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Rand Paul and the Influence of Christian Reconstructionism

…y and Banking. In that book, North explains his view that the cause of the international debt crisis of the 1980s was the Federal Reserve System. The solution, he maintained, rested in eliminating that institution and moving to a hard money standard. It sounds familiar to Paul-ites, but for North it is all based in the biblical command to have “just weights and measures.” Paul, in very similar language, attributed our current debt and economic cri…

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Waterboarding in the Living Room

…tention and interrogation in countries where—in the CIA’s view—federal and international legal safeguards do not apply; in other words, to countries that torture. The U.S. has long been engaged in torture: from the genocide of native peoples, to the lynching of African Americans, to the School of the Americas, to the Tuskegee Institute, to the treatment of prisoners in US prisons. And, as this most recent case shows, US torture culture is not limi…

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Controversial “Bishop of the Poor” Dies at 86

…to do, and forget the flesh and blood individuals whose lives have been transformed and who deeply mourn the passing of religious leaders such as Ruiz; he not only lived with the poor, he learned their language (four Mayan dialects), and placed their struggles on an international arena. And yet I hope that ten years from now his advocacy will not be remembered as a relic of the past—a Church that once was—and instead that there’ll be an active rem…

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Foreclosure, Fraud and Pharaoh

…ent, $400 million from Marsh & McLennan and $725 million from the American International Group. Last week, he filed suit against GMAC Mortgage, accusing the loan servicer of filing fraudulent affidavits in hundreds of Ohio foreclosures. His office has returned money to investors, pension funds, schools and cities. And he has directed millions to agencies fighting foreclosure. “We see what Washington doesn’t: the houses lying vacant, the eyesore st…

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Misusing Cesar Chavez in Immigration Debate

…particular, and also among good people of all faiths: A powerfully sacred international transcript. Clergy and religious laity issued statements condemning the hatred and discrimination pulsating throughout Arizona’s Christian and Jewish communities (no official word to the large percentage of Mormons was issued). How ironic, then, that some advocates of Arizona’s SB 1070 have misappropriated Chavez in their anti-immigrant hysteria, citing the la…

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Gays to Ex-Gay Movement: “Lift My Luggage”

…ther they agree with them or not,” said Alan Chambers, President of Exodus International, the group that sponsored the event this year. Called the Day of Truth, the annual April event has been pushed by influential conservative Christian groups as a way to counter the annual Day of Silence, an event promoted by gay rights advocates to highlight threats against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students. Perhaps Exodus is beginning to come to…

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Religious Leaders Speak Out Against Physician Complicity In Torture

…ous forms of torture on detainees,” in violation of numerous U.S. laws and international conventions. The video, which features religious leaders, focuses attention on Alyssa Petersen, a devout Mormon who served in Iraq and committed suicide after refusing to participate in the torture of naked detainees. Like Peterson, who said she could not be “two people,” one who opposed torture yet one who participated in it, Jim Winkler of the United Methodi…

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Soccer and the Sublime in the Shadow of Apartheid

…e seen it. U2’s “City of Blinding Lights” plays over the rolling images of international footballers in moments of rapture. The Edge’s epic guitar riff complements the moment. ESPN knows what that threaded riff does to people like me when accompanying emotionally piqued football highlights. Over the top of that, the pop prophet Bono speaks: “If history means anything, the world as we know it is about to change.” Melodrama? Maybe, but so are many o…

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The Kids Are All Wrong: Texas Tosses The Enlightenment

…dentities of many kinds; including those at the local, state, federal, and international levels. It’s what makes us a community, a nation, a people. Now this may bump up against our lofty ideas about education, but I do not mean the ideal of education, concerned with the liberal arts and the natural sciences; I mean the role of education for the ensured success of a political body, whatever that body may be. Furthermore, we must always remember th…

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Will Ordination of Women Bishops Cause Anglican Schism?

…Anglican traditionalists, the Church of England is moving one step closer to the ordination of women bishops; a move that some fear will further fracture an Anglican Communion already split along international faultlines over the ordination of gay clergy. Will diverging perspectives on gender and sexuality determine the shape of the 21st-century Christian world?…

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