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Rick Santorum Breezes Past the Genocidal Foundation of White Christian Nationalism

…Truth Project tells us to focus on Christ, through Columbus. Conversion is central, colonization and suffering not even worth a mention. The cruelty of Santorum’s words reflects this much broader belief in white Christian nationalism. Celebrating the United States as a divine project requires framing this history of racial inequality, and the genocidal campaigns against First Nations people that went into forging the U.S. nation, as an unfortunate…

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Derek Chauvin’s Defense, in Keeping with a Long Racist Tradition, Seeks to Criminalize George Floyd

…he trial of J.W. Milam and Roy Bryant, who had lynched a fourteen-year-old African-American boy, Emmett Till, that he had made “ugly remarks,” to her. The jury took 67 minutes to find the two men innocent. Don’t believe your eyes; accept the racist myth of Black incivility. This is, at least implicitly, what Derek Chauvin’s defense attorney is trying to tell the jury. And what this time-honored strategy illustrates is that depictions of Black unru…

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How the Anti-Abortion Movement Gave us Donald Trump — and Why It Could Bring Worse

…y criticize their community’s support for Trump, they must make clear that central assumptions of the pro-life movement are wrong. They must either reject the position that abortion is equivalent to killing children or reject the position that supporting anti-abortion candidates can end or significantly reduce abortion. It may not be intuitive but the first option is easier than it seems. Evangelicals simply need to remember their own history. Whe…

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In the Story of the New Testament We Are the Romans—No Matter Who Wins the Election

…e statues were less about honoring the Civil War dead than they were about promoting 20th century white supremacy). In some ways, it’s not all that different from the ideas that sold people on the first Crusade back in the 11th century. And it’s not all that different from the story we tell ourselves today, every time we enter another country for their “own good.” Sure, we went into Iraq on the basis of false information about WMDs. But in the rhe…

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Is the Prochoice Religious Community a Sleeping Giant?

…n together, they have vast resources, institutional capacity, historic and central roles in many towns and cities, and cadres of well-educated leaders at every level. These are the kinds of human, cultural and institutional resources that can sustain a powerful political movement. All this may be a revelation to those who’ve been conditioned by the false narrative that people of faith oppose and secular people support abortion rights, that has fra…

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Sure, There’s No ‘Religious Left’… If You Ignore Non-White Christians and Non-Christians

…lex, cheerfully and successfully resists just about anything in the way of central coordination. Jenkins sees this as a distributed movement, and likes to point to areas where it’s played a crucial role in progressive successes in recent years. (Some of his most interesting reporting has been about Indigenous religious activism around environmental concerns.) I’ve taken a generally dimmer view, pointing to the ways in which the lack of cooperation…

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Catholic Bishops Winning “Liberties,” Losing Humans

…ting a whole new space for “religious liberty” so Catholics are ostensibly free to act out their Catholicism in public spaces. According to FiveThirtyEight, “religious liberty” has now replaced “gay marriage” in GOP talking points, up from none during the GOP debates in 2008 to 29 so far this year: Mentions of “religious,” “religious liberty” and “religious freedom” appeared more than ever in this year’s debates when referring to the rights of bus…

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The Southern Baptists Dumped a Predator or Two, but Let’s Hold Off on the F-word

…was underway by 1984, before its adherents consolidated power in 2000. The central players orchestrating male-only leadership in the SBC are also some of its best known public figures, like Paige Patterson, ousted in June from his position as president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; Judge Paul Pressler, his ally in the takeover; and Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville. Outside the SBC, sig…

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Why “Family Values” Defined Conservative Christianity (and Why “Religious Liberty” Has Replaced it)

…family at the center of their political agenda. This agenda—defending and promoting family values—resonated with evangelical Christians because it spoke to two of their central convictions. First, evangelicals believed that gender was part of the created order, that men and women were created by God to fulfill different roles. In traditional families, men provided and protected, while women bore, reared and nurtured children. Movements that viewe…

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Creationism and Evolution are Competing ‘Myths’

…iverse governed by impersonal processes. Its model of the world does not encode the kinds of hierarchies between and among species that are central to the creationist narrative. Each narrative offers a divergent conception of time and human history and the forces that shape them. And each privileges a different method for obtaining knowledge about the world: either revelation or empiricism, and, by implication, a different set of specialists who c…

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