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Sex Abuse in the Catholic Church: When Adults are Victims

This week an Irish broadcaster revealed a Vatican letter from 1997 that appears to advise bishops to withhold priest sex abuse allegations from the police. The letter, written in response to Irish bishops’ policy of “mandatory reporting” and leaked by an Irish bishop, has been hailed by victim advocacy groups who hope this smoking gun will lead to definitive proof of the efforts of the Catholic hierarchy to impede prosecution of abusive priests….

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We Declare You Restored: How Christian ‘Forgiveness’ is Deployed to Enable Abuse and Corruption

Popular theology routinely enables powerful men to rehabilitate their public image after their misconduct goes public. This pattern applies especially to men known for their dedication to Jesus. The standard line holds that the man has repented of his sin and found forgiveness. Therefore, just as Jesus no longer holds his sin against him, neither should society. Far too often, the social harms attached to his transaction are ignored, and no trans…

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Cooler than Thou: Will Hipsters Wreck Christianity?

…arch morning, as I headed to Brooklyn Label, a café near my apartment in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. I was meeting Vito Aiuto, pastor of Resurrection Presbyterian Church in Williamsburg, a plant of Redeemer Presbyterian, one of the largest and most influential evangelical churches in New York City. I arrived drenched and he arrived late, wearing a utility shirt, jeans, and a maroon wool hat he never removed. We sat at the counter, sipping bottomless cof…

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Christian Publishing v. the Vagina

…consult with you about what will not get past the Christian bookstore gatekeepers,” she told me. Words like ‘kick-ass’ and ‘damn’ are out, naturally. But as Evans said, “I was fine with it, until they got to the word ‘vagina.’” While the author did agree to the edit, she later mentioned it on her blog to let off some steam—her readers were incensed. They “were really up in arms about the fact that I would have to take out something like that, you…

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The Christian Roots of the New Age: The Aquarian Gospel

…ions are not all that new. Many of the notes sounded by the eclectic soul-seekers of the New Age in the 1960s were sounded by the Romantics in the early nineteenth century. You might think of the idealization of Nature, of the upbeat and dancing portrait of human embodiment, human sexuality, physical pleasure; all of it intended as an alternative to the bad dualisms and the suspicious asceticism of more “traditional” religious forms. You might thi…

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Ihram: Dressing for the King

…” outfits arrived by Fed Ex. These were put away in the closet with the three I bought in Indonesia, just before Ramadan began. Technically the ihram, “sacred dress” for hajj is limited to what is worn by the men. They have two plain white clothes (about the size of a beach towel) which they wear. One piece is wrapped around their lower half, like a sarong or skirt, and the other piece either goes over one shoulder and under the arm on the opposit…

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Denying Darwin: Another Peculiar American Institution

I’m standing up here in front of everyone, feeling a bit like a small, slightly exotic furry animal. A meerkat perhaps—a subject of curiosity. I am standing at a podium in England, invited to speak by the British Council, because I am American. To be even more specific, because I resided at Ground Zero of my country’s cultural battle over science and religion, in an event that took place four years ago in Dover, Pennsylvania, when the local schoo…

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Phelps’ Vile Words Test First Amendment

…y, I visited the home of Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church last week in Topeka, Kansas last week. By the way, it’s been described by the media as a compound. It’s actually a city block of fenced-in homes in a rather nice residential neighborhood with lovely landscaping. It’s so nice that at first, I figured I was at the wrong place. But then I saw the giant banner on the second-story house which serves as the church, “…

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Will God-Gaming Alter the Bible?

While Americans celebrate Labor Day with picnics, BBQs, and weekend getaways, Germany-based FIAA GmbH is releasing the beta version of The Bible Online: Heroes, the first installment of a projected series of MMORTS (massively multiplayer online real-time strategy) “games” based on the Bible.  MMORTS games take place in a world that continues to exist and evolve even while any given player isn’t playing. According to the press release, there is an…

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Religion as a Front for Tyranny: A Roundtable on the Timeliness of Hulu’s “The Handmaid’s Tale”

…nothing in the book that hadn’t already happened. What makes the story so eerie to read now is that sense of recognition, of creeping familiarity. The fact that the book has maintained its relevance for more than three decades—and has now been given a second life as a TV series—reveals the enduring quality of the social struggles it depicts and how seamless the slide into tyranny can be. In this special roundtable we talk about the series with Ny…

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