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Na’vi and Goliath: Palestinian Protesters Dress as Avatar Underdogs

…were the outsiders, interlopers. As the West Bank Settlers (and the large number of Israeli supporters) understand themselves to be the true ‘indigenous population’—the descendants of the ancient Israelites to whom the Land was promised—this media critique cut to the bone. A few weeks before the Bilin demonstration, the analogy between the film and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was made explicit in a recent article by James Wall, former editor…

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Capricology: Week 2: The Soul of a Robot

…wonder young Bill grows up to find community, purpose and identity in the military’s ranks. High Priestess Clarice Willow’s polygamous household looks like it might offer something better: big love and shared purpose. But the profusion of furtive glances and angry accusations give lie to what is heralded as an extended family. Even “found” families are treacherous. Zoe kept secrets from Lacy, Lacy deserts Zoe and Ben when they run away, Ben kills…

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Capricology: Television, Tech, and the Sacred

…e, too: religious extremism, economic inequality, anti-immigrant fervor, a military increasingly dependent upon drones, the lure of the virtual worlds, and the comfort of slick surfaces. Like BSG, Caprica asks, “What makes us human?” But this time, the answers seem a lot closer to home. –DW 1/24/10   Henry Jenkins ___________________________ The opening sequences of Caprica already pose some interesting questions from my point of view. What consti…

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How Not To Respond to Haiti

…came intensely and horrifically violent in the 1600s, inspiring increasing numbers of European colonists to flee the Old World and to cross the Atlantic. So bad had things become that the great “rights revolutions”—beginning with the so-called Glorious Revolution in England in 1688, and culminating in the French Revolution in 1789—allied themselves to various degrees with the cause of “secular politics.” If religious conflict was destined to be so…

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Excerpt: The Christian Roots of Zionism

…uages, became a mainstay of Zionist polemics. The phrase was utilized in a number of ways, some more sophisticated than others. While some advocates of Zionism used it to imply that Palestine was empty of people, that suggestion was contradicted by the reports of many Western visitors. The phrase was most pointedly used to claim that the Arabs of Palestine had no distinct Palestinian identity. They were ‘‘Arabs,’’ not a cohesive national group. Th…

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What the Danish Cartoon Controversy Tells Us About Religion, the Secular, and the Limits of the Law

…Applied” anthropology, as in the hiring of anthropologists by the American military to help with understanding Afghanistan, for example, seems to assume that understanding difference can provide a road to a renewed progressive politics. But anthropology is not just about translating other cultures. It is also about understanding what Asad calls “the modern secular condition we all inhabit.” The sameness is as important as the difference. Asad and…

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Jewish Past/Israeli Future: A Review of The Invention of the Jewish People

…ael’s Fateful Hour, a 1984 book by Yehoshafat Harkabi, the head of Israeli Military Intelligence in the 1950s, warned of the dire consequences for Israel of the longterm occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. The book found no audience in the United States. In that same Orwellian year, 1984, another book on Israel was published—Joan Peter’s From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict Over Palestine. The book’s claim that most of t…

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Found in Translation: How a Thirteenth-Century Islamic Poet Conquered America

…sion reveals that Ahmadinejad, who has no authority whatsoever over Iran’s military forces, may not have been directly threatening the people of Israel, but alluding to a passive wish for the collapse of the Israeli government. This distinction is critical. “Wiped off the map,” however, has a deliciously genocidal ring to it, and it was quickly seized upon by warmongers in order to bolster their case for dropping B61 nuclear bombs on Iran’s nuclea…

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Mennonite in a Midlife Crisis (of Faith)

…ite man (and perhaps obviously, every Mennonite woman) gets a free pass on military service. As Janzen explains, Mennonite history is complicated by the fact that for centuries, many lived in Ukraine. Feeling a bit righteously selected to witness to the Russians and Jews, the Mennonites had an advantageous social standing to boot. Janzen illustrates her point with photos of wagons taken from a Mennonite pictorial history. Under the photos, the cap…

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Racing Toward Armageddon: The Three Great Religions and the Plot to End the World: An Excerpt

…entalist preachers, coming soon. In fact many are convinced that our modem military involvement in the Middle East is linked to this fiery end. In the book of Revelation, Babylon is the source of all evil and is ultimately overthrown; Babylon, of course, is in Iraq, which has presently fallen to U.S. forces and their allies. To Christian fundamentalists, the connection, and the importance, is obvious. But the Christian fundamentalists are not the…

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