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Mitt, Moochers, and Mormonism’s “Other” Legacy

…he chaos to come; and possible treks on foot back to Nauvoo, Illinois, the site of the original Garden of Eden and the future New Jerusalem, punctuated normal conversation. As an elementary school student, I used to draw crayon farms with imaginary fields that could provide for all our needs, and I am still plagued by an obsessive-compulsive ritual that must stem from these days. I harbor secret fears about being able to provide for my own childre…

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“Mass Graves, Child Soldiers” and a Crusading Army of International Evangelists

…with crowds swelling for the final weekend days (although nowhere near the numbers of 120,000 the organizers claimed for the Saturday evening—local press estimated no more than 10-12,000). Certainly one of the main attractions was the energetic local gospel music performed every night for hours before the preaching and healing began. Not only did it get us and our students dancing at the ground, but we could continue to enjoy its rousing sounds fr…

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Enlightenment’s Islam: A “Necessary Fiction”

…jectionable in light of the fact that the Capitol building, yards from the site of the proposed artwork, was an intended target of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Rudy Giuliani, mayor of New York City during the attacks, is calling the mural “a desecration.” And former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin tweeted that the “Muslim Mural is UNNECESSARY provocation.” Tempers are running even higher online, where noted blogger and…

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Personhood USA says Romney would Permit “Death Penalty” for “Babies Conceived in Rape”

…wins the office of Vice President of the United States.” Romney’s campaign site claims he is “pro-life:”  Mitt believes that life begins at conception and wishes that the laws of our nation reflected that view. But while the nation remains so divided, he believes that the right next step is for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade – a case of blatant judicial activism that took a decision that should be left to the people and placed it in the…

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Beliefnet Readers: Are You Really Offended by the Word “Feminism”?

…ent years crafting. What does surprise me is this: Evidently a non-trivial number of readers of Beliefnet out there are offended by the word feminist. They don’t just disagree with certain tenets of feminism (which is far from monolithic, btw). They don’t just think, “Eh, that’s not really my thing, but whatevs, I like the site anyway and there are zillions of other people to read there. Oh, say! I think I’ll take the ‘What religion are you?’ quiz…

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Well, It Would Have Been a Good Religion Question…

…ll, which fights for the right of women to pray aloud at Judaism’s holiest site. “At the coercion of Israel’s ultra-Orthodox religious establishment,” Menachem Z. Rosensaft writes in the Forward: women are forbidden to read from the Torah or to wear prayer shawls or tefilin in the plaza in front of the Wall. Women who defy these prohibitions, including Hoffman, are routinely harassed. Earlier this year, during the summer, Hoffman disclosed that, “…

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Anglican Church To Install First Female African Bishop

…Wamukoya, age 61, was elected last July by clergy and laity in Swaziland, site of the 1992 conference at which women in the ACSA were given access to ordained ministry in the church. Bishop Wamukoya, formerly a bi-vocational University chaplain and city administrator, will be joined in the archdiocese by another woman bishop, the Rev. Margaret Vertue, who was elected to the Diocese of False Bay in October and will be consecrated in the new year….

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Rubio Leaves Science to the Theologians, or the Free Market. Or Something.

…hat it’s about 4.54 billion years old, give or take a bit, and also that a site claiming the earth is about 6,000 years old comes up before the scientific answer. You could see how that could be confusing for someone who’s “not a scientist.”) But he does say, “I can tell you what the Bible says,” implying there’s a biblical answer that does—and should!—resolve the dispute. See, he’s been trained to say that the Bible provides the answer. On the ot…

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A Church Group, a Lawsuit, and a Culture of Abuse

…bers’ blogs that have cropped up since 2007, starting with SGM Survivors—a site where ex-members have shared numerous accounts of SGM’s cult-like atmosphere, including cover-ups of spousal abuse and sexual abuse of children as young as two. And in October 2012, three people whose stories were first shared on SGM Survivors formalized their complaints by becoming the first plaintiffs in the current class action lawsuit, charging the ministry and its…

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Mourning Jenni Rivera: “When a Lady Dies”

…at is a religion of the streets. Seen in religious processions, shrines to official and folk saints, and public altars, this Roman Catholic spirituality brings communities together to celebrate and mourn. Mexico has had its share of daughters whose struggles have led them to be remembered more by tragedy than triumph. We remember La Malinche, Cortés translator and lover, who was forced into servitude like so many other indigenous women during the…

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