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40,000 Fundamentalists Can’t Be Wrong: Investigating Mormon Polygamy

…ucking sound.         Secrets & Wives: The Hidden World of Mormon Polygamy Sanjiv Bhattacharya Soft Skull, 2011 But I was only peripherally aware of Mormons. I remember the polygamist Tom Green appearing on Jerry Springer once with his harem, but it wasn’t till Jon Krakauer’s book Under The Banner of Heaven came out that I started paying attention. And right on cue, Warren Jeffs, the prophet of the FLDS, went off the deep end in epic style—he bann…

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Anti-Science Bill Passes Tennessee House

…we’ve been on a slippery slope.” Floyd sounds as if he’s been listening to Texas Board of Education Don McLeroy, who, in arguing for creationist language in public school textbooks, said, “Someone has to stand up to the experts.” Sher also quotes Rep. Sheila Butt, R-Columbia, who said when she was in high school, “we gave up Aqua Net hair spray” because of fears “it was causing global warming.” “Since then scientists have said that maybe we should…

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ABC’s Good Christian Bitches Makes Feminists of Religious Right

…Good Christian Bitches is evidently about some mean rich church ladies in Texas who find each other’s lives endlessly fascinating. And in this religious community, the ritualized expression of such fascination is the oratorical “prayer request,” which is actually a veiled public humiliation. It’s rich women being catty in their expensively-decorated homes and also in church. That’s the basic idea. I gather we’re meant to find the addition of “chu…

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Creationists Try to Claim Scopes

…American about the proposed legislation, as well as continuing efforts in Texas and Louisiana to water down the teaching of evolution. What makes the Tennessee bill so interesting is that the man who leading the campaign is invoking the name of John Scopes, the science teacher convicted in 1925 for teaching evolution: [T]oday’s evolutionary scientists have become the modern-day equivalents of those who tried to silence Rhea County schoolteacher J…

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Florida Gov Cozies to Local Tea Party Xenophobes

…oast Tea Party (FCTP) is up in arms about the Mansfield School District in Texas, which received a federal foreign language teaching grant. The grant program (part of No Child Left Behind) targets Arabic, Chinese and Russian as crucial languages not enough Americans can speak, and funds elective language study in grades K-12; Mansfield is launching an elective Arabic program. As if it’s not bad enough that she doesn’t see the economic or national…

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Tea Party Needs a History Lesson on Islam in America

Phillip Dennis, a Tea Party leader in Dallas, Texas, has “a big problem with Islam.” In an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, Dennis said Obama “certainly has a soft spot in his heart for Islam” and that the current president has done more to reach out to Muslims than any other leader in American history. Dennis also disputes the president’s recent claim “that Islam has always played a major part in this country.” As he puts it, “Our founding…

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The Roots of the American Right’s Muslim Brotherhood Panic

…hypocrisy of American conservative politicians like Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum for fomenting panic about the Brotherhood’s supposedly theocratic aims: After all, in the United States it is axiomatic that Islam is inherently opposed to democracy and that Muslims are incapable of reconciling democratic and Islamic values. Never mind that the same people who scoff at the notion that religion could play no role in the emerging democracies in the…

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The Week in Religion: Haggard Would Identify
as Bisexual, Trademarking
the Virgin, Woman Kills
‘Devil Dog’

…ents monument went on display this week at the Oldham County Courthouse in Texas. The monument was donated by a coalition of local churches and citizens and sits on Courthouse Square. A woman in South Carolina viciously killed a “devil dog” after it chewed up her Bible. A new study predicts that the world’s Muslim population will double in the next twenty years. An embattled mosque in Temecula, CA has been unanimously approved by the city council….

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Creationism and Evolution are Competing ‘Myths’

…ment suggested that the universe was not created in six days about six thousand years ago. Christian leaders, not wanting to appear foolish and unscientific, tried to reinterpret the Bible to add millions of years into history.” The very attempt to reconcile science and scripture is here tantamount to a second fall—only this time, science has replaced the serpent as the adversary of God.  According to the historical trajectory proffered by the mus…

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WikiLeaks Strikes the Vatican, a Camel in the Pews, and Luke Skywalker Tolerance

…arf into a courtroom and was subsequently jailed for contempt. Fort Worth, Texas is in the midst of a brouhaha over “Good without God” bus ads put out by local atheists. Some local Christians have responded by following the buses around in a truck that says “I still love you. —God.” Drug cartel violence continues in Mexico, where a gang shootout interrupted a festival for the Virgin of Guadalupe. In other Mexican cartel news, Nazario Moreno Gonzal…

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