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Replacing Godless Hollywood with Bible-Based “Cultural Dominion”

…lterous violations against one’s current or future spouse. Last year, the “Best Feature” winner was Fireproof, starring Cameron, whose work in that film and the Left Behind movies (as well as in the much-ridiculed videos with Ray Comfort on how bananas prove evolution wrong) have earned him the admiration of conservative evangelicals. Illustrating the wide-ranging influence of these Reconstructionist-inspired films, and the lack of mainstream noti…

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Hajj Journal:
This Cultural Hajj

…cided on the next best thing from then on: I would do what I thought would best enhance my experience of the hajj and I would stay away from the rest, opting for silence if somebody else’s culture got too close. The variance of different cultural Islams prevented the women in our tent from creating an immediate community for the days ahead. At one point, the group leader wanted to inform the men and women together about the rites of Mina, Arafat,…

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NYPD Lied About Islamophobic Third Jihad

…ime for the Mayor to show he’s still a man of the people. He is by far the best Mayor we’ve had on transportation because he takes the subway. Now it’s time for him to show he can be the best Mayor we’ve had for law enforcement, and recognize the daily ways in which communities are victimized by the police. Instead of letting the NYPD take advice from unnamed, unaccountable DHS contractors, partner with experts. NYC has no shortage of top-notch un…

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Teaching World Religion in the Dumpster Fire

…worth exploring, and in a college full of pre-professional majors it is my best-selling general education course, so I will not apologize for trying to complicate the views of future business people, health care professionals and public school teachers.) I struggled, as I suppose most teachers did on that day, to figure out what I would say to my students—some of whom would be triumphant, others grieving, all of them sleep-deprived. In truth, I di…

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The Americans Season Finale: Teach Your Parents Well

…notion. Paige’s spiritual explorations, which began last season, prompt a number of difficult, intriguing conversations between parent and child, and the parents themselves about identity, values, beliefs—what they are, what they should be, and how they can pass them on to their progeny. When Elizabeth and Philip’s KGB handler tells them that “the center” wants Paige to become one of the first “second-generation illegals,” Philip is horrified. He…

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Hajj Journal: Makkah as the Most Romantic City

…and over again. Imagine my thoughts about this reversed order, right? The best position for the man in hajj is behind the woman. It made sense that these guys would literally need to be instructed for such, because their normal way of thinking must be, me first. Yes, yes, our wives are equal, but we’re the standard bearers and she must follow our leads. But in the jostle, if the person is behind you, they are more likely to be separated by the cr…

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How To Win $20,000 From Sam Harris

…ty, in theory, creates the most well-being by doing what is scientifically best for the greatest number of its members. To take down this point, you just have to be able to successfully critique modernism, which basically amounts to pulling some quotes from the paper you wrote on Foucault when you were a college sophomore.  3) Embrace balance Despite the “cacophony” of criticism of The Moral Landscape, Harris claims that, “I have yet to encounter…

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The “Southern Cage”: How the Myth of the Redemptive Depression Keeps Blacks at the Margins

…broke with the New Deal coalition, but it would be easy to overstate their number. Even those who worried about the New Deal’s racial implications were overwhelmingly supportive of Roosevelt’s policies well into the 1940s. In recent years we have been muddling through a “Great Recession” in which many of the problems and the arguments of the 1930s have been resurfacing. What can this history teach us about our present political-economic situation?…

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God Versus Mega-Aliens

…ing on with stories? As a fiction writer, surely Zvan knows that, at their best, stories are not just about amusement. The best ones may actually be true somehow. Is Naff’s truncated religious story true in the way he suggests—literally, scientifically? Maybe so, maybe not. Is it true in the way he wants it not to be—poetically, metaphorically? Maybe so, maybe not. As a Christian, I think so. But Zvan differs: “We are better off treating [non-scie…

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God and the Gay Christian: An Interview with Matthew Vines

…for why same-sex marriage should be legal. That requires synthesizing the best arguments and letting them percolate and mainstreaming them. I think we’re a bit behind in the religious conversation. It’s not that this research and arguments aren’t out there, it’s that they haven’t yet been mainstreamed in a clear, accessible, consistent way, especially for the most key constituency, which is conservative Christians. So, in the book, I’m not trying…

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