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Is Ken Starr ‘Pulling a Clinton’ on Jewish Studies Professor Marc Ellis?

…ut it. As Ellis sees it, Starr, who “holds unassailable credentials in the American evangelical community,” has launched the investigation in order to replace him with “a different kind of Jew”—namely, “a right-wing, Israel-loving Jew that would cement [Starr’s] reputation with the right wing, like [Alan] Dershowitz.” (Fogleman says Starr has nothing to do with the investigation, which itself has “no relationship” to “Dr. Ellis’ positions on Israe…

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Creationists and Dawkins Agree: Science Rules Religion

…solid science, would have dropped that whole embarrassing “kingdom of God” business quicker than you can say “clear-thinking oasis.” Because whatever it was Jesus was going on about there, it could not possibly have been as compelling as the “kingdom of facts,” as Peter Gomes once described science. Poor first-century bloke. He couldn’t help it; he didn’t know anything worth knowing. He didn’t know any science. Bergevin believes it; Dawkins believ…

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Biblical Capitalism, Tony Perkins Edition

…term behind the old English translation literally means “be occupied with business.” As with all parables, Jesus uses a common activity such as fishing or farming to provide a word picture with a deeper spiritual meaning. Occupied with multinational corporations and Wall Street hucksters? But here’s the kicker: The fact that Jesus chose the free market system as the basis for this parable should not be overlooked. When the nobleman returns, after…

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Santorum from the Religion Angle

…in this alleged decline of “Christendom.” Abortion Don’t miss this instant classic from Sarah Morice-Brubaker, writing last June after Santorum said that exceptions to abortion bans to protect the health of the mother are “phony:” Now, I actually was there when the original plot was hatched, funnily enough: It was back in 1973, at the Women’s Exchange tea room in Eugene, Oregon. (To the public, it was billed as a Missionary Society presentation.)…

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Will Ron Paul Win Iowa, and is the Catholic Church Discriminated Against?

Last Friday, Business Insider politics editor Michael Brendan Dougherty and I talked GOP presidential politics, crisis pregnancy centers, and claims by Republicans like Darrell Issa, and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops itself, that Catholics are being discriminated against by Obama administration policy. We taped before Herman Cain’s announcement of the suspension of his campaign, but Michael and I had agreed we weren’t going to talk abou…

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Occupy Francis Lewis Boulevard

…, I’d like to redeem my tens of thousands of points, and force them out of business. I am their Lehman Brothers. But of course I wouldn’t do that, because then where would I eat? (Surprisingly, that logic also captures the bond market and the Eurozone crisis.) At the Subway, the man ahead of me was having a conversation with the cashier, something about Occupy Wall Street and the 99%. I expected it would be negative, but the whole experience actua…

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Rent-Free Religion in New York’s Public Schools

…a youth ministry operating in what would soon become my son’s kindergarten classroom. The churches I attended enjoyed, after school hours and on weekends, ample space and furniture, newly painted walls, renovated bathrooms, and prime neighborhood real estate. And not one of them paid rent. I attended these churches while researching my forthcoming book on religion in public schools. Church-planting in public schools is just one of the dozens of re…

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Is Herman Cain’s Long-Running Minstrel Show Finally at an End?

…is favorite hymns.  According to Cain’s lawyer, this dalliance is no ones’ business, but I beg to differ. When the Republican race for the White House has descended into pledge signings, and public recitations of faith testimonies, then everything is on the table for scrutiny. The GOP has set morality as one of the rules for engagement since the late 1970’s. From the Republican perspective, there are some things, like divorce, that the party can s…

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BYU Skinny Jean Controversy: Sexism, Sizeism, or Standards?

…had just come from a meeting with her LDS bishop to discuss congregational business. Apparently, the pants were not too tight to wear to a church meeting, but they still drew the enforcement attention of Testing Center employees. “There were skinny girls who were wearing tight pants who were getting admitted, but I’m curvy so my regular-fitting pants were a little bit tighter on me and he wouldn’t let me in. It was offensive and humiliating,” she…

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Gingrich Signs Personhood USA Pledge

…president, I don’t think he’d, like, allow the United States to go out of business and succumb to the mass anarchy of roving mobs by accident.” To which the person replied, “No, if Newt were president and that happened, it would be on purpose.” The guy’s not stupid, in other words. He’s smart enough that when he recently spoke in favor of a national personhood amendment at the Thanksgiving Family Forum, and then got flack for it, he clarified tha…

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