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Mormon Leaks: Boring Meetings with Interesting Implications

…, 25-year-old Charles Whitman went on a killing spree at the University of Texas. In a suicide note left behind, Whitman asked that an autopsy be conducted on his body as he was convinced that something biological accounted for his actions. The autopsy found a tumor on his brain that was suspected of preventing him from controlling his emotions and behavior. Whitman’s is just one of many cases in which a compromised brain has seemed to result in a…

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Are the Culture Wars Over? Look at the States

…urch and State. Similar bills are pending in Arkansas, Kansas, Nevada, and Texas, according to Elise Helgesen, AU’s State Legislative Counsel. After the bill passed, the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation put out a statement praising the veto override, and charging, “There is a concerted effort to dismantle our First Amendment rights and redefine freedom. As a result, elected leaders across the nation are realizing the importance of preserving…

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White Christian Nostalgia Strikes Back

…their northern counterparts. In the lightest of them—Arizona, New Mexico, Texas(!), and Florida—Democrats did much better than anticipated this year. That’s of course due to the rising presence of black and Hispanic voters in those states. But those same voters are significantly more religious than their white counterparts, which means that if by some miracle the Democrats win back the White House in 2020, we might be talking about the Rage of Br…

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Why Feminism’s Big Tent Isn’t Big Enough for the Anti-Abortion Movement

…gton. The dust-up started after Emma Green reported in The Atlantic that a Texas-based group called New Wave Feminists had been granted partnership status in the march in the interests of promoting “intersectional feminism” according to Bob Bland, one of the march’s co-chairs. Green painted a portrait of “pro-life feminists” struggling to find a place for themselves in the firmament of mainstream feminism, as well as a feminist movement that was p…

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Sorry, National Review: “Religious Freedom” Bills Do Permit Bigotry

…nst LGBT people, single mothers, and people of minority faiths. Given that Texas senator and Tea Party favorite Ted Cruz has already promised to reintroduce FADA, and like-minded legislators are in turn salivating at the friendliness of the new administration to their concerns, it’s dishonest to suggest that any future iteration of FADA would be more limited in scope than the sweeping bill introduced last year. Desanctis claims that “religious-lib…

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If it’s Really About “Religious Freedom,” Why Mention Just One Belief?

…ch should be protected when it involves consenting adults, per Lawrence v. Texas), the benchmark legal victory for religious freedom has nothing at all do with marriage. The Supreme Court’s decision in Hobby Lobby v. Burwell granted a broad religious exemption to a closely held for-profit corporation, based on the owners’ contention that providing contraceptive healthcare for employees was a substantial burden on the owners’ religious freedom. The…

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What Muslim Ban? A Religious Liberty Hearing in the Trump Era

…slim hate groups across the country. While Representative Louie Gohmert of Texas sought in his remarks to pit religious minorities against each other, claiming that the legacy of the Holocaust was preventing Germany from adequately screening out Muslims that “hate Jews,” Representative Steve Cohen—Tennessee’s first Jewish congressperson—called Islamophobia the “latest form of dog-whistle politics” and noted that he himself had received an increase…

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Excommunicated For ‘Grave Scandal’ of Ordaining Women

…died geology in college with the hope of getting rich in the oil fields of Texas, but as a patriotic graduate I joined the military, my ticket out of Louisiana and an opportunity to explore the world. In my fourth year, having become a naval officer, I volunteered for shore duty in Vietnam which would become a turning point in my life. Never had I experienced such violence, suffering, and fear. In the madness of war, my faith became more important…

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God May Weep For Church Sexual Abuse, But Bishop Chaput Prefers to Bark

…Rev. Edward Graff, was moved to several churches until he was arrested in Texas and died in custody. So when Archbishop Chaput callously says that we should all “get over” wanting to go back and blame, read that statement in the context of current lobbying by the Catholic Church not to extend the statute of limitations. The Archbishop isn’t new to this fight, having contested statute of limitations laws as Bishop of Denver. He knows exactly what…

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CPAC 2017: Hypocrites on Parade

…ormat that’s convenient for “the most conservative cabinet in decades,” as Texas Sen. Ted Cruz called the current administration. Playing fast and loose with objective facts has long been a norm for modern American politicians, but in the wake of Trump’s electoral victory—and his campaign built on fear, misogyny, racism, and xenophobia—the use of “alt-facts” seems to be spreading like a dangerous virus for which our culture has not yet developed a…

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