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Washington Post Blogger “Proud” To Have Shared Stage With Geert Wilders

…arliamentary elections. Wilders is no friend of the U.S.: he opposes Dutch military involvement in Afghanistan; he believes development assistance is money wasted; he opposes NATO missions outside “allied” territory; he is against most EU initiatives; and, most troubling, he forments fear and hatred of immigrants. Let’s sum up: the Post’s On Faith, which has a stated mission to promote “intelligent, informed, eclectic, respectful conversation,” ha…

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Frank Gaffney Appointed to Clarion Fund Board

…to fear monger about the threat of a nuclear Iran and pressure the US for military action. Just before the holidays, Shore, who has produced all the films, sent out fundraising emails reminding supporters of how his organization brought its previous films to “millions of households worldwide. The films have educated politicians, media, and activists on the threats that radical Islam poses to our way of life.” During the 2008 presidential campaign…

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The Heresies of Christopher Hitchens

…invited reactions by others. He comments that in the symposium that ran, a number of the Left intelligentsia made the abysmal mistake of saying, in effect, that while what Susan had said may be partly true or even plain true, she would still have been much better advised not to say it. I think she herself may have feared that she was somehow “objectively” helping Ronald Reagan. But whether her mind changed her, or she changed her mind, she manifes…

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Disaster Theology: Blame and Powerlessness in Japan

…uddhists believed they were living in the Age of Mappo, a period marked by military strife, frequent earthquakes, epidemics, fires, and floods, and a general deflation on the value of human life. Given that Japan has always been particularly vulnerable to volcanic eruptions and other seismic events, not to mention pestilence and war, it must have seemed to such true believers that the Buddhist teachings on Mappo were more often right than wrong. T…

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Bin Laden’s Death Does Not Prove that Torture Works

…My Journey), Jason Leopold writes that Brandon Neely, a former Guantánamo Military Policeman said some soldiers tortured detainees because they wanted revenge for 9/11. “We were told… all of the detainees… were the ones who planned 9/11 or had something to do with it,” Neely said. “We were told over and over and over that all these guys were caught fighting Americans on the front lines and at any given time if we turned our back on them they woul…

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Things the GOP Won’t Like about Ron Paul

…poses “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,” arguing that gay or straight behavior in the military that is disruptive is grounds for dismissal, but that being gay shouldn’t preclude one from service. He opposes efforts to define marriage, in any form, at the federal level. He supports legal recognition of contracts with the “sanctity” of marriage left to religious groups—who can sanctify whatever unions they deem appropriate. Finally, even on the abortion issue…

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How We Respond to the Death of Our Enemies

…, sums up the madness: “All persons of good will can rejoice that the U.S. military has successfully ended Osama bin Laden’s career of terror. Sadly, since 9-11, many church voices have insisted that Christianity mandates pacifism. Hopefully there will be greater appreciation for The Church’s historic stance that God ordained the state to punish the wicked. Author Rachel Held Evans, however, indicts us all: “Trying to keep in mind that how I respo…

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Bin Laden’s Death: Redress of a Wrong Suffered

…esident Obama announced that Osama bin Laden had been killed in a targeted military action in Pakistan. One principle of just war theory has been fulfilled: To redress a wrong suffered. As a veteran of the United States Army, and one whose son served in the US Army during the first days of the war in Iraq, for all the many nights I fell asleep looking at the news hoping not to hear the dreaded “knock on the door” with news of a soldier lost at war…

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Shari’ah (Panic) Threatens the Constitution

…the Obama administration’s decision to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed before a military commission, read Dahlia Lithwick: [M]ake no mistake about it: It won’t stop here. Putting the administration’s imprimatur on the idea that some defendants are more worthy of real justice than others legitimates the whole creeping, toxic American system of providing one class of legal protections for some but not others: special laws for children of immigrants, spec…

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Insurance Coverage for Abortion in Health Care Reform Threatened

…pe, or life endangerment: women who receive Medicaid, federal workers, the military, the American Indian health service, women in federal prisons, and even Peace Corps volunteers.) This effort may be more devastating to women’s reproductive health care than the hundreds of individual state laws now on the books—or it may be a pivotal moment of change in the bitter battle over abortion. Narrow attacks on reproductive rights, whether from the Cathol…

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