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Reconsidering “Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin”: An Interview with Ethicist Eric Reitan

…e a measure of self-protection and self-love and a recognition, especially online. I’m trying, with my book, to help to lay the groundwork so this kind of positive dialogue becomes a real possibility. I find it fascinating that, in the book, you view Kim Davis through this Christian ethic lens and come to her defense in some ways in an effort to help readers understand where she was coming from according to her particular strain of Christianity. I…

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Puerto Rico Prays for Truth: Reporter David Begnaud’s Sacred Mission

…reaction to—admiration for and awe at—the work Begnaud has been doing. An online petition urging recognition for this work cites “his arduous work, empathy, kindness and overall dedication to giving the world a true glimpse into this catastrophic event that is upon the people of the Island of Puerto Rico.” One Puerto Rican on the mainland articulates a widespread sense: “You are our source for truthful information.” Begnaud stands in the face of…

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Oedipus Complexity: Is it Enough to Fire Men Accused of Sexual Misconduct?

…ty and mutual interest can shield miscreants. Before his resignation, some online progressives (and Garrison Keillor) flocked to Franken’s defense, sometimes even borrowing the standard tactics of counter-attacking the victim. Donald Trump, accused by many women of groping, went after Franken on Twitter but stood by Moore, his fellow partisan in politics and denial. If Moore should win his election, he will be treated—much as Trump has been—as hav…

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Reports of the Death of ISIS Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

…were, especially at the beginning of ISIS control, when ISIS was seen as a Sunni vanguard that would provide dignity and jobs for the largely Sunni population of Mosul and other parts of western Iraq. Even now, the young men told me, there were many ISIS sympathizers embedded among the refugees, ready to reorganize and rise up when the time was ripe. The time could become ripe soon if the Iraqi government and international relief agencies do littl…

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#Churchtoo: Apology of Evangelical Pastor Accused of Sexual Assault Shows Why Sorry Isn’t Enough

…ee intoned, “Highpoint Church, in all of our locations, everybody watching online, I want you to know that we love you in an incredible way, and we are sincerely sorry.” Conlee adds that he is sorry to all the guests who may be visiting or viewing a service for the first time, but prays that “what you witness today will give you incredible confidence in what love is all about,” as he begins to sob. Steadying his voice quickly, he concludes, “any p…

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How Men’s Rights Activists Are Finding Unlikely Allies in New Atheism: #MeToo, the Manosphere, and the “Church of Feminism”

…ch Men’s Rights Activists are finding unlikely allies. Openly misogynistic online communities—collectively called the “Manosphere”—are bound together by one foundational belief: that feminism is a society-wide delusion that oppresses men at every opportunity. So-called “Red Pill” culture draws its name from the blue pill/red pill concept in The Matrix. The blue pill is the “myth of female oppression”; the only recourse disenfranchised men have in…

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Must We Burn Something to Get Attention?: 50 Years After the Catonsville Nine

…locked and marching in Charlottesville, and before state houses across the country, teeming with teachers? What do America’s religions say to those Americans with disabilities being hauled off by Capitol cops, and to the numberless people standing against legal authority that suspects them for the crime of simply being black or Muslim or queer? If we think about Catonsville not just as a curiosity, a minor episode in the history of radical chic, b…

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Catholics Urge Pope to Remove Bishop Who Ignored Child Sex Abuser

…as City diocese, and a priest, the Rev. James Connell. It was backed by an online petition signed by 113,000 Catholics. They asked Pope Francis to remove Bishop Robert Finn, who was convicted in 2012 of a misdemeanor charge of failing to report a priest who had pornographic images of children on his computer. The priest is currently serving 50 years for taking the pictures but Finn remains in place as the head of the diocese. The UN report said th…

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Who Would the Buddha Bomb?

…ranches of the armed forces. With this rise of dharma practitioners in the services has come a need for Buddhist chaplains, and several have been commissioned in the last fifteen years. (Two of them, the Army’s Somya Malasri and the Navy’s Aroon Seeda, were among the attendees at the White House gathering.) Bosco notes, however, that many Buddhists in the U.S. military have retreated to online communities due to the prevailing support for nonviole…

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The Creepy Surveillance of Elf on a Shelf

…e elves are ubiquitous. They can be purchased from bookstores, Target, and online retailers. Tutus can create girl elves, and sports jerseys can masculinize the boy elves. Parents move elves around their homes, so that the elf is a different spot every morning. Some parents elaborately stage elves making mischief with marshmallow fights and flour “snow” angels. Facebook photos of Santa’s helpers abound as parents document how scout elves act when…

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