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Five Signs Atwood’s “Handmaid’s Tale” Dystopia May Be Nigh

…providing abortion, even if a woman is paying some or all of the premium. Texas just passed two bills that would ban the safest, most common second-trimester abortion method and require women who have an abortion to pay for the burial or cremation of aborted fetuses. Arkansas passed a law that would not only ban the safest second-trimester procedure, but potentially allow husbands or fathers to block a woman’s abortion. According to the Daily Bea…

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Is Religion the Only Tool Left for Legal Discrimination?

…take effect. A three-judge panel on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in Texas seemed cautiously skeptical of the law’s necessity when they heard oral arguments on the Mississippi case earlier this week. “I think it’s too soon to say that religious exemptions are an effective or legal way to justify LGBTQ discrimination,” Platt told RD in an email exchange today. “Just as courts have in the past refused to grant religious exemptions from laws th…

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How a 15th Century Book on Witchcraft Helps Make Sense of Trump’s Bizarre Baby Execution Story

…after they are born. On February 12, at his border wall rally in El Paso, Texas, Trump accused governor Ralph Northam of Virginia of plotting to execute babies: The governor stated he would even allow a newborn baby to come out into the world, and wrap the baby, and make the baby comfortable, then talk to the mother and talk to the father, and then execute the baby. Later in February he tweeted that “the Democrat position on abortion is now so ex…

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On Historic “Decision Day,” SCOTUS Sends LGBT Americans Mixed Messages

…issued on June 26. From the decimation of anti-sodomy laws in Lawrence v. Texas in 2003, to the affirmation of our constitutional right to marry someone of the same sex in Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015, this “Decision Day” at the end of the court’s term has frequently signaled a leap forward for the legal equality of LGBT Americans. And in some ways, June 26, 2017 is upholding that tradition: the Supreme Court today reversed a ruling from the Arka…

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GOP isn’t Pro-Life After All

…m to be “pro-life.” It also shows a way forward on abortion for Democrats. Texas Rep. Peter Olson this week became the latest Republican to assert that it was perfectly fine for the party’s overhaul of the Affordable Care Act to allow insurers to opt-out of providing maternity care as a basic service, as many conservatives have requested, with the goal of reducing premiums. “We have what’s called an X chromosome, which means we can’t have a baby,”…

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In Times of Upheaval, SBC Turns Its Back on “the Least of These”

…During the annual meeting, Dwight McKissic, a black pastor from Arlington, Texas, initially introduced a resolution condemning white supremacy and the “retrograde ideologies, xenophobic biases and racial bigotries of the so-called alt-right.” Lack of support from the majority of the convention led to division and chaos, and ultimately a much weaker version of the resolution was adopted. This blundered attempt at social progressiveness was further…

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Advice from a Disaster Pastor: Open Your Wallet, Not Your Closet

…that’s needed. Money moves at the speed of electrons: far faster — and far cheaper — than anything that can be loaded onto a semi-trailer. Due to economies of scale — not to mention price breaks wholesalers extend to charities — there’s more bang to every buck contributed directly to a house of worship or relief agency than there is in using the same greenback to buy dog food or diapers. The cost of transportation must always be factored in. Besid…

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Roy “10 Commandments” Moore Doesn’t Want to Reform the Senate, He Has a Higher Calling

…Congress whose views or experience are analogous to Moore’s is tricky, but Texas Sen. Ted Cruz likely comes closest to providing that example—especially during the Senator’s freshman term, when the Tea Party-backed legislator reveled in publicity-grabbing stunts like his infamous Green Eggs and Ham filibuster over the Affordable Care Act. But Cruz, who became a Senator at age 43, has had to temper his anti-establishmentarianism, and his right-wing…

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First Baptist Church, Sutherland Springs Texas

Can Government Solve The Evil Of Mass Shootings? A Response to Mollie Hemingway

Yesterday’s shootings at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas were horrific and especially cruel given the tight-knit nature of a small community. It was more than a little surreal to see Christianity Today report that, what is now the nation’s fourth-worst gun massacre (the shootings in Las Vegas being number one), was “only the 14th mass murder at an American house of worship since 1963.” Only! We have to have rankings of such…

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The Surprising Catholic Roots of the War on Xmas

…, like prohibitions against homosexuality. As the Post reported, when then-Texas Gov. Rick Perry was running for the GOP nomination in 2011, he said that “there’s something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can’t openly celebrate Christmas or pray in schools.” The “War on Christmas” may have become a punch line for Jon Stewart, but as a rallying cry for cultural conservatives it was effective in convinci…

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