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Time for Jews to Abandon the Old Foundation Myth of Israel?

…ws full well that Israel can show its vaunted strength only as long as the United States pays the bill. He could not simply bite the hand that feeds him $2.775 billion a year in military aid. So he committed himself to a “vision” of “two free peoples living side by side,” hedged in by all the limitations that the foundational myth requires. While the question of whether to pursue a two-state solution is apparently settled, the larger questions rem…

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Paul Ryan Is Like Jesus, But It’s Not What You Think

…claim Francis’s apostolic exhortation does not undermine their devotion to free market economics. One of the best examples is the Rev. Robert Sirico of the free market Acton Institute, who released a video attempting to defend his views against Evangelii Gaudium. Best “who, me?” line: “Who is advocating a market without regulations, without law?” On the Eternal Word Television Network program The World Over last week, Bishop Robert Morlino, the bi…

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In Praise of Failure: Is Defining Religion Such a Good Idea?

…They might as well protect us from the “establishment” of widget and the “free exercise” thereof. Both are meaningless, since neither “widget” nor “religion” point to anything specific. Linker, on the other hand, takes the exact opposite tack: he legislates the meaning of “religion” as those particular referents marked by the creation of “norms and practices establishing a comprehensive way of life” and so on, based upon “revelation, mystical int…

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Is America Willing to Be Freed from Its Demons?

…an’s son from the demon. The simple question we face at this moment in the United States is can we be freed from our demons? The murders of Alton B. Sterling, Philando Castile, the five Dallas police officers, and the other black men killed last week who did not make the news show us our oppression. The problem with invoking the demonic is that such invocation has been used as a rhetorical band-aid to cover a wound far too serious to imagine recov…

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Wiccan Prayer in Iowa House Highlights Religious Freedom Problem

…ciple of neutrality because they favor belief over non-belief. Here in the United States, it seems premature to conclude that Elena Kagan is wrong and that government meetings must become religion-free zones. One can imagine an uneasy détente in which representatives are conspicuously absent whenever they disagree with the sectarian prayer being given that day. This situation would be constitutional according to Greece v. Galloway, but it would al…

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Fighting Demons, Raising the Dead, Taking Over the World

…ecognition of the gifts and offices of apostle and prophet in our churches today. The movement called the New Apostolic Reformation has been bringing about a most radical change in the way of doing church since the Protestant reformation. It is currently the most rapidly-growing segment of Christianity in every continent of the world. Evidence suggests Wagner isn’t exaggerating. According to the evangelical missionary reference book, World Christi…

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Christianity’s Greatest Counterfeit

…tle to do with the worship of a marginalized Jew, named Jesus, who came to free the poor and oppressed. This counterfeit Christian community worships power, desires control, and imagines the world revolving around self-sufficient men (and a few women). I call it “Mad Man Religion.” Mad Man Religion looks just like Christianity. It connects religious practices to free market practices like you would connect pieces from a Lego set. And it offers to…

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Sarah Vowell’s The Wordy Shipmates: The Problem with Popularization

…me not through serious communitarianism or self-scrutiny, but through self-promotion and free markets. This is a heartening plea. Yet as we continue to debate the proper place of popularization in the academy (and the place of academics in popularization), it is well worth remembering at what cost comes her sermonic accessibility. For as Vowell strains to celebrate Roger Williams’ iconoclasm, she does not do so through careful treads through his p…

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The Christian Roots of the New Age: The Aquarian Gospel

…hor, Levi H. Dowling (1844-1911) was a typical product of the surprisingly freewheeling Liberal Protestant culture in the United States in the later nineteenth century. Many a Protestant at the time was quietly cobbling together a new religious vision out of portions of the gospels married to the new “brain sciences” of phrenology, vitalism, even a smattering of theosophy. (Christopher White’s new book, Unsettled Minds, tells this story brilliantl…

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Republican Lauren Boebert Jokes About AR-15s and Jesus — And Yes, She’s a ‘Real’ Christian

…hrist.” She goes on, “We came to Jesus, because we were bound, we were not free. But Jesus paid the ultimate price to set us free for all of eternity.” No, there’s simply no tenable case to be made that Boebert is not a “real” Christian. She is very much a Christian. She is also a terrible person. And if we can’t get it through our heads that it is very possible to be both of those things at the same time, we will never effectively counter the cor…

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