usly-inflected answers. Perhaps the candidates are saving all that for the Thanksgiving Family Forum sponsored by the FAMiLY Leader. But Perry’s response on climate change — he insists the science doesn’t support the conclusion that human activity causes it — was clearly aimed at a religious audience. More on that in my next post. UPDATE: I neglected to mention in the original post that I had some interesting reactions via my Twitter feed to the a…

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Chilean Mine Rescue: Largest Global Spiritual Event Ever?

…the day to live feeds from the mine shaft to computers, laptops, and smartphones around the world. Millions, likewise, participated in the digital call-and-response of tweeted and retweeted updates from Chilean officials, onsite reporters, and friends and family members of the miners; along with prayers and encouragements from the millions watching the rescue. In addition, hundreds of Facebook groups sprung up as global digital sanctuaries for pr…

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What We Actually Mean By ‘Sacrifice’ During the Pandemic Makes All the Difference

…ve, any act of sacrifice is unavoidably bound to the pursuit of communion, thanksgiving and cathartic oblation (or offering to a god). And, above all else, sacrifices are meant for the greater good and are not to be undertaken lightly. To sacrifice is both an acquiescence to catastrophic circumstances and a resolution to alter those circumstances by the most unthinkable means necessary. Contrast this with acts of violence like murder or manslaught…

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Churchgoers, Stay Home—It’s The American Way

…dan, typically break each day’s fast with a large, celebratory meal. These thanksgivings are impossible now. So are many mourning rituals. Weiser, along with Kate Carté, who attends Temple Emmanuel in Dallas, noted the difficulty of sitting shiva: the seven-day period of mourning after a burial, which typically takes place in the home of the deceased. Carté observed that rabbis were “really struggling to figure out ways to do … digital shiva,” alt…

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Roy Moore’s Order To Stop Gay Marriage Licenses: A Case of Flawed Theology

…cal, evangelizing) followers. Sigh. Biblical injunctions to help the needy number roughly two thousand, yet we do not ban the marriages of those who ignore them. I did not hear that Justice Moore—or Kim Davis—checks each marriage applicant’s record on these obligations and refuses marriage to transgressors. It seems our treatment of homosexuality indeed differs from our treatment of other biblical matters. Given that the Bible is not a string of d…

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Red Pop and Freedom: How (And How Not) to Celebrate Juneteenth, a New Federal Holiday

…hind a symbolic celebration of a lofty ideal, such as faith and freedom on Thanksgiving or the 4th of July, Juneteenth is a much-needed reminder for the chronic case of historical amnesia that plagues large swathes of the American public. While Texas is not the first state that comes to mind when the history of slavery is discussed, the history of Texas is inextricably linked to the peculiar institution, as it is in many ways a quintessential slav…

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