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A Secret Family History Shows “Regular” Life Under the Reich: Sarah Wildman on Paper Love

…ws, what women, what regular people experienced, day to day, week to week, year to year, under the Reich. What was striking about the search for one woman, was, in some ways, was realizing I needed to learn how to ask the right questions. Indeed: I needed to reconsider what those questions were, and where and of whom to ask them. Once I realized i had to shed a lot of my preconceived ideas on the period, and of my own family, I understood that des…

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Christian Inmate Suing Indiana to Recognize Religion

…ge into 10 distinct churches, yet the state’s Department of Corrections handbook has no distinct listing for Eastern Orthodoxy. Glenn has been in prison since 1992, when he was convicted of sexually molesting a 9-year-old and a 15-year-old boy, making it very unlikely that his case will be championed by religious liberty advocates. In any case, the court is scheduled to move forward with the case in December….

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Sex and the (Hipster) Church—Just a Gimmick?

…at a shock show worked at Hillsong NYC, the bright-lights and big-worship year-old plant of a network of Australian Pentecostal churches. “Some things were a little cheesy,” Nancy Mickel, a 30-year-old Hillsong member, admits. “But in the real world, sex does come up. It’s good to know where we should stand.” From Spectacle to Conversation At hipster churches at the other end of the spectrum, churches that have embraced a more relaxed and egalita…

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A Recent Local Controversy Reveals the Theocratic Heart of ‘Project Blitz’

…explain that it was about, what he called “revisionist history” at the 200-year-old Historic Fort Snelling. There had been a flap over how the historical site had expanded its educational mission beyond the fort’s military history, to include the Dakota name for the area, Bdote, “with history spanning 10,000 years,” including “Native peoples, trade, soldiers and veterans, enslaved people, immigrants, and the changing landscape.” Some Republican le…

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Religious Freedom May Now Include Discrimination Against Jews and Muslims

…tly passed laws that explicitly permit agencies to do so. And earlier this year, an amendment to a federal spending bill would have forbidden states from taking action against an agency that declines to provide services based on a religious belief. Henry McMaster, who became governor in 2017 when Nikki Haley was confirmed as ambassador to the United Nations, is facing his first election this year. Polling shows McMaster in the lead in late October…

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It’s Time To Ordain Women—Again

…—does not seem interested in ordaining women deacons? WD: My work for many years has tried to explore the sacramental significance of the Second Vatican Council’s decision to restore a diaconate which would be exercised in a permanent manner. This was a remarkable and dramatic decision, and it shattered the longstanding practice of sequential ordination, in which all ordinations led to their sacramental “end”: ordination to the presbyterate. For t…

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Postcard from the Vatican

…disability, and why priests possessing pornographic images of a fourteen- year-old should be subject to less severe sanction than those possessing images of someone just one year younger. There are deeper concerns to be expressed here, questions involving theology and the history of the Church since the Second World War. But we need to read the Church’s own newspapers, and its own choice of language, in order to be able to bring them into focus a…

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Creationism: Don’t Use the “C-Word”

…me up during a report on the pupil progression plan for the 2010-11 school year, delivered by Jan Benton, director of curriculum. Benton said that under provisions of the Science Education Act enacted last year by the Louisiana Legislature, schools can present what she termed “critical thinking and creationism” in science classes. Board Member David Tate quickly responded: “We let them teach evolution to our children, but I think all of us sitting…

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Still Trying to Get Creationism into Science Classes

…d off on introducing creationism into biology class for the current school year. But it has appointed a staff committee to look at ways to introduce it for the 2011-12 school year. So it’s a bit early at this point to speculate whether Louisiana and the Livingston Parish School District will be the site of the next constitutional test case of the Discovery Institute’s latest brand of creationism. But the echoes of Dover are certainly interesting….

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Ummah: Solitude and Connection

…to return to my little house alone. I do love Indonesia. This was my first year since my children started to fast, nearly three decades ago, to be fasting alone in my house while not living alone. I find it difficult. So when I came to the East coast, I got to enjoy fasting, suhur, prayer, and iftar with the people I love the most on the planet: my own family. I remember posting on Twitter just how awesome it was to have that combination: my own e…

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