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American Airlines 1800-299-7264 Customer Service Center

Muslim-Americans Aren’t Terrorists

…e first and last points from the executive summary: • The number of Muslim-Americans engaged in terrorist acts with domestic targets declined from 18 in 2009 to 10 in 2010. • 75% of the Muslim Americans engaged in terrorist plots in 2010 were disrupted in an early stage of planning. This is consistent with the pattern of disruption since 9/11 (102 of 161 plots—63%—were disrupted at an early stage of planning). • Less than one-third of the perpetra…

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Bible Publishers are People Too!

…to other religious nonprofits, said at a recent Georgetown University Law Center symposium that she was “not as sympathetic” to the claims of for-profit employers in this context. Georgetown law professor Marty Lederman, who convened the September 21 “Contraception and Conscience: A Symposium on Religious Liberty, Women’s Health, and the HHS Rule on Provision of Birth Control Coverage for Employees,” described these for-profit plaintiffs as “the…

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New Poll Shows Most Americans Don’t Care about Romney’s Mormonism

…uld not matter to them if a presidential candidate was Mormon. Only 25% of Americans say they are less likely to support a Mormon for president. (By comparison, 61% of Americans say they are less likely to support an atheist, 33% a gay candidate, 24% a former marijuana user, 11% a Hispanic, 7% a woman, and 3% an African-American.) But Mormonism does not matter to 70% of Republicans overall and 72% of independents. Liberal democrats polled least li…

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So You Think You Can Dance, Or At Least Lead A Populist Moral Movement

…t I just don’t see it on a broader level, despite the claims of the Kairos Center. (It would help if they fixed the page listing the organizations they’ve worked with.) The requirement for broad support is as much a matter of evangelism as anything, if you’ll excuse the term. We keep hearing about how the religious left is really getting people mobilized! But it always turns out to be the same small group of activists doing the same activist thing…

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The Unbearable Lack of Self-Awareness of the Anti-Muslim Sally Kern

…ven the set of strict laws she appears to think it is — will be imposed on Americans, but the speech of Christian kids in her Christian nation needs to be protected in the satanic public schools. In explaining his decision to join Baldwin’s Black Regiment, Kern’s husband, Steve, said, “In this day, as we continue to lose more of our freedoms through entitlements, taxes and government infringement, I want to join with other pastors who believe it’s…

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The View from a Jew at a “Solemn Assembly” Like Rick Perry’s

…, Lisa Bourland and Zimbabwean preacher Vicky Mpofu, were recruited by the American Center for Law and Justice to launch an office in Harare and lobby for constitutional provisions that would ensure continued criminalization of homosexuality, outlaw abortion, and declare Zimbabwe a “Christian nation.” The ACLJ, founded by Pat Robertson, is run by religious right legal powerbroker Jay Sekulow and his son Jordan (indeed the elder Sekulow converted f…

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Bryan Fischer Sees Gay Agenda in Lunch Mixer

…opposition to Mix It Up at Lunch Day sponsored by The Southern Poverty Law Center. Set for October 30, Mix it Up encourages kids to engage in conversation over lunch with someone who’s not in their usual clique of friends. It encourages them to break out of their usual friendships and talk with different kids. Nerds talking to jocks, cheerleaders talking to brainiacs, black kids talking to white kids, American kids talking to kids from other cultu…

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Religious Right Split on Arizona Immigration Law

…split within the religious right on immigration reform. Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice, which filed an amicus brief on behalf of 81 members of Congress defending the Arizona statute, called the court’s ruling “an extremely disappointing decision that further harms the citizens of Arizona.” But Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel, who has been part of a group of evangelicals lobbying for immigration reform (albeit without equal ri…

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Pamela Geller Accuses Critics of “Blood Libel of the Worst Kind”

…a once defended Geller’s Islamophobia by accusing the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Mark Potok of “blood libel” after his organization published a blog post, “White Supremacists Find Common Cause with Pam Geller’s Anti-Islam Campaign.” Jews Against Obama went on to write that Potok “has chosen a path of Nazi-ism and death over his Jewish faith, and has projected his own evil, on a righteous Jewish woman, who is also one of his own people, namely,…

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USCCB’s Dolan Blesses Ryan Budget

…atholic policy makers. Yet, even now, you work in opposition to it. As the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities has documented, “cuts in low-income programs appear likely to account for at least $2.9 trillion — or nearly two-thirds” of the $4.5 trillion in cuts in the Ryan proposal, including cuts to Medicaid, Pell grants, food stamps, and other programs. CBPP president Robert Greenstein said of the Ryan budget: Taken together, its proposals wo…

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