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Is Downward Dog the Path to Hell?

…an alternative to yoga,” which she calls PraiseMoves. In a 2005 article in Today’s Christian Woman ominously titled “The Truth About Yoga,” Holly Vicente Robaina recounts Willis’ cautionary tale of how yoga led her into a life of errant New Age practices, loneliness, alcoholism, and promiscuity. After years of pain, she discovered Christianity, burned her New Age books, and gave up yoga. In a follow-upChristianity Today article titled “Take a Pass…

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Noah, Cosmos Controversies Not About Biblical Literalism

…presents the far extreme wing of religious conservative views on evolution today; many other conservative Christians find ways of reconciling the findings of evolutionary science with traditional biblical truth, distressing to Ham as this may be. What unites Ham with the other religious conservatives today is the same kind of Biblicism that united the religious conservatives a century ago: since the bible is indeed the Word of God, the refuge amid…

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Evangelical Groundhog Day: The ‘Times’ Identifies the ‘Religious Fervor in the American Right’ — Around Four Decades Late

…re in a sort of denial as to the hurt, trauma, and violence it caused. But today’s Trump rallies, anti-masking events, and “freedom” services started in the 1970s (and are drawn from even older streams of evangelical politics, especially in the 1920s and 1950s). The specific sort of evangelical politics reported upon is now three generations deep—it is a maturing political-religious movement. To depict it otherwise is to miss the point. Why do con…

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How the Religious Left, or Whatever It’s Called, Failed at the Budget Big Game

…a completely ineffectual as a political strategy.  Harold Meyerson writes today of the Democrats “losing the big game” and how they “are getting clobbered” in the war of ideas: [T]he continual stream of crap coming from both Republicans and, of late, Obama on the theme that cutting government spending will actually create jobs seems to be taking hold. As my Washington Post colleague and buddy E. J. Dionne noted yesterday, when Pew asked responden…

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No Religious Left “Split” On Anti-LGBT Religious Exemption

…nus the exemption, and Obama embraced the presence of religious leaders at today’s White House signing. Someone in the audience even shouted “amen!”, to which the president responded, “Amen. Amen. . . . Got the ‘amen’ corner here.” The Rev. Canon Susan Russell, Senior Associate Minister at All Saints Church in Pasadena, California, attended the White House signing today. Ball, said Russell, “got it wrong.” Ball cites the abandoned effort of Sojour…

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The World’s Most Influential Yoga Teacher is a Homophobic Right-Wing Activist

…ic,” “unnatural,” “uncivilized,” “immoral,” “irreligious,” and “abnormal.” Today, Ramdev and his vision of ayurveda and yoga wield more power, influence, and authority than ever before. This new influence was recently on display in the small coastal state of Goa, where the state’s ’s Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs, Ramesh Tawadkar, announced that the government plans to host a program to “cure” young gay people of what are perceived as devi…

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Disaster Theology: Blame and Powerlessness in Japan

…, “I hate to say, ‘I told you so’—but I told you so!” Fortunately, we know today that tsunamis are caused by earthquakes and other forms of seismic activity, and that seismic activity is caused by a shift in tectonic plates. We can’t predict exactly when they’re going to shift, but we are increasingly certain that they don’t do so in response to the immorality of the people in the countries where they occur. There are plenty of evil people living…

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Mormons Absorb SCOTUS Prop 8 Ruling

…uietly, with some staking out a defensive position in defense of religious freedom. (Read the official LDS Church reaction here.) In one Washington, D.C., area stake, LDS Church leaders sent an email message to members requesting their attendance at a National Day of Prayer on religious freedom convened by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops this Thursday in Arlington, Virginia. “We have been encouraged to have 20 members from our stake attend…

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American Jewish Leaders Get Gaza Wrong

…of Israel’s military might? Three Israeli civilians were reportedly killed today in the southern Israeli town of Kiryat Malachi. A rocket from Gaza has reportedly fallen (inflicting no injuries) near Tel Aviv. I’ll state the obvious: this is unacceptable, and must stop, as the Israeli human rights group and occupation opponent B’Tselem stated today. And so must the Israeli shelling of civilians in Gaza (the death toll there is now at 13). It’s not…

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In Repudiation of its Devastating Doctrine of Discovery, Vatican Masks the History and Responsibility of Catholic Church

…f course, referring to the Trump administration’s policy, not to practices promoted and normalized by his own Church in the past.) But, unlike contemporary border politics, Indigenous assimilation policies have always been specifically about land dispossession. California missions were eventually secularized—and the land was given to settlers and settler institutions. And as historian Brenda Child established, boarding schools were always about fe…

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