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The Story of ‘In God We Trust,’ Our Christian Nationalist Motto [Part 1]

…lie James argued for the motto with a militant Christian nationalism: This country is not only a Christian nation, but we are … sending to foreign countries and to distant people our missionaries to preach the religions of Jesus Christ, and … when this gold … is held in the hands of those who do not know of the existence of the Saviour of the world, we can say: “Here are the dollars of the greatest nation on earth, one that does not put its trust…

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The Link Between Texas’ Law Requiring ‘In God We Trust’ Signs in Schools and the January 6 Insurrection

…icitly Christian Nationalist and coordinated. State legislators around the country are using this Christian Nationalist playbook to divide the country along religious lines. Because of my role spearheading the report on Christian Nationalism in the Capitol insurrection, I was asked to deliver written testimony to the January 6th Committee. In it, I included a new section that looked at the influence of Christian Nationalism on state and local offi…

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Seattle ‘CultureMaker’ Nathan Marion: We Need New Abbeys in America to Foster Community, Arts

…t) leases the building. The church is still active in the space. They have services there on Sundays, for the most part. The Abbey leases the building throughout the year, essentially Monday through Saturday, with exceptions for Holy Week and other holidays. We’re doing that now in our new venue, Ballard Homestead (in a nearby neighborhood), which has a different church owner, but a similar set-up. A lot of these churches nowadays, especially arou…

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Whom Will She Wreck?: The Real Sarah Palin Question

…a Party not as “terrorists,” but as underdog patriots trying to gain their country back. Palin’s supporters are hungry, soaking up her message as their clothing soaked up the rain. Hearing only what they wanted to hear, supporters raised no objection as Palin touted her plan to create jobs by eliminating corporate income taxes claiming that it would return power to “We the People.” Like any good evangelist who knows that she has to keep her preach…

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Marriage equality comes to Slovenia, continues to spread in Mexico; Civil Union legislation approved in Sicily, debated in Peru; Global LGBT Recap

…overnment building in the capital Bishkek. “Between five and 10 NGOs are actively lobbying the interests of the LGBT community,” the group’s leader, 31-year-old Jenishbek Moldokmatov, told journalists. “What gives them the right to speak for the rest of the country?” In the country’s more conservative provinces, a homosexual will still be “met with pitchforks,” he warned…. Moldokmatov is known for his anti-gay stance. Last year he burned an image…

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In Tea Party Senate Candidate’s Dissertation, A Nostalgia for a Populist Christian Nation

…ngs on Becker’s proposal. But Becker was so committed to defending God and country, Sasse writes, that he then devoted his energies to educating the public about the mechanics of a discharge petition to force the chairman’s hand. “There was something almost Shakespearean,” Sasse notes, “about a man claiming to represent the great majority in defense of the great tradition now having to depend on an arcane legislative procedure.” Sasse insists that…

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Brits Get A Dose of Christian Nation Politicking

…r criticizing Cameron for “his characterisation of Britain as a ‘Christian country;’ and the negative consequences for politics and society that this engenders.” They went on: Apart from in the narrow constitutional sense that we continue to have an established Church, Britain is not a “Christian country”. Repeated surveys, polls and studies show that most of us as individuals are not Christian in our beliefs or our religious identities. At a soci…

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Trump’s Fear and Loathing Won’t Silence The Nation’s Sole LGBT Muslim Organization

…away. So its relationships and resources must be carefully deployed in the service of local movement-building. It is at home, for instance, that the organization has excoriated the Trump administration for rescinding protections for transgender students and children, thereby endangering their lives and creating a violently transphobic political culture. In the same vein, LGBT Muslims are fully conscious of the injurious effects of Trump’s Islamoph…

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In Israel, Left and Right Join to Protest New Government Threat to Democracy — What’s Striking is What’s Missing

…essentially over. It is no longer the core of the Left’s problems with the country. Amazingly, the Left and center-left accomplished what the Right has been trying to do unsuccessfully for decades: stifle the conversation about the Occupation. To change the subject. This is not unintentional. In order for the center-left to attract the soft right to join its movement, discussion about the Occupation must be muted, or excluded. If the Occupation is…

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Freedom of Religion Means Freedom for All

…ved the mosque.” “What are we about, if not religious freedom? What is the country about if not religious freedom? What is this state about if not religious freedom? Well, religious freedom except I don’t like this religion. But then, there might be another government, and they won’t like Catholicism, or they won’t like Judaism, or they won’t like Christianity, then what?” (What makes this even more sad is that people seem to have forgotten that M…

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