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God is a Terrifying Monster, and Other Takeaways from the Study of Vampires in Pop Culture

…napped with my iPhone while on a trip to southern Ohio. I didn’t intend to use it for the book; I just thought it was a great picture. But as I considered cover ideas, that image of a decaying church perfectly embodied what I was trying to say in the book. Is there a book out there you wish you had written? How do you even narrow down a question like this? Fiction? Non-fiction? Historical? Contemporary? Other than naming my all-time favorite novel…

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Gay Marriage Bill Totalitarian Says Head Bishop

…s into Senate offices. NOM is urging Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos to use his power to keep marriage from coming to the floor for a vote. Meanwhile, Archbishop Timothy Dolan is getting increasingly shrill in his efforts to stop the shift toward equality. This week, on his official blog, he wrote: “Last time I consulted an atlas, it is clear we are living in New York, in the United States of America—not in China or North Korea. In those countr…

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Trump’s Inaugural Address Gets an “F” in American Civil Religion

…ey are illegitimate. This worldview—divided between winners and losers, to use two words popular with our new president—has, it seems, little use for sacrifice. Trump, in his speech, evoked not the ultimate sacrifice of those who give their lives for their country but, instead, in an odd image, the blood that unifies patriots. Never mind that traitors, tyrants, and terrorists all bleed red, too, Trump’s description of what “our soldiers will never…

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Just War Tradition v. David Brooks on 9/11 Trials

…s is correct about the significance of the nomenclature, the categories we use to describe events. But I think he flubs the conclusion. Eric Holder’s language was very deliberate. His Commander-in-Chief has authored and authorized the same shift in terminology. The Bush administration concluded within 24 hours of the 9/11 attacks that these amounted to “acts of war,” and subsequently launched the nation on its “war against terror.” The problematic…

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No Turkey for Me: Confessions of an Indian Militant

…ple. We know that Thanksgiving is a holiday forged from the fires Puritans used to burn the victims of their war against the Pequod Indians in Massachusetts in 1637. We cringe when millions of children in thousands of schools across America use this month to re-create the First Thanksgiving, crafting hats and feathers out of construction paper. We also know that this is not the only time of the year they will eat “Indian foods.” Americans througho…

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Catholic Church is Lucky it’s Just Same-Sex Marriage

…h, a young woman said,  “Hi. I’m so and so, and I’m a lesbian.” Then she paused. “Well, I used to be a lesbian,” she added, “but my partner had a sex-change operation, so now I’m not exactly sure what I am.” And that was just the beginning. Next there was a newspaper article about women Olympic athletes being eliminated from competition because tests revealed that they were genetically male, something about which they themselves hadn’t a clue. The…

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Top Five (Less Sensational, But More Dangerous) Things to Remember About Pat Robertson (1930-2023)

…as central to the Republican coalition—I rank it separately and higher because anti-Robertsonite conservatives in the Republican Coalition at least have some alibi in relation to Robertson’s 1988 campaign—they beat him back and have engaged in related tugs of war ever since. However, I see no such alibi for looking the other way as Robertson made anti-Semitic smears (plus similar attacks on New Agers, feminists, Muslims, and others) and absurd cla…

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“Ex-Gay” Therapy Revealed in Prop. 8 Trial

…tify hostility and prejudice against blacks? N: Yes. B: Was this prejudice used to “protect families”? N: Yes. B: Were the same arguments used against women (family protection)? N: Yes. The danger of using religious arguments to deny rights to a certain set of people is on full display in the trial. Anti-gay religious advocates argue that they want to “protect the family” by denying marriage equality. However, it is plain that religious opposition…

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Capricology: Television, Tech, and the Sacred

…the racial stereotyping (damn it, can’t a bomber just be other than Middle Eastern? Swedish, maybe?) What I believe is Caprica’s genius is to use the stereotypes and add another type of hybrid life form into the mix. Daniel Greystone’s nefarious capture of his daughter’s essence in her “second life” world and downloading it to the Cylon is sick and brilliant. Enlisting Tamara’s father, Joseph Adama (yes, Commander Adama’s father) to steal the meta…

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Don’t Discount Evangelicalism as a Factor in Racist Murder of Asian Spa Workers in Georgia

…and devaluation from white men who thought I should have sex with them because as an Asian, I was a geisha (which they take to mean ‘sex worker’), and so it’s not really cheating or adultery for them.” Bergeron’s experience with the few men of color in her SBC communities diverged sharply from her experience with white men, who “would confess their porn addictions to me, thinking I would fulfill their lust.” She says they were surprised when she s…

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