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Paranoia and the Progressive Press: A Response to WaPo’s Religion Columnist

…gion. (Some folks rearrange the categories a bit to explicitly include the military.) The language has been used by Pentecostal leaders of the New Apostolic Reformation, a group that sees itself creating a new church and an army of spiritual warriors who will hasten the return of Christ by taking dominion over the earth. But the Seven Mountains framework has also become a sort of lingua franca among the religious right, forming the basis for Janet…

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Some Of My Best Friends Are Nazi Reenactors! And Soft Porn Producers!

…love this. A Republican who likes to dress as a Nazi enlists his business partner — a Jewish soft porn actor and producer from Hollywood — to defend him on the grounds that he loves Israel and trained with its military (really?!?), that he’s done great things for said actor and producer’s career, and has actually sat his tush down in a kosher home. Oh, 2010 campaign season, will you ever cease to amaze?…

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Are Mormons Changing Their Stance on Homosexuality?

…sk, Don’t Tell,” which banned gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military. The trend in general appears to be toward greater acceptance of gay and lesbian civil rights—even the LDS Church, the leading proponent and generous funder of Proposition 8, made moves this year that have left some observers optimistic that the church is softening its opposition to homosexuality. In October, a General Conference address by Boyd K. Packer was edite…

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Pray-In On Capitol Hill for DREAM Act

…o our nation. It will make it possible for them to serve our nation in the military and by furthering their education, eventually attaining legal residency and citizenship. This important but modest bill embodies the Jewish principle that “When strangers sojourn with you in your land, you shall not do them wrong. The strangers who sojourn with you shall be to you as the natives among you, and you shall love them as yourself; for you were strangers…

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Palin Talks Israel in Anticipation of 2012

…llions of dollars spent every month on the two wars (and over 270 American military bases around the world) are somehow not a sign of “big government” for the Tea Party faithful. Late last month, in a trenchant article for The Nation, Princeton lecturer Melissa Harris-Perry sought to explain why many of her students (and her eight-year-old daughter) found Sarah Palin so compelling a figure. “[U]nderestimating Sarah Palin is a mistake of epic propo…

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The Economy is Sacred, Stupid

…cans in the first decade of the 21st century who hate government, love the military, fear Muslims, cherish the family, dream of the return of a white America, believe in secure, impermeable national boundaries, and remain deeply suspicious of intellectuals. They also agree on one particular matter of doctrine: money is everything, the pursuit of wealth is inviolable, and to be rich is to be… saved. Money is sacred. Capitalism is a religion. Yawn. …

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Fox News “Report” Targets Group Led by McConnell Staffer

…also claims to be “an anti-terrorism consultant to law enforcement and the military,” first appeared last month at the conservative blog Pajamas Media, where he is a regular contributor. The Congressional Muslim Staffers Association—like other similar organizations on the Hill—is officially sanctioned by Congress. Its vice-president, Moon Sulfab, is a systems administrator on Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s staff. The group’s president, Assad Ak…

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Cuba Opens its Doors to the Catholic Church

…of tension; the previous seminary was seized by the state and turned into military barracks in 1966. It was only in the 1990s that tensions began to ease, culminating with the 1998 visit of Pope John Paul II. During that visit the Pope blessed the cornerstone of the seminary, which was funded by a variety of international organizations, including the Knights of Columbus. Cuban Cardinal Jaime Ortega warmly greeted Castro at the inauguration, sayin…

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Waterboarding in the Living Room

…ing on television shows, receiving medals of commendation, or sitting behind home plate next to Nolan Ryan cheering for the Rangers during the World Series.   Case is in jail for allegedly using the same technique employed by the US military, the CIA, private contractors, and US allies. In a country in which Karl Rove can say that he is “proud” of using waterboarding against suspected terrorists without facing punishment of any kind, why wouldn’t…

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Surprise! Michele Bachmann is a Religious Rightist

…philosophy” that is “antithetical to the bible” and which “flies under the banner of ‘liberalism,’ but in reality it is atheistic socialism at best and Marxism at worst.” When she introduces legislation to allow sectarian, Christian prayer in the military, she’s fulfilling of Beverly’s dream that “Christian values should dominate our government” because “politicians who do not use the Bible to guide their public and private lives do not belong in…

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