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New Book Reveals How Faith is Like a Covert Operation for the Bush Family

…r their political strategy. Wead felt that Poppy himself had embarked on a spiritual journey, reworking his own spiritual identity even as he studied the evangelical world and developed a political approach for his 1988 presidential campaign. All of this would be crucial since Representative Jack Kemp (R-NY), a well-known conservative evangelical, and televangelist Pat Robertson also planned to run for the GOP nomination, forcing Bush to compete f…

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Pope Backs Anti-Gay Referendum; Islamic State Executions Include Gay Syrian; ‘Conscience Clause’ Debated in Northern Ireland; Global LGBT Recap

…en a problem for him or Uganda. African Union: Anti-Gay Mugabe Appointed Chair Robert Mugabe, the president of Zimbabwe, became chairman of the African Union, a position he will hold for the coming year, Pink News reports: In his speech, which drew applause, he said African countries should value relationships with “friends”, but that “colonialists and imperialists” were not welcome on the continent. Ahead of his re-election campaign last year he…

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Contrary to Popular Narrative the Supreme Court’s ‘303’ Decision Gutting Civil Rights Laws is not About an Individual Standing Up For Her Beliefs

…ation; to his insulting exchange with Justice Kagan about JDate, “a dating service, I gather, for Jewish people;” to his loathsome attempt at humor, “Maybe Justice Kagan will also be familiar with the next website I’m going to mention,”—a website for those seeking extramarital affairs. The argument was unhinged because the case is untethered from reality. The opinion suffers from the same malady—it’s divorced from reality. And th…

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Doonesbury Comic Waxes Eloquent on the Greatness of Jesus, Slams Old Testament God

…It is not, like the “new testament,” a concentrated response to a singular spiritual revolution. It is an encyclopedia of images of God, and standard readings of Jesus, by contrast, can seem rather reductionist, and the Christian message of love all too often the mask of a repressed anger with a very strange and public act of sado-masochism at its core. As for the moneylenders, it’s just pure fun to point out that Trudeau misread the book of Matth…

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‘No Room’ for Gays in Country that Worships God [Kenya] | Churches Fight to Keep Sexuality Out of Sex Ed [S. Korea] | Global LGBT Recap

…that the women’s rights movement has been pushing for change for more than 120 years. Most of the advances for LGBT people have come in the past decade. “That doesn’t mean it’s necessarily going to take another 100 years. But it does mean the battle isn’t over, and in some countries it’s barely begun,” Radcliffe told The Huffington Post this week. “A lot of work lies ahead to challenge oppressive laws, demand proper legal protections and to chang…

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The Death of a Black Man at the Hands of Black Officers Unveiled Something More Complex Than Whiteness

…ed by badge and bullets—symbols of the Blue—distort a commitment to public service and safety by conflating their professional and personal identities, often allowing the former to overwhelm, even displace the latter. Blueness superseded the officers’ Blackness, along with their professionalism, training, and commonsense. Unfair burdens and absurd expectations are placed on Black people in Blue to radically transform a system that sprouted out of…

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‘He Gets Us’ and Sleazy ‘Swift Boat’ Ads Share a Central Figure — Further Evidence of a Right-Wing Bait-and-Switch

…ycle, Democratic candidate John Kerry’s campaign drew attention to Kerry’s service as a Swift Boat commander in Vietnam, where he earned a Purple Heart for being injured in combat. Without a shred of evidence, the “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth” group claimed that the history of Kerry’s heroism under fire was fabricated, simultaneously impugning Kerry’s patriotism by criticizing his subsequent opposition to the war (a position that many, myself in…

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‘Exporting Garbage to the Nations’: Conservative Christian Rifts Spreading Like Cracked Glass

…ad! Are we not supposed to work together? I’d also like to leave with this… 1Chronicles 16:22 Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.” To which Chris Hume replied: “Mr. Fosdick, would you be willing to come into the studio and defend the assertion that Julie Green and Bo Polny should not be judged by the standard of Scripture?” The Fosdicks appealed to Matthew 18:15, which instructs Christians to deal privately with a brother or siste…

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The “Nones” Are Here… And Have Been for Over 100 Years

…f “nones” as Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins hit the bestseller lists a good 10-15 years after the uptick in “nones” back in the 1990s. It’s important to recall, however, that the presence of Americans who find Saturday- or Sunday-morning solace in nature or the newspaper goes back quite a bit further, though the questions have remained eerily consistent from one era to another. Today’s religious “nones” encompass both atheists and those who believ…

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Statement on NAR & Christian Nationalism Answers Few Questions But Exposes Growing Rifts in the Movement

…own website endorses the Coalition on Revival’s positions expressed in its 17 Worldview Documents, which were created in the 1980s after years of dialog among hundreds of evangelical leaders (including Wagner and Rushdoony) to arrive at what they understood to be their “biblical worldview.” Nevertheless, the signatories declare, “WE DENY any affiliation with what is presently characterized as “NAR” in many circles of both Christian and secular pr…

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