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Dems Need More Faith, Episode LXXI: The Beer Caucus Proposal

…tive ignores the changing culture and the reality that a not-insignificant number of Democratic voters aren’t affiliated with any particular faith. It’s as if it were 1954, and liberals were smarting over getting flanked by Ike on the In God We Trust issue. There’s a reason Schlitz Gusto is a niche brew, people. Tastes change, and so do politics. There are subtler issues as well. As I said above, the hook here isn’t bad. When I lived in this distr…

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Storytime with David Brooks: In Which the Liberals’ Favorite Conservative Gets Lost in a Lily-White History

…oks’s overall congeniality makes it easy to forget that he is consistently wrong about the nature of the still-unfolding economic crisis, which he (in neoliberal fashion) thinks is mainly about economic losers needing to acquire some discipline and bootstrap themselves to success. And Brooks can be spectacularly wrong about other things, as he has just demonstrated in an unbelievably fatuous column on the “Unifying American Story,” which he frames…

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#ItsNotUs: Being Evangelical Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry

…e refrain. The statistic that 80% of white evangelicals supported Trump is wrong, he argues, because it’s based on self-identification. They are evangelicals in name only; it’s not us. When separating the evangelical sheep from the nominal goats, nearly all respectable evangelicals today appeal to historian David Bebbington’s “evangelical quadrilateral” as their standard. As summarized by Kidd, evangelicals are those who believe in: Conversion, or…

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Maybe It’s Time to Admit That The “Grotesque Caricature” of White Evangelicals is the Reality

…s—and many of the “heroes” of the Bible play just these games. It would be wrong, however, to understand the distinction between these two impulses according to the tired—and ultimately anti-Semitic-distinction—between an Old Testament God of wrath and a New Testament God of love. There’s plenty of the latter in the so-called Old Testament, but there’s also pieces of the former in the New Testament. Indeed, someone like Paul could not have become…

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Bruni on Bachmann

…ver documented, according to the Pew Center for the People and the Press.” One final note: in a democracy, and one in particular that protects religious freedom, it’s a risky business defining who are the “real” Christians, particularly when religion is being politicized. Michele Bachmann is wrong, politically speaking, not because she has a different view of Christianity than Frank Bruni. She’s wrong because she’s exploiting a particular conserva…

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The Heresy of End Times Predictions

…t… it just keeps on going). The main idea is that there’s something deeply wrong with the world. It is not our home and we are not at home in it. We are merely sojourners here, biding our time until we step off into that great journey that will take us to a better place. The Christian is an alien in the here and now, precisely to the degree that he or she anticipates the end atimes with eager anticipation. This world, the world of the here and now…

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Obama Muffs Question On Faith-Based Hiring Discrimination

…r his campaign promise. For several reasons, Obama got his answer to Knief wrong. Here’s what he said: This is a very difficult issue, but a more narrow one that I think might be implied. It’s very straightforward that people shouldn’t be discriminated against. . . . what has happened is that there has been a carve-out dating back to President Clinton’s presidency for religious organizations in their hiring for particular purposes. This is always…

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What The Church Needs More Than a ‘Good Pope’

…who freely admits that he can change his ways. I admire that. Having been wrong more times than I can count, I understand a person who admits that while at the time s/he did what s/he thought was right, in retrospect it was dead wrong. Pope Francis acknowledges that when he was the provincial of the Jesuits in Buenos Aires his leadership style was authoritarian. He chalks it up to his youthfulness and circumstances, but he has the good sense not…

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5 Key Moments From the Year of the ‘Exvangelicals’

…ked for them in the past. This time, however, they couldn’t have been more wrong. Emily Joy, Hannah Paasch, Samantha Field, Charlotte Henderson, and Nate Sparks organized an online counter-event on December 13, the day of the Wheaton summit. Organizers made and distributed memes featuring homophobic and sexist quotations from the conference headliners, such as “We’ll always wonder if Bathsheba was bathing in a place where she shouldn’t, hoping Dav…

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The Bleeding Heart of Muslim Europe

…. Many would say the tide was turning in their direction, however right or wrong that impression would be, and only after they gained some momentum did the international community intervene. But that was some three years into a horrific conflict; from my admittedly distant point of view, at that point it’s hard to argue against peace, however uncomfortable the terms. But there’s a deeper, more urgent set of questions that storm through my mind. Wh…

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