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Condemnation, Condolences in Wake of Orlando Massacre and More

…r an Islamic center, but had his visa cancelled and left the country after news reports that he had suggested in a 2013 lectures that death was a “compassionate” sentence for homosexuals. Sekaleshfar had lectured near Orlando, Florida in April. Canada: Toronto Unity Mosque celebrates 14th all-inclusive iftar The night before the killing in Orlando, nearly 200 people attended Toronto Unity Mosque’s 14th annual all-inclusive iftar – a meal to break…

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The Story Behind the Catholic Church’s Stunning Contraception Reversal

…limited to procreation; that it was acceptable to limit family size for a number of reasons; and that it was licit to use the naturally occurring sterile period to do so. Enter Catholic physician John Rock. By designing a contraceptive that used hormones already present in a woman’s body to mimic the natural infertility of a pregnant woman, he hoped the Vatican would find a theological basis to approve the method. In 1958, when the Pill was alrea…

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Rick Warren Busts a Gut Over Cultural Revolution

…, deserving of only a brief note, rather than some serious soul-searching. American evangelicals have shown a distinct cultural insensitivity to Asians and Asian-Americans in the past. In 2009, Evangelical book giant Zondervan published, “Deadly Viper: A Kung Fu Survival Guide for Life and Leadership,” which basically invoked every stereotype ever thought of about Asians. To be fair, Zondervan was more apologetic than Warren when confronted: they…

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Trump the Totem: Like Other Fascist Leaders, Trump has Turned from Man to Symbol — And That’s the Danger

…f the clan…. [The participant] does not know that the coming together of a number of men associated in the same life results in disengaging new energies, which transform each of them. All that he knows is that he is raised above himself and that he sees a different life from the one he ordinarily leads. However, he must connect these sensations to some external object as their cause. Now what does he see about him? On every side those things which…

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Review: Is the Religious Right Dying?

…testantism continues its exponential growth, as close to 30 percent of all Americans now consider themselves part of this vibrant religious tradition. The newer generation of evangelical Protestant leaders includes some clergy (such as Rev. Rick Warren) who have embraced a wider array of issue concerns and others (such as Rev. Joel Osteen) who steer clear of the political fray. Nevertheless, evangelicals remain stalwart opponents of abortion, and…

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In the Papal Pocket: Benedict XVI and the Press

…IV-infected. Whether it is a Sunday morning talk show, the front page of a newspaper, or the evening news, I continue to be amazed at how little the Vatican press office has to do to assure softball questions, few dissident voices, and reverent talk about the number of ciboria necessary to serve communion in baseball stadiums. And, we are all supposed to know what ciboria are (for the record, they are the goblet-shaped metal vessels that hold the…

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Religion vs. Science: America’s Perilous Fight

…istence of atoms or Adam? That last one may be a close call, but countless Americans do claim to feel a personal relationship with Jesus. How many claim to feel a personal relationship with evolution? For most Americans, God is more real and more important than evolution. Scientists fight religion at their peril. Religion addresses the great questions. Why are we here? Where did we come from? Why do we love, hate, or believe? To the extent that sc…

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Refusal of Interracial Couple Shows How Slippery the Slope of LGBTQ Refusal Really Is

…a on state-by-state support for interracial marriage, but while 18% of all newly married people in urban areas are married to someone of a different race, only 3% of newlyweds in Jackson, Mississippi are married to someone of a different race, the lowest percentage in the country. And the Mississippi Clarion Ledger reported earlier this year that the overall growth in number of interracial couples in Mississippi was behind the national average (le…

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Despite Conflation of Israel with Judaism, Anti-Zionism is More Kosher Than You Think

…e of Israel was even desirable? If it is true, as Marc Tracy writes in the New York Times, that “[i]n 2024, anti-Zionism is the closest thing organized Judaism has to heresy,” then for most of Jewish history it may have been closer to the opposite. For 2000 years Jewish prayer has hoped ardently that the Land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael) would soon be redeemed by God and led by His Messiah; some even made pilgrimage to visit or dwell with others in t…

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The War Within: Religion and Our Tangled Relationship with Our Bodies

…ew thousand words over their original word limit, but I still had to cut a number of compelling stories of people who have struggled with body shame because of internalized cultural/religious norms and narratives about weight, disability, chronic pain or illness. I also had to omit some of my analyses of examples of the culture of physical improvement. For instance, in the chapter on aging, I nixed a rather lengthy critique I’d developed of Deepak…

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