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New Book on Trump and Evangelicals Gets it Mostly Right

…bama administration evangelicals experienced setbacks at a dizzying pace, particularly with respect to matters of gender and sexuality. Obama’s stance on abortion could be taken as a given, but his change of mind on same-sex marriage—if it was indeed a change of mind—was an unwelcome surprise. Fea perceives attacks on religious liberty in the Affordable Care Act’s requirements concerning birth control and the Obama Justice Department’s enforcement…

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Don’t Call it a Turkish Spring

…that Europe is a continent—who can hold a straight face when told that an arbitrary line through the Urals constitutes the stuff difference is made of?—but I have to use it.  Too much trampoline journalism.  Bounce into Taksim and bounce out. Out of the Echo Chamber As early as the 1960s, religious Turks began to come out into the open. By the early 21st century, Erdogan, onetime mayor of Istanbul, had come to power and seemed to have secured it….

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The Higher the Dome, The Closer to God: “Megachurches” Explores the Arid Architecture of America’s New Sanctuaries

…oods. I’m sure churches are still commissioning artwork, but as a contemporary artist, that’s not my patron. When thinking about who pays for things and who funds what, you realize that’s determined what we see in art for much of history. As we touched on earlier, in Europe, churches are celebrated as these things of beauty where you go to be contemplative. On the other hand, megachurch architecture seems at times to say more about power than beau…

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The Risks of Remaining Neutral on Egypt

…deficit running across much of the Middle East and North Africa, a particularly Arab problem (though it is not caused by Arabness; I only mean the deficit afflicts Arabs especially). In this sense, Egypt also speaks to the great failure of many modern Muslim-majority societies. The Need for Collective Self-Esteem Unlike Third World countries like Brazil, India, and China, many Muslim-majority societies traded their organic traditions for authorita…

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Mormons Declare Same-Sex Marriage Apostasy, Deny Baptism to Children of Same-Sex Couples; Colombian Court OKs Adoption Over Church Objections; Franklin Graham Praises Putin’s Anti-Gay Policies; Global LGBT Recap

…rk Times’ Douglas Dalby explains: Under Northern Ireland’s complex power-sharing arrangements, any legislative amendment must command sufficient cross-community support. The D.U.P. used this so-called petition of concern mechanism to impose a veto. A petition of concern requires at least 60 percent of assembly members to vote for a motion, with at least 40 percent of both unionist and nationalist representatives present and voting. In this case, i…

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“Integrated into a Burning House?”: A Pre-Inauguration Conversation with Rev. Cecil Murray

…struction and prison confinement. On top of that, the person he wants in charge of the Department of Justice has a reputation as being a racist and anti-integration. Trump was elected by a legacy. We decided 250 years ago we wanted to be a democracy, but from day one, we’ve had challenges with racism and genocide. The first five presidents owned slaves. Our country went through different stages of slavery, first by chains, then by law and finally…

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Bush’s New Book: “Damn Right I OK’d Torture”

….S. and international law—a man who also lied to the American people and started a war based on faulty intelligence that has cost thousands and thousands and thousands of lives—is invited to celebrate his book release on Oprah. My fear is that the lack of outrage and the lack of accountability prove that people in the U.S. just don’t believe torture is wrong. What’s the big deal? I imagine people thinking. They blew up our buildings! They decapita…

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Updated with Audio: Secular Good, Muslim Bad: Unveiling Tunisia’s Revolution

…stifled their society, that’s the fair trade we make to keep the bearded barbarians and headscarved hordes in check. I say “probably” because indeed we did: Tunisia was a close American ally in the war on terror, much as we cozy up, time and time again, to vile leaders who use the Islamist bogeyman to crack down on human rights for those human types. Too often, secular regimes in the Muslim world are not democratic. Their secularism is itself an…

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Scope Bacon, Twttr Hoaxes & Joel Osteen’s Big Reveal

…nity? No, because he’s a man we all know to be consistent and of extraordinary character. The fact this was so readily believed by people suggested to me, in the backs of their minds, Osteen seems a little sketchy to them.” The fake websites were all taken down after a day or two, the Twitter account suspended, the YouTube video removed, and the Osteen hoax story was over in a few days. But Tribble has maintained a blog, Christianity News Texas: T…

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Hajj Journal:
This Cultural Hajj

…issionary was sent to alert the people of the town that that caravan had nearly arrived and was camped in the outskirts the night before their arrival. This allows for the townspeople to get ready to receive them. There is NOTHING sacred about Muzdhalifah. It is a stopover. We do pray maghrib and ‘isha prayer combined, but there is nothing else. We are not even required to spend the full night there. However, our group leader suggested that the le…

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