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Census Reveals Gay People are Shockingly… Normal

…funny if it didn’t signal the death knell for the religious right’s jihad against gays and lesbians. The article marvels that: According to the research, many same-sex couples are doing something straight couples have been doing for generations: getting older, having kids, and moving to the suburbs… These trends, both the spread of gay people living openly, and of gay populations mirroring trends in the straight population, are playing out nation…

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No Conspiracy Theories Needed: Abortion Foes Cry Racism

…uld descend on Oakland for the sentencing to stand in solidarity with Hoye against “a deliberate attempt to silence the Church and its prophetic role in protecting the innocent lives in our community and especially Black babies.” In all, the small-potatoes case of Rev. Hoye is just another moment in the sun for increasingly vocal anti-abortion activists who claim to fight abortion on anti-racist grounds; they tar abortion and family planning servi…

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Punks vs. Monks: Rockers Speak Out Against Genocide in Myanmar

…Muslim minorities. In the last two years, sectarian violence in Myanmar’s Arakan State has resulted in the displacement of over 140,000 members of the Rohingya minority, as well as the deaths of thousands more. The recent surge in violence appears to have been incited by Buddhist monks. The Rohingya, who number almost one million, have been denied citizenship since 1982 and subjected to denials of the rights to travel, marry and have children. Th…

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LGBT Christians Respond to Southern Baptists’ Call For Kindness, Understanding

…e 1,300 Southern Baptist clergy and laity to Nashville, with a defiant declaration that Southern Baptists and their churches will never recognize or tolerate same-sex relationships, another more pastoral and conciliatory theme was later championed by the conference convener, Russell Moore. Mohler later gave a brief nod to Moore’s tone when he acknowledged that he had been wrong years ago when he said that same sex attractions could be changed, ech…

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The Story Behind the Catholic Church’s Stunning Reversal on Contraception

…nding the bed, trying get help, certain she was going to die. Finally she managed to cry out, “God dammit, I can’t die. I have five children.” Her cries roused her roommate, who summoned a doctor. The doctor managed to staunch the bleeding from the hematoma that had resulted from the birth of her fifth child. It was not an unexpected complication. She had hemorrhaged after giving birth to her fourth child. The doctors had warned her against any mo…

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A Twisted Love Story: How American Evangelicals Helped Make Putin’s Russia and How Russia Became the Darling of the American Right

…articular, who made it their mission to save “Godless Russia,” seemingly unaware that before 1917, it had, in fact, been “Holy Mother Russia.” In a pattern we’ve seen repeated again and again among American evangelicals before and since, they understood the persecution of the local indigenous Christian population and the suppression of a region’s historical Christian institutions to be primarily about themselves. And so, American evangelicals set…

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Risky Business: The Pitfalls at the Corner of Church & Wall Street

…n the broader economy. Indeed, University of Pennsylvania researcher Ram Cnaan has shown that a modest-sized urban congregation contributes upwards of half a million dollars in economic value to its community in the form of direct services, real capital investments (the new roof over the sacristy), education, and less-easily quantified benefits like preventing crime, youth and domestic violence, and suicide. Anderson insists that churches’ investm…

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A ‘Pro-Life’ Buttigieg Ambush, Trump’s Corrupt Counsel, and More

…S, and some of them want their hegemony back. You can see this play out in a number of ways in the headlines. 2. There’s a specific desire to maintain the hegemony of conservative social practices, leading Trump to appear at the March For Life, the first president ever to have done so. The effort appears to have paid off, with marchers shouting things like “four more years” and “we love you.” 3. Though Democrats overwhelmingly favor reproductive r…

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Trump’s “Muslim Ban” A Gift to Terrorists

…ven predominantly Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.” The response to the proposal has been swift; spontaneous protests in support of immigrants and Muslims took place in airports across the nation, advocacy groups (successfully, so far) challenged portions of the order, while public figures like Madeleine Albright vowed to register as a Muslim. The immigration ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries is pr…

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Trump is a Nightmare, Sure, But Can He Actually Do Anything?

…tance, and indeed worked well to build broad coalitions of opposition to blatant anti-LGBT laws like North Carolina’s House Bill 2, Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act, and any number of ill-fated attempts to block the forward march of marriage equality. But my professional pedigree also breeds skepticism. And although it’s long been clear that the current administration is hell-bent on turning back the clock on basic civil rights for anyo…

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