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Catholic Church Targets Proponent of Women’s Ordination; Feminist Theologian

…bsolutely and without any wiggle room, are theologically acceptable. Their numbers are small. Dr. Johnson will not be silenced or prohibited from teaching. But the graduate students who come after her, and some of her colleagues teaching in Catholic institutions, will think twice about what they write or say for fear of similar repercussions. A shrinking church can apparently do with fewer, more doctrinally conservative theologians. God help it. S…

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2012 GOP Candidate Would Reinstate DADT

…,” he began, “we serve whoever comes to us. I don’t think it will be a big deal. There may be some who will have a problem with it, but we’re trained to treat it like any other sin.” He must have seen me roll my eyes involuntarily. “I don’t know much about the UCC,” he admitted, “but I take it your church doesn’t believe it’s a sin.” I told him no, the UCC fully accepts gays and lesbians and is the only mainline Protestant denomination to have pas…

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Walt Whitman’s Sacred Democracy

…mes: extreme worry at some of the crass and narcissistic excess of a great deal of contemporary American religiosity; but also extreme interest in, and even a whiff of hope inspired by, the relentless creativity and imaginativeness with which Americans by and large apply themselves to the pursuit of their spiritual dreams.   On the hopeful side of the ledger, I’d like to invite reflection on  two things that a great many Americans seem willing to…

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Guns and the Wyoming Legislator Proposing the Shari’ah Law Ban

…th and Wesson at “cap and trade.” “Yes, sir,” he concludes, “that’s how we deal with government intrusion into your lives.” In another video, he shoots socialism; in this one he shoots stimulus and health care. In a video posted on his Facebook page, he proudly “blew the heck out of that big government” by blasting a replica of the Capitol building with his rifle. Apparently he speaks a little Arabic, but thinks if you want to live in America, you…

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Crowdsourced Catholicism: New iPhone App Lets Users Forgive Sins

…our Facebook farms, this money goes straight to the developers. The users deal instead in an economy of social prestige. With each accepted penance, Saints climb in office from Bishop, to Archbishop, to Cardinal, and finally to Holy Father/Mother of the Church, the cost of directly requesting their absolution increasing at each step. To convert Halos to dollars, an untitled confessor’s services only cost 51¢, whereas the Pope/Papess turns their h…

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Barton: Founders Intended to Ban Abortion

…abortion back in 1808.” He says that “early legislatures in the 1790s were dealing with legislation on the right to life on the abortion issue.” But gives no examples and provides no references to any evidence. Then after this slippery claim he goes on at length with quotes from founders on the right to life, none of which mention abortion. “They understood back then that abortion was a bad deal and that your first guaranteed inalienable right is…

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Blasphemy and Betrayal: The Murder of Salman Taseer

…hips, and unequal access, the concept of religiously based law has a great deal of appeal to many people as a theoretically incorruptible and impartial source of judgment. In practice this has not been the case and, though hudud punishments like amputations and stonings are extremely rare in official judicial cases, there have been cases of local committees interpreting and applying their own judgments, with horrific results. What these sometimes…

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Turn Off, Slow Down, Drop In: The Digital Generation Reinvents the Sabbath

…face-to-face and in technologically-enabled engagements (see, for example, @texasbishop, @MeredithGould, @jaweedkaleem).  Can You Hear Me Now? At both ends of the continuum, then, advocates of cold-turkey unplugging and techno-wizardry in the context of worship and other spiritual practices can tend to make technology itself an idol. The former case, we are counseled to avert our eyes if we are to have any hope of seeing the divine in each other….

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Hysterical Heretical Hollywood Humanism: The Theology of The Adjustment Bureau

…obstacles in his way—everything from traffic accidents to rigged business deals—and threaten Norris with death if he reveals their existence to anyone. One angel, nicknamed “The Hammer,” (played beautifully by Terence Stamp) warns that if he follows his heart, not only his dreams but Elise’s too will be ruined; he issues this warning in the form of an injury during her performance. So Norris faces a dilemma: Will he resign himself to fate, or pur…

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The Night of the Farting Dog: An Atheist in Freefall

…ged female monastic. But the spiritual balm that Salzman has worked up, to deal with the loss of faith in everyday life, is essentially non-theistic in its metaphysical register. Explication requires a brief tour through his nearly hour-long monologue. Salzman tells the story of an optimistic, but highly anxious, seeker whose sense of enthusiasm and adventure dried up when the chaotic monotony of domestic life intervened with a vengeance. The quix…

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