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Introducing the Dr. Who Media Club

…—a being who will always, always push the “protest” button. And his action frees the people of Starship UK from their mysterious bondage, their self-imposed amnesia. The Doctor is an anarchist messiah, a man capable of transforming simple protest into liberation. There’s something else at play in this episode that digs a bit deeper into the question of moral identity. The Doctor learns the mysterious fact that the city-ship’s populace has repeated…

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Israel Claims Holy Sites, Reignites Religious Flashpoint

…s quo. Israeli President Shimon Peres said, “Israel will continue to grant freedom of worship to every religion in every holy place.” But it was to no avail; clashes continued. According to Dr. Shmuel Bercovitz, an Israeli expert on religious sites in Israel and the Palestinian Territories, the Palestinians are using Netanyah’s declaration for nationalistic purposes. “Palestinians are using religious fervor to ignite the masses in a national strug…

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Tariq Ramadan in Montreal: Defining Ethics in Terms of Religion

…ed to the revolutionary political agenda advanced in his work than to that central and most controversial fact—that Ramadan is a Muslim. Indeed, for Ramadan, all of his thought and work emerges from his acceptance of the claim that the one and only God, Allah, creator of the universe, twice offered Revelations of His truth to humanity, twice saw these Revelations corrupted in the course of human history, and, finally, conveyed the final Revelation…

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Undercover at Falwell’s Liberty University, Finding Common Ground

…ated from college in 2006. While waiting for a meeting in Providence’s new Freemason-themed hotel, I got a surprise phonecall from Father Isaac, the cassocked gentle giant who serves as Eastern Orthodox chaplain there. We hadn’t known each other well while I was a student, but I’d always liked him. Upon hearing I was in town, he thought he’d ring me up, and what followed was certainly the longest conversation we’d ever had together. He wished me w…

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By the Way: Religious Right Eats its Own

…Party in Iowa denied Senator Charles Grassley, the state’s senior elected Republican, a place on the state’s delegation to the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota. The Iowa Christian Alliance, the state’s most powerful Religious Right organization, has long exerted an outsized influence over the state’s Republican Party, but now it controls a majority of seats on the central committee. Grassley, who was first elected to the Unit…

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Justice Denied by the “Culture of Life”

…not a scriptural term. While life is affirmed in scripture, it is not the central value. That central value is love for God, for the neighbor and the self. Love in social relationships is expressed as justice; a far cry from love, but yet the best approximation to it to which we can aspire. The Bible focuses over and over on a culture of justice. And justice is enjoined most strongly for those to whom the world does not want to accord justice: th…

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Heaven On Earth: A Non-Hysterical History of Shari’ah

…sts began systematically to address the two interlinked questions that are central to any legal system: how to decide between two different arguments concerning a rule; and how to resolve cases that are not explicitly covered by clear rules in the first place.   In the years since then, countless thousands of scholars have spent their lives struggling to interpret God’s law (a task known as ijtihad), with prolific results. Islamic jurisprudence go…

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Way Beyond Atheism: God Does Not (Not) Exist

…le bearing in mind its lessons. In fact, negative theology constitutes the central nervous system, if you will, of the entire Summa Theologica of Thomas Aquinas that Dawkins so happily and ignorantly mocks. In this work, Thomas employs analogical language in order to speak freely of God’s attributes without the possibility of confusing them with the attributes of, say, fire or kingship or love or being. Finally one may say that negative theology i…

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ISIS, ISIL or Daesh? Either Way, Obama Gets it Right

…e authority of its Iraqi branch and instead pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda central, while the Iraqi branch, never very comfortable with Bin Laden’s less murderous savagery then declared itself independent. They called themselves the Islamic State in Iraq, and subsequently the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. So they’re ISIS, right? Well, not so fast. ISI…S? The group’s Arabic name is ad-Dawlah al-Islamiyya fi’l Iraq wa ash-Sham, or the Islamic Sta…

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Who Benefits From Standardized Universal Time? And Other Questions to Ask As You Set Your Clocks Back This Weekend

…ip with the industrialist drumbeat that is standard time. Timekeepers call central clocks “master clocks,” and others “slave clocks.” Through Thompson’s lens, these expressions look all too descriptive. It’s a potent analysis. Standard time does allow for new negotiations between individuals and groups. It allows authority figures to shape the schedules of people—to make them, in a word, disciplined. Often, that discipline clashes with other, more…

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