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Culture Warriors Surrender, But Battles Rage On

…ify concepts that have always seemed culturally implicit,” like who should use the men’s room and who should use the woman’s room. Part of this, writes Green, is a backlash against the move toward legalizing same-sex marriage, which destablilized a long-established gender binary, with anxieties first expressing themselves as requests for exemptions from participating in same-sex marriage ceremonies and more recently in the right of states to contr…

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More Thoughts on Media Coverage of Liberal Religion

…rientation, gender identity, disability or geography. We support religious freedom.  Religious freedom means that each individual has the right to exercise their own beliefs and the right not to have others’ beliefs forced upon them.  We believe no employer has the right to deny the women who work for them basic health care. Individuals must have the right to accept or reject the principles of their own faith without legal restrictions.  No single…

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Bin Laden’s Death Does Not Prove that Torture Works

…has been punished for engaging in it. Officials are able to champion their use of torture—as Bush did in Decision Points—because no one in the Bush Administration has been held accountable for torturing or for authorizing torture despite the overwhelming evidence that they did so. There are some countries to which Bush and Cheney can’t travel because they are considered war criminals, but they can travel freely in the United States, making the rou…

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Blame Muscular Christianity for Driscoll Fiasco

…d to men. Although Acts 29 stresses that “male headship” should not be confused with “domineering control,” it’s no anomaly that given the terms such control is the real result, historically and in the present. Nor is it an anomaly when the imaginary of “male headship” expresses itself in overtly misogynstic and homophobic terms, as in Driscoll’s case. It’s a logical result of a “ministry” that grounds itself in inequality, and it would, unfortuna…

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Rape and Richard Mourdock’s Semi-Omnipotent God

…ts its religious justifications are similar: it would ban gay marriage because homosexuality is a “sin”; it would ban abortion, even in the case of rape, because, as Mourdock claims to know, life is a gift from God. Predictably, some commentators are recycling the tired talking point that “the left doesn’t get religion” to discredit those outraged by Mourdock’s comments. On the right, New York Times columnnist Ross Douthat argues that the media on…

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Prominent Evangelical Pundit Accuses Obama of “Abusing” Faith-Based Office

…ically calculating or cynical or wrong than Karl Rove trying to get more African-Americans to vote Republican by doling out cash to Eddie Long? Gerson has recently co-authored a book on religion and politics with former Bush staffer Peter Wehner, now a fellow at the conservative Ethics and Public Policy Center. On CBN, the pair was finger-wagging at Obama for screwing up how he talks to evangelicals. “Has he blown it with Christians?” asked host J…

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Thomas Jefferson’s Bible Rejected the Supernatural Jesus in Response to the ‘Stupidity’ of Those Who Deified Him

…e American past and present. He saw the Jefferson Bible as an important American historical object. It wasn’t just something left behind by a Founding Father, it was an object with a particular resonance. It seems so obviously an object that reinforces Jefferson’s deism, and yet some insist it is evidence of his orthodox faith. Christian nationalists cannot accept that Jefferson’s religious ideas don’t match their own. They claim that Jefferson wa…

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Who Could Possibly Take Issue With ‘Human Dignity’? Beware of Trojan Horses

…spect for persons, not for anything they do or any rank they hold, but because they reflect the face of God.” Dignity Health possesses deep and intricate ties to the Catholic Church, along with its institutions, theology, and ethics. Dignity’s Vice-President for Ethics and Justice Education Carol Bayley said, “We have our feet in Catholic mud, there is no denying it.” The hospital considers itself a ministry and views its mission as sacred. Hence,…

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Despite Vastly Different Values, Evangelical ‘Hamilton’ Connects Secular Left and Christian Right

…America, I investigate how religious communities like Door McAllen Church use musicals to practice a form of world-building where they and their beliefs can belong. I learned that this level of adaptation is not at all uncommon among religious groups in America, and for good reason. Musicals, like many religions, are invested in the not-yet, in the could-be. With their extravagant theatrics and larger-than-life mythologies, neither is engaged in…

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In a Powerful Statement Black Presidents and Deans Say: No More Stolen Black Lives!

…ts and Deans serving at schools of theology, departments of religion and African American Studies across the nation. Our co-signers include but are not limited to Black faculty and administrators who comprise the Black theological and religious intellectual thought-group of our time. We were raised and nurtured by Black men and women who had an unquenchable thirst for justice and liberation. Their ancestors bore on their shoulders the weight of op…

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