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RDGenerations: Religion in the Academy

…whether non-Christian students should even care, and whether dispensationalist interpretive schemes can make the conflicts disappear. LH: Now who is using jargon? MH: True enough. “Dispensationalism” is the theory that history from Genesis to Armageddon is divided into stages, or dispensations. People build on this idea to claim that all Bible texts are literally true at the same time—we just need to sort them into the right eras. Of course this…

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What’s Wrong with Wright’s Words

…n eye…We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America’s chickens are coming home to roost… When attempting to sort through the controversy over Wright’s remarks, there seems little reason to linger over the comments about September 11, which do not differ greatly from those offered by a not…

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Review: Is the Religious Right Dying?

…litics in a Post-Religious Right America (HarperCollins, 2008), Time journalist Amy Sullivan’s engaging The Party Faithful: How and Why Democrats Are Closing the God Gap, and former National Council of Churches head Rev. Bob Edgar’s clarion call Middle Church: Reclaiming the Moral Values of the Faithful Majority from the Religious Right (Simon & Schuster, 2006). The publication of these books (and others in the genre) demonstrates that even if the…

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Obama’s Pastor and the Politics of Patriotic Treason

…ould still argue that Wright’s more contentious sermons come across as simplistically reductive, racially polarizing, and thus politically unproductive. This may be true. I would definitely concede that such tropes as suggesting African Americans sing “God Damn America” are consistent with what philosopher Jeffery Stout refers to as the “rhetoric of excess” associated with unrealizable and impractical racial politics. But herein also lay Dr. Wrigh…

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Bishop John Shelby Spong Declares Victory: Is it Premature?

…ips, like the religiously conservative Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina, repealed their prohibitions against interracial dating. In 1989, the Southern Baptist convention passed a resolution on race in which they vowed to “repent of any past bigotry and pray for those who are still caught in its clutches.” The “debate” over interracial marriage, and the racism that undergirded its ban, did not end – but the conversation changed fr…

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Sacred Real Estate: What Makes Washington’s WWII Memorial So Dreadful?

…ears that followed the attack on Pearl Harbor, he would be deployed to the South Pacific, survive the war, and return home to raise a family. The war he liked to talk about (at least with me) was made up of football games with his friends, cribbage in the trenches, and the exotic surprises that Australia and the Philippines held for an Oregon farmboy. Of course, there was a good deal more to his war, but he didn’t care to talk about that. He was a…

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Mike Huckabee’s Fox News Problem

…bee won the Iowa caucuses in 2008, “McCain and Thompson kneecapped him [in South Carolina], claimed he wasn’t a fiscal conservative.” Then, Lewis maintained, when the candidates moved on to Florida, “Fox News reported that Huckabee wasn’t campaigning there.” Sean Hannity, she continued, “said it on his radio show and wouldn’t correct it” and it was an “outright lie.” “You could’ve made a case for election tampering,” she added. I haven’t, naturall…

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Do Tea Partiers Use Religious Justification For Racial Rhetoric?

…and American Law. Botham counterposes the legal structure in the American South, based in Protestantism, with the legal structure of the West, based in Catholicism, by looking at two court cases challenging interracial marriage laws: the more familiar Loving v. Virginia and Perez v. Lippold. What I loved about this book is how Botham looks at the way biblical interpretation, legal history, and the institution of slavery interact to create ever-ev…

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“You’ve Never Met a Muslim”

…—but that will in no way reduce the sadness I will always feel when I look south on the anniversary of 9/11 and see the Tribute in Light where the World Trade Center once stood. As General Powell rightly said, there is nothing wrong with being a Muslim in this country. Being Muslim does not make me any less American.   Haroon Moghul_________ How Far is it to Islam? We spent the first Monday evening of my senior year plastering every dorm we could…

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‘Id Mubarak and Many Happy Returns!

…u) with health and peace.” I think in the United States, we take ours from South Asia and just say ‘Id Mubarak, “blessed ‘Id,” with the response, ‘Id Karim, “noble or generous ‘Id.” And everywhere there is food. So much food you can see why such a rigorous fast does not produce the world’s thinnest people: they’d eat it all back during the three-day celebration. And that’s what is should be: three days of celebration. The part that puts the ‘holy’…

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