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History Channel’s “Vikings” Subverts and Supports the Violent Heathen Trope

…ing the campaigns against the Karankawa Indians, Colonel John Moore of the Texas Rangers argued that the Indians’ cannibalism was “beyond question.” Although he had never observed the practice, and ethnographic accounts of the Karankawa show no evidence, Moore used the myth to justify the massacre of over 40 Karankawa in 1826. Christians have also been on the receiving end of accusations of savagery. While still an infant movement in imperial Rome…

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Rubio’s Failure Reveals Dearth of Moderates in GOP

…a bigger advocate of tearing the government down, and he won his state of Texas and almost 2.5 times the number of delegates. But just as Donald Trump has found his constituency among struggling, downscale white voters terrified that ISIS is going to show up on their front porch, Cruz has found his among the true believers, the homeschoolers and dominonists, the “constitutional” conservatives and cultural reactionaries. By contrast, Rubio’s natur…

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Evangelicals Getting on the Trump Train

…cruise through many Deep South state primaries (excluding Cruz country in Texas and Oklahoma) couldn’t have happened without reaching into some portion of the white southern Christian vote; it just wasn’t mathematically possible otherwise. Whatever was the case when there were still candidates whose main appeal was to Christian conservatives, the electoral engagement clearly has begun, and soon threatens to submerge Russell Moore, Mitt Romney, an…

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Justice v. Revenge: The Question Beneath the Question of Prison Reform

…ion doesn’t sound so different from today’s correctional institutions. The number of mentally ill inmates is on the rise, as public psychiatric institutions lose funding. Buildings are overcrowded and under-maintained. Rehabilitation and substance-abuse programs are chronically underfunded. Debt imprisonment no longer exists, but the burden still falls disproportionately on the marginalized: discriminatory policies throughout the justice system me…

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Baptist Resolutions Signal More Culture War

…lution on the flag reads: WHEREAS, More than 20 percent (nearly eleven thousand) of our cooperating Southern Baptist congregations identify as predominately non-Anglo and for the last two years more than 50 percent of Southern Baptist new church plants are predominately non-Anglo; and WHEREAS, We recognize that the Confederate battle flag is used by some and perceived by many as a symbol of hatred, bigotry, and racism, offending millions of people…

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Are the Culture Wars Over? Look at the States

…urch and State. Similar bills are pending in Arkansas, Kansas, Nevada, and Texas, according to Elise Helgesen, AU’s State Legislative Counsel. After the bill passed, the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation put out a statement praising the veto override, and charging, “There is a concerted effort to dismantle our First Amendment rights and redefine freedom. As a result, elected leaders across the nation are realizing the importance of preserving…

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“Lyin’ Ted’s” Non-Endorsement: When Coherence Becomes a Vice

…us and self-serving. Cruz opened his speech telling of Caroline, the young Texas girl who had hugged her police officer father for the last time before he was gunned down in the recent Dallas police shooting. The crowd grew quiet listening to the account, appropriately moved. But Cruz quickly pivoted to his smarmy and self-satisfied ways. “What if this right now is our last time? Our last moment to do something for our families, and our country?”…

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Ex-Gay Org Loses Tax-Exempt Status

…by Mark Regnerus, an associate professor of sociology at the University of Texas at Austin, that is being used as the basis for Supreme Court amicus briefs from anti-gay organizations fighting to keep DOMA and prevent Prop. 8 from reinstatement in California. All of these events are clear indications that the tide is turning against those who try to sell the lie that gay and lesbian people can simply “pray away the gay” or get enough “reparative”…

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The Theology of Westboro: The “World’s Meanest Church” Is More Than Picket Signs

…he was arrested, she let the officer know that he was violating Johnson v. Texas, which protected her right to stand on the flag. He arrested her anyway, to the irritation of the judge who later had to award her the costs related to the arrest. In that case, the church member won some money, but she deserved it. And she didn’t taunt the officer into arresting her, and even laid out very clearly and calmly what would happen if he violated the law p…

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New Poll: Americans Disagree with Hobby Lobby

…that understanding of transgender identity leads to public officials (like Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton) dismissing trans women as “men deciding one day they want to be women, and then switching back the next day.” Ironically, the question itself alludes to the lack of understanding of trans identities that the survey later discusses by noting that a respondent knowing a transgender person has a substantial influence on their position on this…

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