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Trump’s Potentially Deadly Easter Celebration Has His Daddy’s Pastor’s Magical Thinking Written All Over It

…ne.” This was the same briefing where Dr. Deborah Birx broke the news that New York City was becoming such a horrible plague incubator that people traveling out of the city absolutely need to self-isolate for two weeks in their new location. With a stricken look on his face, poor Dr. Anthony Fauci was forced to stumble through an attempt to square the president’s Easter fantasy with sound medical practice; he offered the notion that there could be…

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Turn On The News: Ending Zoom Church is a Great Idea for a Column — Provided You Completely Ignore the Disability Perspective

…ous about what could be learned, and deeply indifferent to the potential misery sponsored by the author’s ideas. Tish Harrison Warren might be entirely right that the world would be a better place if churches returned to entirely in-person worship. I think the world would be better off if New York Times opinion editors concentrated less on what might spark conversation and more on what needs to be said at the present moment. This isn’t it. ### The…

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The Religious Lives of Soldiers

…uck me as I was reading excerpts from Sunday’s sermons and articles in the New York Times that we know a great deal about Sunday’s thoughts and the thoughts of clergymen and editorial boards of denominational periodicals, but that little was written about the religious thoughts and lives of the men and women who went over to Europe to wage the war. This is one instance of a broader problem that spans any historical discipline—certain voices, usual…

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Are Tea Partiers Pro-Gay and Pro-Choice?

…eira showed in this further dissection of the poll: Findings from a recent New York Times/CBS News poll make this point very clearly. The poll finds that the general public remains stalwart in its support for the Roe v. Wade decision establishing the right to obtain a legal abortion: 58 percent say this decision was a good thing, compared to just 34 percent who say it was a bad thing. But among Tea Party supporters, sentiment is just the reverse:…

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Will International Criminal Court Bring Charges Against ISIS For Gender-Based Persecution?; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…The City University of New York School of Law has teamed up with Madre, a New York-based women’s rights group, and the Organization for Women’s Freedom in Iraq to petition the International Criminal Court to bring charges against the Islamic State for gender-based persecution, reports BuzzFeed’s Lester Feder: The ICC is not obligated to take up these charges, but if Bensouda were to convinced to do so, they would be the first criminal cases for L…

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Why Jason Collins’ Faith is Ignored… And Tebow’s Isn’t

…, writing for US News and World Report, complains that “the secular crowd, New York sports writers included, have never forgiven” Tebow for his public Christianity and that Tebow is being “chased off the field in a flurry of social media cat calls while Collins… gets the call from the president.” This, Roff concludes, is evidence of a “double standard” under which “gays increasingly get cultural acceptance while conservatives and Christians are trea…

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Goat Head Found in Brooklyn. Who Cares?

…y the Internet is abuzz with speculation about insidious forces lurking in New York. Law enforcement frequently assumes, unfairly, that whenever dead animal parts appear in unusual places that Santeria practitioners are to blame, but The Gothamist has done this theory one better by suggesting that the number “93”—which appears on a tag on the goat’s ear—is linked to Aleister Crowley’s philosophy of Thelema. (One wonders how much time the alleged T…

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Kill Your Patriarchs: An Interview with Michael Muhammad Knight

…t by him, because I do not recognize him. I curse him, thinking that he, a New York newbie, has given me the wrong street corner. After I keep him waiting for 30 minutes (because of my mistake), I offer to buy him a cone from The Big Gay Ice Cream Truck. He pays for his. I am not sure where the cone, or his boot, may end up as we talk. MMK is considered to be the father of the American Muslim Punk Movement. His originally self-published novel, The…

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The Most Religious Race: Islam in Europe

…eans (read: white Christian Europeans) moving between EU member-states and New Yorkers heading out for California. Except, of course, that New York and California never fielded armies against one another. Then again, if Europe could leave historic animosities behind—and it did—Caldwell’s argument has little weight. Caldwell anxiously digs himself a deeper hole: He distinguishes Hispanic immigration to America from Muslim immigration to Europe, arg…

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Museum of (In)tolerance for Divided City

…roughout the world. But fans of Jerusalem, unlike fans of Paris, Cairo, or New York, are a bitterly divided groups of fans, with fiercely contending understandings of the city’s history and landscape. For Jerusalem, though “united” by Israeli government fiat after the 1967 War, remains a deeply divided city. Its Jewish and Arab citizens live in a very uneasy balance, one easily upset, as the political events of this year, and each of the forty-thr…

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