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A New Book By Esteemed Sociologist Robert Wuthnow Struggles to Show ‘Why Religion is Good for American Democracy’

…government. Studies of late twentieth-century legislative decisions in the United States did show—unsurprisingly—that they favored the interests of the wealthy. The studies did not demonstrate, however, that these decisions threatened democracy, just that they went against public opinion on certain issues such as estate taxes and support for a minimum wage. Again: Hunh?? And not a word here about Citizens United or about the rivers of dark money t…

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Commies, Blacks, Jews, the UCC and Other Threats to America

…ng the organizations endorsing the march were the Communist Party USA, the United Church of Christ, Jewish Funds for Justice, the National Urban League, the National Baptist Convention, People for the American Way and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. My first reaction to this was to wonder why the Times is acting as Glenn Beck’s hatchet man. About the only thing these groups have in common is that they endorsed this rally. What, exactly, i…

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Can Mormon Glenn Beck Unite the Christian Right?

…ss faiths. Beck follows hundreds of Mormon “pro-family” activists who have united with conservative Catholics and evangelicals to form a common front in the culture wars. Since 1997, when Beck was just a baby Mormon, a coalition of mostly US-based religious right groups, the World Congress of Families, has attempted to rally religious conservatives at international “pro-family” conferences to transcend theological differences to unite against comm…

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Creationist Theme Park Gets $43 Million in Tax Rebates

…hurch and State blasted the decision. “The state of Kentucky should not be promoting the spread of fundamentalist Christianity or any other religious viewpoint,” said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United. “Let these folks build their fundamentalist Disneyland without government help.” Of course, building the Ark according to biblical specifications should be a piece of cake thanks to this explanation by Creation Science R…

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Going Negative: Traditionalist Churches Gang Up on ‘Progressive Christianity’ in Arizona

…, there’s a self-described “progressive Christian” congregation, Fountains United Methodist Church. Fountains’ pastor, the Rev. David Felten, is the author of a book on progressive Christianity, and the church proudly advertises its welcome of the “LGBTQ community,” support for science, and interfaith dialogue. The conservative church leaders are equally proud of their traditionalism. In a letter to the editor published in the Fountain Hills Times…

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Clergy Come Out as Atheists

I really do sympathize with Teresa MacBain. The Tallahassee, Florida United Methodist Church pastor has just recently come out. No, she’s not a lesbian. This is how she explained it to NPR recently: “I’m currently an active pastor and I’m also an atheist,” she says. “I live a double life. I feel pretty good on Monday, but by Thursday—when Sunday’s right around the corner—I start having stomachaches, headaches, just knowing that I got to stand up…

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Will Anti-LGBT Government Contractors Have A RFRA Claim?

…ntractor fires someone for coming out of the closet that person gets a comparable job somewhere else?” Loewentheil said. “There’s no existing accommodation to be utilized that would avoid burdening LGBT rights.” Experts on both sides agreed there was no case law of which they were aware involving a government contractor bringing a RFRA claim. ADF’s Stanley said that although the executive order itself does not provide a cause of action, the Depart…

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What Caused the Catholic Church Child Sexual Abuse Crisis? Blame the Sixties.

…Church between 1950 and 2010. The report, initiated and authorized by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, investigated a number of potential factors contributing to a sharp peak of reported and documented abuse cases in the 1960s and 1970s, including social trends among ordination cohorts, changes in seminary curriculum, and psychological pathologies and social behaviors of abusive priests. Its conclusion? The sixties—social movemen…

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Conservative French Catholics a ‘Rightwing Patriarchal Bunch’?; Indonesian Prez Decries Anti-LGBT Discrimination; Romanian Prez Warns Against ‘Religious Fanaticism’; Global LGBT Recap

…ries were presenting gay rights as a threat to family values. “That’s been promoted by key figures around the globe including the Russian state and the Orthodox church,” he said. As tensions with Brussels spiralled over Ukraine in 2014, some of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s supporters took to calling Europe “Gayropa” and promoting Russia as the antithesis of the West. Singapore: New rules require government permission for foreign involvement…

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Why Religious Exemptions Matter

…raising similar objections include Concerned Women for American, Americans United for Life, and the American Center for Law and Justice. As to private employers, the proposed rule takes note of the fact that private employers are not entitled to religious exemptions under other federal laws, such as Title VII, prohibiting discrimination in employment. Based on that precedent, the administration declined to extend an exemption to private employers…

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