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How Biblical ‘Chosenness’ Has Justified Violence, Misogyny, and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment

…t indigenes have been linked inextricably. For that matter, one might wish that Coogan had specifically invoked the term “settler colonialism,” especially as his publisher—the estimable Beacon Press—also happens to have published the single best book on this fraught subject: An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz. Notwithstanding these minor omissions, Coogan has produced an extremely valuable book. Read it, an…

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Could a Real Life Jurassic Park Help with Climate Change?

…Jesus is the new Adam, the theologians say; the final chapter of the final book of the New Testament—and so for Christians, the entire Bible—discusses the Garden of Eden, where it all began. Amidst this restorationism, Shapiro’s book is that rare thing: a truly progressive text with a profound interest in the past. Shapiro is excited about de-extinction, but she’s frank about the challenges and limitations. Unlike many people who enthuse about dee…

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Judeo-Christian America: The Fall of the ‘Christian Nation’

…of letters, reports, and plans, while the middle and final portions of the book rely on a plethora of other sources. Schultz investigates movies and comic books; analyzes court cases and political speeches; and, quite impressively, he grabs the data of sociologists from the time and puts them together to present tri-faith America in all of its splendor, chaos, and complexity. Schultz takes findings from books we’re familiar with, such as Will Herb…

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Christian Morality vs. Free Markets: The Constants of a Conservative

…conservatism across the middle of the 20th century, analyzing the notable books and authors that ushered the movement to national prominence and political power. RD’s Eric C. Miller spoke with Lee about his project. Your book tells the story of movement conservatism as an internal struggle between two opposed factions—traditionalists and libertarians. The first faction values religious belief and social order, while the second is primarily concer…

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When Rabbis Seized Control of the Synagogue: The Role of Authority in American Judaism

…ning, then, is a core component in any successful scholarly enterprise. My book—I think anyway—doesn’t have an agenda. As a historian, I am moved to discover (or rediscover) new ideas and facts and reconstruct a historical moment with theses and other scholarly scaffoldings. That’s my truest agenda. If I, as a historian, and the reader, as a student of history, come out better informed and more intrigued by the complexities of religious life—then…

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The Religious Roots of American Environmentalism

…ats in the mountains, meditation in the forest, eating organic—but as your book documents, this isn’t a new phenomenon. There are 19th century figures in your book who revere nature as sanctuary for spiritual development. Is “spiritual but not religious” the next Transcendentalism, and could it be a catalyst for modern environmentalism? I’m skeptical. First of all, the percentage of “spiritual” people today is likely the same as 100 or 200 years a…

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Vainglory Days: A Foremost Expert on Religious Violence Offers Clues to How QAnon Might End

…o back to work the next day as if nothing had happened. And no one will be the wiser. But wherever its current adherents do end up, QAnon as a movement will not last. *** The essay was based on Mark Juergensmeyer’s forthcoming book When God Stops Fighting: How Religious Violence Ends published by the University of California Press. His most recent book is the related God at War: A Mediation on Religion and Warfare published by Oxford University Pr…

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New Book Details Harms of Evangelical ‘Purity’ Movement and the Obstacle to Change

When Linda Kay Klein was a teenager growing up in the Midwest, she dreamed of being cast as a virtuous woman or pious martyr in church plays. Instead, because of her sexually developed body and feminine curves, she was often cast as a demon or Jezebel figure; and once, she writes, she even played sex itself, miming the role in a skit about a Christian resisting temptations. It wasn’t until she was physically emaciated and weak, recovering from su…

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Netanyahu’s (Republican) Esther Moment

…etwork (TBN) studio was Pastor John Hagee, the author of an incendiary new book purporting to show that the Bible predicts a military confrontation with Iran. By then, Hagee’s book, Jerusalem Countdown, had sold nearly 500,000 copies. It had occupied the No. 1 position on the Wal-Mart inspirational best-seller list, showed up on Wal-Mart’s list of top 10 best sellers for seven weeks, and made the USA Today top 50 best-seller list for six weeks. Ha…

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Philadelphia Man Blames Bible for Stoning Death

…t times, cultures, and points of view. In fact, it contradicts itself from book to book, and sometimes from chapter to chapter. To say, “the Bible says …” as if it settles an argument once and for all is a terribly naïve way to read a very complicated text. Instead, one must be trained to actually read the Bible in a responsible manner – preferably, as Hauerwas states, within a community dedicated to taking the Bible seriously. As Jennifer Wright…

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