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YOU Are Spiritual But Not Religious: The Secret Spiritual History of the Choose Your Own Adventure Books

…eeker is typically thought of as embracing a mishmash of conflicting ideas—Catholicism and reincarnation, Buddhism and crystals, kitschy angels and dreamcatchers—which, if taken seriously as ideas, would not seem to fit together. For Montgomery, however, joining spiritual individuality to social practice meant a special emphasis on individual decisions, individual choices. He didn’t necessarily advocate that people believe a bit of everything, but…

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Global LGBT Recap: Catholic Polling, Religious Violence, International Advocacy

…while almost 8 out of 10 Polish Catholics oppose it (15-78). In Latin America, Catholics in Brazil and Argentina are about evenly split (45-47 and 46-48), with opposition higher in Mexico (36-62) and Colombia (23-71). Filipino Catholics oppose (14-84), while Catholics in Uganda and the Congo almost unanimously oppose same-sex marriage (1-99 and 2-98).  Survey results are presented in an interactive format that makes it easy to view results by coun…

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The Abortion Debate, Texas Style

…t update from Stand With Texas Women on Facebook, I heard Texas Sen. Donna Campbell on the local news declare that “Democracy was traded for mobocracy” during the successful filibuster. Mobocracy, really? Needless to say, the proverbial line was drawn in the sand, yet again. The orange-clad were directed to arrive at the Capitol the following day, July 2, ready to register their stance on HB2 and, if desired, to sign up to testify before the House…

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The Demographic that Should Keep Rove Awake at Night

…ould really need proof that atheists are as moral as any other group, they can call in some studies, or look at the growing body of research suggesting that humans’ sense of morality is hardwired and innate.  The politics of the nones in America remains to be written. This diverse group seems united primarily in its members’ opposition to the toxic blurring of religion and government. But if trends continue, perhaps we can look forward to the day…

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Trump with back to camera stands before a frenzied crowd with raised fist.

With ‘Vermin’ Remark Trump Crosses Fully into Nazi Territory

…d nominee of one of America’s two major political parties; no other Republican candidate is within striking distance. In virtually every national poll—and in recent battleground state polls—a two-way election between Trump and Joe Biden is a tossup.* In PRRI’s recent American Values Survey, conducted in partnership with the Brookings Institution, nearly all voters who supported Trump in 2020 (94%) said they planned to support him in 2024. More tha…

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Scott Walker Loves Jesus. That’s Nice

…ow evaporated. In order to work their will without a quorum, Senate Republicans stripped out all references to state finances and converted their bill into a straightforward anti-union smackdown. I don’t know how many commentators will observe that this is about violence to workers’ rights and livelihoods. It doesn’t matter that it takes place in Wisconsin’s very graceful Capitol building (I loved its elegance and its distinctive sounds and smells…

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‘It’s a Gay Problem,’ and Other Myths From the Catholic Church’s Sexual Abuse Crisis

…spiracy. Vigano’s letter opened the doors to the inner workings of the Vatican political and culture war—one culminating with accusations of liberal vs. conservative, gay vs. straight priests, and the power struggles between Popes Francis, Pope Emeritus Benedict, and the Roman Curia. The problem? None of this has to do with the causes of the sexual abuse of children. By muddying the waters and shifting focus from the crimes and onto politics and t…

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Exclusive: Religious Leaders for Immigration Equality for Gay and Lesbian Couples

…— demonstrate how the leadership of mainline denominations, Jewish groups, Catholic advocacy groups, and individual clergy offer a pro-equality position. In particular, the inclusion of Catholic organizations like Catholics for Equality and Call to Action demonstrates the split between the church hierarchy and rank-and-file Catholics on the issue. Republicans are against immigration reform, even if some version of it has the support of conservativ…

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Fox News Controversy on Yoga and White Supremacy Reveals Problem of Yoga Discussion

…e Gandhi and Wolff’s arguments. Instead, like a butcher shaving fat from a carcass, Parke carefully cuts and pastes quotes on cultural appropriation to present for his readers a very simple, and misleading, picture: professors call yoga practitioners white supremacists. A careful and thorough reading of Gandhi and Wolff’s arguments, however, leaves the responsible reader reflecting on the suggestion that white Americans practicing yoga should cont…

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Pope Francis Has Painted Himself into a Corner on Women Deacons

…t is highly probable that even these crumbs will be given only to women in canonical religious communities—that is to sisters—who have already signaled by their vow of obedience some willingness to cooperate with the current system in exchange for public status as religious. This is a nightmare scenario insofar as it will divide women from one another. I regret to say it is not out of the question, but I urge women to guard against it by rejecting…

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