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The University of Vermont Might Be Done With Religion, But Religion Isn’t Done With Us

…ased in cold, hard math: Religion just doesn’t have enough majors. But the number of majors a department has does not equal how much revenue a department generates. Enrollments do that, and UVM’s award-winning faculty members consistently over-enroll their courses. Not to mention that UVM Religion grads are shaping conversations about religion at the national level—you can’t put a price on that kind of impact (no matter how much tuition costs thes…

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History Matters: On the 400th Anniversary of Plymouth We’re Still Clinging to Destructive National Myths

…ans, “especially in a religious context, had little to do with the idea of freedom that many people have since embraced.” The concerns of that first generation have far more to do with social control and church governance than they do with social libertarianism or some kind of all-American mantra of uncomplicated freedom. Get RD in Your Inbox And while the “first Thanksgiving” held a year after the Mayflower’s arrival is, in its own way, a powerfu…

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‘This is a War Meeting…This is Gonna Get Dirty,’ Anti-Woke Capitalism, & American ‘History’: Day 2 Roundup

…e key to these local victories. Pastor Jentezen Franklin, Senior Pastor at Free Chapel, based in Georgia, exclaims during his speech that “America is the greatest nation on earth. God—well, after Israel, that is.” Franklin lavishes praise on Tony Perkins, calling him a leader “who is carrying the torch, fought the fight, defended this land physically and defended this land even more when he came out of the military by defending freedom.” Perkins n…

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Rising Influence of New Apostolic Reformation Teachings is Ominous Sign For the US — Especially For LGBTQ Students

…close portals” to demons causing homosexuality and “transgenderism” in the United States. Burden’s resume doesn’t end there. Active in the “stop sexualizing Texas kids” campaign, he (just days after Trump’s conviction) waved the “Appeal to Heaven” flag for his congregation while declaring the subjugation of earthly courts to the courts of Heaven and shouting “don’t tread on me,” a well established anti-government slogan. The foreword to Burden’s r…

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The Evangelical Abortion Myth: An Excerpt from ‘Bad Faith’

…ties to evangelicalism pushed for legalization. In 1970, for example, the United Methodist Church General Conference called on state legislatures to repeal laws restricting abortion, and in 1972, at a gathering Jimmy Carter addressed while governor of Georgia, the Methodists acknowledged “the sanctity of unborn human life” but also declared that “we are equally bound to respect the sacredness of the life and well-being of the mother, for whom dev…

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Huckabee in the Holy Land: A Christian Zionist Campaign

…r, among other things, putting undue pressure on the Israeli government to freeze building activity in the Territories. As the American Jewish leadership moves to the political right—in sync with the Likud government of Benjamin Netanyahu—Huckabee may find his approval level rising. The United States’ relationship with Israel will again be a factor in the presidential election, perhaps even more so than in 2008; or as Time put it recently, this ma…

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“[I] Pray For Barack Obama To Die And Go To Hell”: The Story The Media Missed

…on anyone to act. In the course of another sermon he angrily denounces the United Methodist Church because, as he puts it, “ten percent of their preachers are queers”: “I’ll stand behind the pulpit call them the fag that he is. I am here to preach the Bible.” Anderson’s anger is hair-raising as he shouts: “I am not going to stand by… and let faggots run the church! It’s bad enough that we’ve got a bunch of faggots running the government!” It might…

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2021 National Prayer Breakfast: A Kinder Gentler Christian Capitalism

…ralistic with nones representing the largest religious voting block in the United States. Rob Boston of Americans United for Separation of Church and State opines, “While it was a relief this year not to see the breakfast descend into the kind of embarrassment it often was during the Trump years, that hardly means the event is worth saving. This year ought to be its last.” However, given President Biden’s endorsement by progressive faith leaders,…

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The Islamists vs. The Markets: Egypt’s Election Analyzed

…e countries, how much more so these new democracies? And, I might add, the Freedom and Justice Party, like Turkey’s AKP, is a conservative, free-market party; they may, in this climate, simply be best suited to govern, although Egypt—like Turkey—enjoys a far broader social consensus around social welfare and mutual obligation than does the United States (don’t take the economic implications of right-wing too far). Nevertheless, perhaps unexpectedl…

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In Historic Vote, Presbyterians to Allow LGBT Clergy

…rial cooperation agreements, recognizing the ordinations of ministers within the other denominations. “It’s almost like dominoes,” Adee said, “It used to be the exception, but it’s becoming the rule. The pressure is now on the United Methodists.” Currently, the United Methodist Church allows gay and lesbian ministers, but only if they are celibate and not open about their sexual orientation. “This is an ethical challenge and an invitation,” Adee s…

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