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Religious Freedom Battle Is Far From Over: Here’s What to Look for in 2019

…s and administrative regulations sought religious exemptions in increasing numbers. The Little Sisters of the Poor, the owners of the Hobby Lobby chain, various Christian colleges and universities, and wedding florists, photographers, and cake-bakers have all advanced such claims. It’s clear that this issue is here to stay. The year that just ended saw the opening of new fronts in the legal battles over religious freedom. In 2018, the Supreme Cour…

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Want to Know What Public Education Would Look Like Under Project 2025? Just Take a Look at Oklahoma

…s, and schools, Walters has nevertheless tapped the state coffers to pay a Washington, DC-based media firm up to $5,000 a month to project a cartoonish image of a macho Christian culture warrior by writing his op-eds and speeches and booking him for media appearances. Local investigative journalism has blown the lid off of his vanity project—which, as it happens, is directly connected to Project 2025. Walters had the state contract with Vought Str…

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What’s In A Bible Version? Trump’s Choice of Photo-Op Bible Tells its Own Story

…er that Trump was holding it upside-down, you can clearly see in photos by Washington Post journalist Sergio Peçanha that he does in fact know which direction to face the printed word. In one of the close-up shots, you can even make out the translation: Revised Standard Version. William Barber and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove relate that: According to David Brody and Scott Lamb’s unironic “spiritual biography,” “The Faith of Donald Trump,” the Revise…

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Catholic Bishops Tackle Racism, But Is It Too Late?

…as emanated from many Catholic pulpits. But, as Anthea Butler noted in the Washington Post, the real issue may be in the pews: The major challenge may actually be those in the Catholic community who voted for President Trump and continue to support his policies on immigration and race. As Thomas Edsall notes, racial identification among whites has skyrocketed in reaction to the nation’s shifting demographics and the racially polarizing Obama years…

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Status Updates at the End of the World: The Religious Imagination and Our Latest Apocalypse

…tor of Wheaton College’s Billy Graham Center for Evangelism, quoted in the Washington Post, polices Christian orthodoxy by insisting “There’s no such thing as a Christian numerologist,” despite myriad examples of such, from ancient times to the present. As Stetzer virtually excommunicates Christians with whom he disagrees, experts employed by watchdog groups perform another kind of excommunication, dismissing fellow citizens as either duped victim…

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What Happens When An American President Believes He is Above the Law?

…for actual stunt raids. A celebrity self-promoter, obsessed with his poll numbers, his brand (all that was iconic at his “in-tents” jail—exposure to the elements, pink underwear, garbage food paired with televisions locked to the Food Network—was iconic of him), his solipsism was on display in a pre-interview clip from CNN where he fusses about his makeup and complains that he can’t even go out for pizza in New York without protestors complicatin…

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How the Religious (and ‘Nones’) Vote May Tip 6 Swing States

…s yes, he’s got a pretty good shot of it. According to PRRI, he has decent numbers among the white suburbanites who will make up the swing vote of the election (to the extent that the “swing vote” is a meaningful category). That’s far from a guarantee, however, especially with a candidate this volatile. Democrats also have a realistic opening to deny Trump re-election. Let’s play faith outreach director in the six states PRRI mentions as toss-ups,…

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The Evangelical Pluralism Problem and its Media Enablers

…h Dias, in addition to both Michael Gerson and Sarah Pulliam Bailey of the Washington Post,are all graduates of Wheaton College, an evangelical school whose faculty members are expected to sign a “Statement of Faith and Educational Purpose.” I’m sincerely convinced that unless we allow more voices into our elite national discussion of evangelicalism, including the critical voices of non-evangelical researchers and exvangelicals, we can kiss the po…

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Catholic Cardinal Slams Jesuit’s Bridge-Building Book; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…man rights progress,” a decision Brian Dooley called “welcome news” in the Washington Blade: There’s plenty room for improvement. The Egyptian government has silenced virtually all peaceful dissent. Tens of thousands of people have been jailed or disappeared; many have been convicted in sham trials and tortured in prison. Political opposition figures, human rights defenders, and the LGBT community are key targets of this repression. Although same-…

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