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U.S. Bishops (Who Lit Religious Liberty Fuse) Urge Civility

…ept it’s pretty clear that who “put it there” was the U.S. bishops. As the New York Times reported, the philosophical roots of the “religious liberty” issue in its current incarnation can be traced back to the 2009 Manhattan Declaration, a manifesto issued by Catholic, Evangelical and Eastern Orthodox religious leaders, including some 50 Catholic bishops, who forswore cooperation with laws sanctioning same-sex marriage or abortion. It was they who…

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Perry To Accuse Obama of Appeasement

…beast smelled the weakness in the appeasers, ate the food and marched and devoured most of Europe and systematically slaughtered 6,000,000 Jewish people. Hagee used essentially the same rhetoric in a speech at David Horowitz’s Restoration Weekend last year. Because Perry is speaking in New York, and with Jewish leaders, the assumption is he’s angling for the Jewish vote. But the Christian Zionist vote is critical in far more places than the Republ…

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The Mother of Christian Feminist Ethics, Beverly Wildung Harrison: 1932–2012

…been key foundation stones. Second, even though I decided not to study in New York, Bev became an extremely helpful and generous supporter. Although I was not part of her inner circle of mentees, nevertheless her support meant a great deal. I mention this to underline something I have heard over and over from Bev’s students and colleagues in many places—her exemplary work as a role model, advisor, and ally far beyond Union. Although this should g…

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Why President Obama Should Not Visit the Western Wall

…ny good reasons why President Obama should not visit the Western Wall. The New York Times quoted Israeli ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren as saying, “Everything on the Seder table—from the lamb shank to the parsley to the egg—is rife with symbolism. So, too, with every item on the president’s itinerary.” This is a timely comparison—Passover is just around the corner. But importantly, Passover is a holiday that celebrates freedom and recalls the…

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The Grand Old Homonationalist Party: The Issue that Keeps the Log Cabin Republicans, Republican

…etoric on Islam is shot through with hyperbole. Reacting to the attacks in New York, New Jersey, and Minnesota last month, Angelo argued that Americans can’t defeat “radical Islamic terror” unless they identify and name it as such. This entails avoiding the usual Democratic political correctness and accepting that, say, the June 12 Orlando shooting was ideologically motivated. But President Obama has long asserted that individuals inspired by ISIS…

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Ann Coulter and GOProud: In Bed Together Once Again

…d paid) her to insult them to their faces at their “Homocon 2010” event in New York. Now, GOProud has invited Coulter to be the honorary chair of their organization’s advisory committee, which already includes such conservative heavy hitters as Grover Norquist and Andrew Breitbart. Coulter, however, has been given a title: “Gay Icon.” “I am honored to serve in this capacity on GOProud’s Advisory Council, and look forward to being the Queen of Fabu…

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Even if Biden Wins Will We Reckon With ‘Virtuous Republic Syndrome,’ the Persistent Belief that America is a Blessed Nation?

…r profits. Or perhaps pause to reflect about the private equity friends of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who—according to an exhaustive profile of Cuomo by The New Yorker’s Nick Paumgarten—didn’t hesitate to flex their muscle with the governor in order to deep-six an attempt to limit the cancerous growth of charter schools in New York City. Or consider how the dominant position held by money managers—private equity kingpins and hedge fund operators—…

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FX’s ‘Under the Banner of Heaven’ Adaptation Rejects Reductive Elements of Krakauer’s Book, But Confirms That ‘Mormonism Breeds Dangerous Men’

…in the past two decades than Krakauer’s riveting tale. It appeared on The New York Times Best Seller list for weeks in 2003 and remains a top seller nineteen years later. Other than the Book of Mormon itself, Under the Banner of Heaven has likely shaped more Americans’ minds about the LDS faith than any other book. Rumors concerning a film adaptation appeared almost immediately, but the story will finally make its dramatic appearance as a true-cr…

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Climate Change Denial: A Guide for the Humanities

…le to have this conversation without any reference to human values? Does a New York Times op-ed arguing that “it is time to restore the role of science to a respected place” make it any more likely that the public will “restore the role of science to a respected place”? Religion (for instructors in private schools, universities, or the UK)  Ask your students to cite Bible passages that explicitly cast doubt on climate change. When they fail to fin…

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Na’vi and Goliath: Palestinian Protesters Dress as Avatar Underdogs

…e American Jewish press. In The Forward, the popular and culturally astute New York Jewish weekly, regular columnist Jay Michaelson wrote a January 22 piece titled “Taking Avatar Seriously: Environmentalisms, Spiritual and Practical,” describing the film’s philosophy as “a bit of pantheism, a bit of nature mysticism, and a surprising dash of monotheism, as well. In other words, it’s Kabbalah.” Avatar’s Kabbalism, Michaelson concluded, is “a challe…

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