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Obama To Skip Golden Temple: Part of A Larger Problem With Religion

…f Muslims in the world. Nikki Haley, Republican gubernatorial candidate in South Carolina, is now a Christian but of Sikh descent and still goes to temple with her family. Although she is referred to as a “raghead” by other Republicans, she is very comfortable in denouncing the characterization, without insulting other religions. Of course, the idea of wearing religious covering as a sign of respect is not new for politicians: both Laura Bush and…

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Landmark OC Megachurch Declares Bankruptcy

…the money, youth (at least the white youth) and positivity have all moved south, away from the Cathedral and right into the heart of Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church territory. Nor has there been a successful transition from Schueller to a next generation of Cathedral leadership. In the last year, church revenues have dropped 30%, 140 employees have been laid off, and its opulent Easter pageant (which once drew hundreds of thousands) was cancelled…

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The Brutality of the American Eden

…aphorisms condensing David Barton’s execrable version of history to a huge listening audience, and while Christian triumphalists fight to make their version of history the official one in textbooks, there’s plenty of room for reasoned, researched, and temperate documentaries. There’s a valuable public role for these kinds of series’ even if they only wind up preaching to the converted. Furthermore, while the documentary necessarily leaves out a pl…

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Why I’m Not Watching the State of the Union Address

…“investment,” you’re speaking the language of corporate technique, not populist hope. That puts Obama 2.0 at some odds with the guy who campaigned on the themes of change and hope, of course, but I could forgive him that, at least for the purposes of deciding whether or not to tune in. It’s not exactly a surprise that since taking office, Obama has distanced himself from his populist campaign rhetoric and moved toward “royal policy.” The guy insta…

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Pastor Declares “Civil War” After Supreme Court Rejects DC Gay Marriage Case

…, I dare say Jim Crow laws would still be on the books here in my state of South Carolina. There are simply some matters, like the rights of minorities, that cannot be put to a popular vote — though the rights of gays and lesbians seem to be put to the vote often these days. Not all religious folks were complaining about the ruling, however. Rev. Rob Hardies, one of the co-chairs of DC Clergy United for Marriage Equality, said he was “delighted” w…

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Will Istanbul Ever Be a Part of the European Union?

…of the planet—you have to go to Moscow in the north, probably Dubai in the south, central Europe in the west and probably India in the east to get this kind of economic power. It doesn’t deserve to be second fiddle to anyone, and with Turkey’s rise, I can see it playing a global role, in the near future, commensurate with its historic one. At the moment I’m overlooking the last stop on the European rail network. From here, you can go all the way t…

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To Be Atheist, Feminist, and Black

…to play in black peoples’ lives. In my view, organized religion is a capitalist enterprise with specific geopolitical and ideological purposes. So, given that I reject the premise of organized religion’s moral authority, from the standpoint of a black feminist non-believer, it’s bound to piss people off. What alternative title would you give the book? “Godless and Bible Black” (with apologies to King Crimson). How do you feel about the cover? I to…

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The Drowning of Bin Laden

…wanted Osama bin Laden; in that there is cause for profound spiritual reflection. There is also, I hope, cause to end any confusion of what he and his followers did with what Muslims want and what Islam teaches. I pray we find in his anonymous burial, in the sea south of Pakistan, that at the end, none of the peoples he claimed to be fighting on behalf of wanted him; more than that, to the few grumbling voices out there, President Obama’s framing—…

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Studying Religion is Suddenly Popular

…hat comes through in Newsweek’s article—whether originating from its journalistic frame or the scholars it quotes—is embarrassment that the discipline still has to contend with such unfortunate legacies at all. We are to understand that they lead to excessively WASP-ish and monolithic student bodies (even compared to the none-too-impoverished environs of Macalester College and the University of California at Santa Barbara.) Intentionally or not, o…

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Turkey and Egypt: Islam’s Future?

…ave historical and cultural links respectively, as well as West Africa and South Asia. These aren’t just ordinary organizations, either. There are TV stations, in several languages, private schools, journals and magazines, dialogue projects, and literary festivals. I met young Albanians and Macedonians studying Islamic sciences, between themselves fluent in Albanian, Turkish, Arabic, Bulgarian, Macedonian, and English; they’re in Istanbul for gene…

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