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Like the Bible? You’ll Love a ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ T-shirt — How AI Marketing Shapes Identity

…s. After all, it’s not only algorithms and computation, but especially the way people imagine and perceive algorithms and computation, that shape the way we think about ourselves and our communities. They also shape (and reshape) the way people think about “the media” itself, raising concerns about democracy in the digital age. In the original Facebook post, the evangelical pastor at first expressed dismay at why a Christian website would advertis…

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Will Mindfulness Change the World? Daniel Goleman Isn’t Sure

…s his goal. That alone is good in itself. I don’t look to mindfulness as a way to change the way people think about the planet.  You know, I once wrote a book called Ecological Intelligence which argued that if the environmental effects of what we do and buy were easily accessed at decision points, that that would be enough. But I think that’s wrong. I think that’s necessary but not sufficient. I think we need a different motivational system on to…

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Mexico’s Religious Conservatives Seek Anti-LGBT Constitutional Amendment, LGBT Activists Defend Secular Government; Cash From Qatar Funds ‘Traditional’ Family Activism Worldwide; Global LGBT Recap

…r” at the church’s treatment of lesbians and gay men. Catholic Church: New Ways Ministry publishes critique of Vatican sex ed program At New Ways Ministry’s blog, Glen Bradley critically reviews the Vatican’s new sex education program. A short excerpt: The Vatican’s negligent program excludes the reality of LGBTQ people in our world today and poses serious threats to all students–LGBTQ and straight-cisgender alike–by potentially negatively impacti…

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Betrayed at the Polls, Evangelicals of Color at a Crossroads

…ave a little more remorse…this is white evangelicalism revealing itself in ways that are deeply dysfunctional.” Their mission field, not their church This is the context that has prompted so many evangelicals of color to change course. But not everyone is leaving. As a growing number of minorities redefine their associations, many have chosen to see white evangelical spaces as their “mission field,” but not their source of spiritual nourishment. T…

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Israel Under Bush: The Islamophobia Years

…larity of their positions. Barack Obama and Joseph Biden went out of their way to explain exactly how the Republicans had worsened Israel’s security, not enhanced it. Sounding at times like he’d taken his cues directly from Israel’s center-left daily Haaretz, Obama pointedly told a Jewish audience in Ohio that the Republicans did not espouse Jewish interests, but held a distinctly Likud party point of view. Americans seem to have assimilated Israe…

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Honoring and Renewing Dr. King’s Other, More Challenging, Dream — 55 Years Later

…question, of course, is the one that Rev. Lawson raises in his distinctive way: Will white people who consider themselves “comfortable” awaken to the call? Can they see how the pathway to their own liberation lies in joining a mobilization for the whole human family? Everyone says it’s easier for the young to push for a total transformation—that they have “less to lose.” My thought is that anyone, of any age, who looks honestly at the way we live…

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The ‘White Lie’ Connecting Trump’s Pardon of Arsonists, Immigration Fiasco, and Charlottesville

…Refuge in 2016, offers a perspective from which to view the very specific way Trump has actively traded on the close kinship between Whiteness and the ritualistic (re)enactment of land, resource, and space dominion in American culture. Perhaps more than any other scholar to date, George Lipsitz has explored what he calls the “the racialization of space and the spatialization of race,” and the ways in which the possessive investment in Whiteness f…

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What’s Wrong with Wright’s Words

…ntury, and the nation’s first movements westward. Nor did the jeremiad go away after the founding era. Time and time again, critics raised their voice in the name of founding American principles, lamenting the continuing obstacles standing in the way of their full realization, and calling Americans to reform their practices and claim the nation’s foundational promises. Frederick Douglass told an audience on July 4, 1852, that “[t]he principles con…

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Teaching World Religion in the Dumpster Fire

…ds, yes, I do want to indoctrinate students. I certainly wouldn’t want to overplay the importance of religion in whatever ails humankind, nor do I have delusions of grandeur about the ability of a religion professor to change the course of history. But the way I see it, any reduction in fear (at least about anything other than climate change) is a net gain for the world. Maintaining some level of equanimity, inside the classroom and out, is the be…

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The Promise of Immortality in a Tech-Enhanced Heaven

…y psychology with its concordant ideas of biological determinism. But in a way, that may be a source of their optimism. If human tendencies are systemic in a fundamental, biological sense, then it’s a system, and a system can be hacked. LW: In a recent-ish piece in UK Telegraph, fashion designers Dolce and Gabbana were quoted saying: “I call children of chemistry, synthetic children. Rented uterus, semen chosen from a catalog.” Also: “The family i…

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