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Celebrate Jesus with Weird Merchandise!

…ration and new beginnings and people coming together—concepts that get lip service during even the most secular Christmas celebrations. Easter is about death and resurrection. It’s the highest holy day of the Christian calendar. That’s not an easy thing to package, which is probably why there’s a such clean break between the bunnies-and-eggs version of Easter, and the church-service version. Merchandisers are wise to define Easter by marshmallow c…

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LDS Church Asserts Trademark of “Mormon”

…term Mormon has already been used to promote professional endeavors. In the 1930s, ‘40s and ‘50s, a race car driver from Utah named Ab Jenkins set records for speed racing in vehicles he called the “Mormon Meteor.” No one suggested that he was claiming that his car was endorsed by the LDS establishment. Finally, officially registered trademarks can and do become so genericised that the original holder loses the right to control use of the name, as…

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Science, Syphilis, and the Evolution of Ethics

…’s dead, so we’ll never know for sure. When he was interviewed in the early 1990’s for a NOVA special on the Alabama experiments and was confronted with the irony of their being carried out also during the Nuremburg trials, Cutler responded, “Yes, but they’re Nazis.” Admittedly, those were different times. Similar experiments were carried out on ‘volunteer’ prisoners throughout the early 1900’s. And scientists genuinely wondered whether different…

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3 Reasons the SCOTUS Challenge to Contraceptive Mandate is a “Religious Liberty” Stalking Horse

…g Blue Cross/Blue Shield process the contraceptive claims. Catholic health service providers and nonprofits are technically forbidden under Catholic doctrine from “cooperating” in the provision of only two things: abortion and permanent contraceptive sterilization. Traditionally contraception fell in a gray area, where Catholic providers could sort of cooperate, especially if it would be damaging to their business not to. The crackdown on contrace…

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LGBTQ Methodists on Whether the United Methodist Church Will Ever Affirm LGBTQ People

…a magazine the liberal Methodist Student Movement put out that ran from the 1940s to the 1970s called motive (the lowercase “m” was deliberate) which called for full LGBTQ liberation. “Our history is one of both discrimination and resistance to that discrimination,” Rebecca says. “Right now, those who stand on the side of discrimination wish to rewrite that history, by labeling their positions as ‘traditional.’ They want to erase that history of r…

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Why the King Hearings Should Matter to Mormons

…icle. If LDS Church President Joseph F. Smith recognized that there were in 1901 “good people on this earth who think they’re doing God a service to kill us,” please consider how Muslims might feel witnessing an elected official from Orange County, California, publicly threaten to marshall US Marines to send American Muslims “to an early meeting in paradise.” As a Mormon who remembers her faith’s marginal history, I find the King hearings and the…

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Georgia Gov Vetoes Right-To-Discriminate Bill

services—such as musicians, florists, or caterers—to discriminate against customers based on religious beliefs, since providing these services may require attending a wedding. This section of the bill contained no ban against invidious discrimination otherwise prohibited by state or federal law, and therefore may have empowered government officials and wedding-related service providers to refuse to attend interfaith or interracial weddings. Allow…

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What About the Religious Liberty of Liberal Military Chaplains?

…ultimate repeal of DADT. ADF legal counsel Daniel Blomberg has said that “service members should not be denied the very constitutional liberties they volunteered to defend,” completely disregarding the fact that many gay and lesbian soldiers who profess a faith, Christian or otherwise, should also have their religious liberty protected—which means not having to bear being insulted or demonized by anyone in the military, chaplain or otherwise. Thi…

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Openly Gay Mormon Appointed to LDS Church Leadership Position

…o reaching out to the many LGBT Mormons who live within his congregation’s service area. “We have so many people on the Church records who are inactive, whose families are still members. Many of them served honorably as Mormon missionaries. Many identify as LGBT. I want them to understand that like me they do have a home here,” Mayne says. “As an openly gay priesthood leader, I hope my example also shows that not only do they have a home here but…

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Why I Will Not See The Help: A Rant

…that all honest work has dignity. However, the reality is that persons in service work, especially service work in US homes, generally are grossly undercompensated. This undercompensation often occurs because their social or legal status makes them easy targets for exploitation. There is honor and dignity in their work to support themselves and their families, but the structure that allows their undercompensation dishonors such persons, marking t…

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